2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h} {
\section { spp\_ \- ai.h File Reference}
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h} \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } sf\_ \- snort\_ \- packet.h\char `\" { } } \par
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } sf\_ \- dynamic\_ \- preprocessor.h\char `\" { } } \par
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } uthash.h\char `\" { } } \par
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\subsection * { Data Structures}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ key} { pkt\_ \- key}
struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ info} { pkt\_ \- info}
struct \hyperlink { structAI_ _ config} { AI\_ \- config}
struct \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node}
struct \hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { \_ \- AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Defines}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5e151c615eda34903514212f05a5ccf8} { PRIVATE} ~static
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5f555c0ebd29ce2771a3e2dd4f526746} { DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL} ~300
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0f6a189af15ef783fb46ed37c144e031} { DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL} ~300
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0c4b6fce670e46083e33b9f53b78f39e} { DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL} ~3600
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a6d9bf552c32371e0144dc6a6209c7e4a} { DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} ~\char `\" { } /var/log/snort/alert\char `\" { }
\# define \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a803dc913297ccdace9e604dbfecda97d} { DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} ~\char `\" { } /var/log/snort/cluster\_ \- alert\char `\" { }
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Typedefs}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
typedef unsigned char \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ aba7bc1797add20fe3efdf37ced1182c5} { uint8\_ \- t}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
typedef unsigned short \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a273cf69d639a59973b6019625df33e30} { uint16\_ \- t}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
typedef unsigned int \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a435d1572bf3f880d55459d9805097f62} { uint32\_ \- t}
typedef struct \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node} \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a466391129919ef12366d311d501552fa} { hierarchy\_ \- node}
typedef struct \hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { \_ \- AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a982be90e72362e88d09f28336c9a1897} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Enumerations}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
enum \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dd} { BOOL} \{ \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18ddae9de385ef6fe9bf3360d1038396b884c} { false} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dda08f175a5505a10b9ed657defeb050e4b} { true}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
enum \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640} { cluster\_ \- type} \{ \par
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab7e4e0120a041dbe6528b050c04269e0} { none} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc900639df18f0f5f2f63a1f033fe42f} { src\_ \- addr} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640aa000f955ef1374c60cdb16bf43a1593c} { dst\_ \- addr} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ac1335c508143eb06843af2ce5ff3027b} { src\_ \- port} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc4f89a184ada44073bd6f54d7fc11c9} { dst\_ \- port} ,
\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab16bb5c4b330d5db02e2d852cd2ba451} { CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
int \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a85c0852b05b60cbfe0130534160c9876} { preg\_ \- match} (const char $ \ast $ , char $ \ast $ , char $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ , int $ \ast $ )
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Check if a string matches a regular expression. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
void $ \ast $ \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ad56f71be823eead743972274b99c82ff} { AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread} (void $ \ast $ )
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Thread called for cleaning up the hash table from the traffic streams older than a certain threshold. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
void $ \ast $ \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a842a3204c6e067a9920990b573757181} { AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread} (void $ \ast $ )
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Thread for parsing Snort's alert file. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
void \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af6f7d167c3623bbc669e8d31c2719b29} { AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue} (SFSnortPacket $ \ast $ )
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Function called for appending a new packet to the hash table, creating a new stream or appending it to an existing stream. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
void \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a8749989cee2ac05a7de058faac280c02} { AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed} (struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ key} { pkt\_ \- key} key)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Set the flag \char `\" { } observed\char `\" { } on a stream associated to a security alert, so that it won't be removed from the hash table. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
void \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a857348424b9db45c90f95631eb96fd7c} { AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} (\hyperlink { structAI_ _ config} { AI\_ \- config} $ \ast $ , \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ $ \ast $ , int)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Build the clustering hierarchy trees. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ info} { pkt\_ \- info} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3054f06297a9caefd4d9b1283bb8b69a} { AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key} (struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ key} { pkt\_ \- key} )
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Get a TCP stream by key. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af19a28f7cbcdfeb2b66fb3b625b75076} { AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts} (void)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
void \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a270e86669a0aa64a8da37bc16cda645b} { AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ node)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Deallocate the memory of a log alert linked list. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Variables}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
DynamicPreprocessorData \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ab46420126c43c1aac5eabc5db266a71c} { \_ \- dpd}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection { Define Documentation}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0c4b6fce670e46083e33b9f53b78f39e} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL} }
\index { DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{DEFAULT\_\-ALERT\_\-CLUSTERING\_\-INTERVAL}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- CLUSTERING\_ \- INTERVAL~3600} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0c4b6fce670e46083e33b9f53b78f39e}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a6d9bf552c32371e0144dc6a6209c7e4a} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE@{ DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} }
\index { DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE@{ DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{DEFAULT\_\-ALERT\_\-LOG\_\-FILE}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define DEFAULT\_ \- ALERT\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE~\char `\" { } /var/log/snort/alert\char `\" { } } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a6d9bf552c32371e0144dc6a6209c7e4a}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a803dc913297ccdace9e604dbfecda97d} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE@{ DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} }
\index { DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE@{ DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{DEFAULT\_\-CLUSTER\_\-LOG\_\-FILE}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define DEFAULT\_ \- CLUSTER\_ \- LOG\_ \- FILE~\char `\" { } /var/log/snort/cluster\_ \- alert\char `\" { } } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a803dc913297ccdace9e604dbfecda97d}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5f555c0ebd29ce2771a3e2dd4f526746} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL} }
\index { DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{DEFAULT\_\-HASH\_\-CLEANUP\_\-INTERVAL}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define DEFAULT\_ \- HASH\_ \- CLEANUP\_ \- INTERVAL~300} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5f555c0ebd29ce2771a3e2dd4f526746}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0f6a189af15ef783fb46ed37c144e031} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL} }
\index { DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL@{ DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{DEFAULT\_\-STREAM\_\-EXPIRE\_\-INTERVAL}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define DEFAULT\_ \- STREAM\_ \- EXPIRE\_ \- INTERVAL~300} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a0f6a189af15ef783fb46ed37c144e031}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5e151c615eda34903514212f05a5ccf8} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !PRIVATE@{ PRIVATE} }
\index { PRIVATE@{ PRIVATE} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{PRIVATE}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} \# define PRIVATE~static} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a5e151c615eda34903514212f05a5ccf8}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\subsection { Typedef Documentation}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a982be90e72362e88d09f28336c9a1897} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert@{ AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} }
\index { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert@{ AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-snort\_\-alert}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef struct { \bf \_ \- AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} { \bf AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a982be90e72362e88d09f28336c9a1897}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a466391129919ef12366d311d501552fa} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !hierarchy\_ \- node@{ hierarchy\_ \- node} }
\index { hierarchy\_ \- node@{ hierarchy\_ \- node} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{hierarchy\_\-node}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef struct { \bf \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node} { \bf hierarchy\_ \- node} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a466391129919ef12366d311d501552fa}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a273cf69d639a59973b6019625df33e30} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !uint16\_ \- t@{ uint16\_ \- t} }
\index { uint16\_ \- t@{ uint16\_ \- t} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{uint16\_\-t}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef unsigned short { \bf uint16\_ \- t} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a273cf69d639a59973b6019625df33e30}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a435d1572bf3f880d55459d9805097f62} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !uint32\_ \- t@{ uint32\_ \- t} }
\index { uint32\_ \- t@{ uint32\_ \- t} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{uint32\_\-t}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef unsigned int { \bf uint32\_ \- t} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a435d1572bf3f880d55459d9805097f62}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ aba7bc1797add20fe3efdf37ced1182c5} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !uint8\_ \- t@{ uint8\_ \- t} }
\index { uint8\_ \- t@{ uint8\_ \- t} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{uint8\_\-t}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} typedef unsigned char { \bf uint8\_ \- t} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ aba7bc1797add20fe3efdf37ced1182c5}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\subsection { Enumeration Type Documentation}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dd} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !BOOL@{ BOOL} }
\index { BOOL@{ BOOL} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{BOOL}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} enum { \bf BOOL} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dd}
\begin { Desc}
\item [Enumerator: ] \par
\begin { description}
\index { false@{ false} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !false@{ false} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18ddae9de385ef6fe9bf3360d1038396b884c} {
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18ddae9de385ef6fe9bf3360d1038396b884c}
} ]\index { true@{ true} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !true@{ true} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dda08f175a5505a10b9ed657defeb050e4b} {
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dda08f175a5505a10b9ed657defeb050e4b}
} ]\end { description}
\end { Desc}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !cluster\_ \- type@{ cluster\_ \- type} }
\index { cluster\_ \- type@{ cluster\_ \- type} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{cluster\_\-type}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} enum { \bf cluster\_ \- type} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640}
\begin { Desc}
\item [Enumerator: ] \par
\begin { description}
\index { none@{ none} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !none@{ none} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab7e4e0120a041dbe6528b050c04269e0} {
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab7e4e0120a041dbe6528b050c04269e0}
} ]\index { src\_ \- addr@{ src\_ \- addr} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !src\_ \- addr@{ src\_ \- addr} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc900639df18f0f5f2f63a1f033fe42f} {
src\_ \- addr}
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc900639df18f0f5f2f63a1f033fe42f}
} ]\index { dst\_ \- addr@{ dst\_ \- addr} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !dst\_ \- addr@{ dst\_ \- addr} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640aa000f955ef1374c60cdb16bf43a1593c} {
dst\_ \- addr}
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640aa000f955ef1374c60cdb16bf43a1593c}
} ]\index { src\_ \- port@{ src\_ \- port} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !src\_ \- port@{ src\_ \- port} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ac1335c508143eb06843af2ce5ff3027b} {
src\_ \- port}
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ac1335c508143eb06843af2ce5ff3027b}
} ]\index { dst\_ \- port@{ dst\_ \- port} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !dst\_ \- port@{ dst\_ \- port} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc4f89a184ada44073bd6f54d7fc11c9} {
dst\_ \- port}
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640abc4f89a184ada44073bd6f54d7fc11c9}
} ]\index { CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES@{ CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES} !spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} } \index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES@{ CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES} } \item [{ \em
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab16bb5c4b330d5db02e2d852cd2ba451} {
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640ab16bb5c4b330d5db02e2d852cd2ba451}
} ]\end { description}
\end { Desc}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\subsection { Function Documentation}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a842a3204c6e067a9920990b573757181} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread@{ AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread} }
\index { AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread@{ AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-alertparser\_\-thread}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void$ \ast $ AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{void $\ast$}] { arg}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a842a3204c6e067a9920990b573757181}
Thread for parsing Snort's alert file.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- alertparser\_ \- thread
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em arg}] void$ \ast $ pointer to module's configuration \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a270e86669a0aa64a8da37bc16cda645b} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts} }
\index { AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-free\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$}] { node}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a270e86669a0aa64a8da37bc16cda645b}
Deallocate the memory of a log alert linked list.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- free\_ \- alerts
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em node}] Linked list to be freed \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af19a28f7cbcdfeb2b66fb3b625b75076} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts} }
\index { AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-get\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} { \bf AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{void}] { }
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af19a28f7cbcdfeb2b66fb3b625b75076}
Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- get\_ \- alerts \begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
An AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert pointer identifying the list of alerts
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3054f06297a9caefd4d9b1283bb8b69a} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key} }
\index { AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-get\_\-stream\_\-by\_\-key}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} struct { \bf pkt\_ \- info} $ \ast $ AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{struct {\bf pkt\_\-key}}] { key}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)\hspace { 0.3cm} { \ttfamily \mbox { [} read\mbox { ]} } } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3054f06297a9caefd4d9b1283bb8b69a}
Get a TCP stream by key.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- get\_ \- stream\_ \- by\_ \- key
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em key}] Key of the stream to be picked up (struct \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ key} { pkt\_ \- key} ) \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
A \hyperlink { structpkt_ _ info} { pkt\_ \- info} pointer to the stream if found, NULL otherwise
\end { DoxyReturn}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ad56f71be823eead743972274b99c82ff} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread@{ AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread} }
\index { AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread@{ AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-hashcleanup\_\-thread}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void$ \ast $ AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{void $\ast$}] { arg}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ad56f71be823eead743972274b99c82ff}
Thread called for cleaning up the hash table from the traffic streams older than a certain threshold.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- hashcleanup\_ \- thread
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\item [{\em arg}] Pointer to the \hyperlink { structAI_ _ config} { AI\_ \- config} struct \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a857348424b9db45c90f95631eb96fd7c} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build@{ AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} }
\index { AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build@{ AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-hierarchies\_\-build}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-config} $\ast$}] { conf, }
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$$\ast$}] { nodes, }
\item [{int}] { n\_ \- nodes}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a857348424b9db45c90f95631eb96fd7c}
Build the clustering hierarchy trees.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em conf}] Reference to the configuration of the module \item [{\em nodes}] Nodes containing the information about the clustering ranges \item [{\em n\_\-nodes}] Number of nodes \end { DoxyParams}
2010-08-14 14:30:41 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af6f7d167c3623bbc669e8d31c2719b29} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue@{ AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue} }
\index { AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue@{ AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-pkt\_\-enqueue}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{SFSnortPacket $\ast$}] { pkt}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ af6f7d167c3623bbc669e8d31c2719b29}
Function called for appending a new packet to the hash table, creating a new stream or appending it to an existing stream.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- pkt\_ \- enqueue
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em pkt}] Packet to be appended \end { DoxyParams}
2010-08-16 22:09:34 +02:00
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a8749989cee2ac05a7de058faac280c02} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed@{ AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed} }
\index { AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed@{ AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-set\_\-stream\_\-observed}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{struct {\bf pkt\_\-key}}] { key}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a8749989cee2ac05a7de058faac280c02}
Set the flag \char `\" { } observed\char `\" { } on a stream associated to a security alert, so that it won't be removed from the hash table.
FUNCTION: AI\_ \- set\_ \- stream\_ \- observed
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em key}] Key of the stream to be set as \char `\" { } observed\char `\" { } \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a85c0852b05b60cbfe0130534160c9876} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !preg\_ \- match@{ preg\_ \- match} }
\index { preg\_ \- match@{ preg\_ \- match} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{preg\_\-match}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} int preg\_ \- match (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{const char $\ast$}] { expr, }
\item [{char $\ast$}] { str, }
\item [{char $\ast$$\ast$$\ast$}] { matches, }
\item [{int $\ast$}] { nmatches}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a85c0852b05b60cbfe0130534160c9876}
Check if a string matches a regular expression.
FUNCTION: preg\_ \- match
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em expr}] Regular expression to be matched \item [{\em str}] String to be checked \item [{\em matches}] Reference to a char$ \ast $ $ \ast $ that will contain the submatches (NULL if you don't need it) \item [{\em nmatches}] Reference to a int containing the number of submatches found (NULL if you don't need it) \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
-\/ 1 if the regex is wrong, 0 if no match was found, 1 otherwise
\end { DoxyReturn}
\subsection { Variable Documentation}
\hypertarget { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ab46420126c43c1aac5eabc5db266a71c} {
\index { spp\_ \- ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} !\_ \- dpd@{ \_ \- dpd} }
\index { \_ \- dpd@{ \_ \- dpd} !spp_ ai.h@{ spp\_ \- ai.h} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-dpd}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} DynamicPreprocessorData { \bf \_ \- dpd} } }
\label { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ab46420126c43c1aac5eabc5db266a71c}