2010-09-04 21:33:53 +02:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster} {
\section { Manage the clustering of alarms}
\label { group_ _ cluster} \index { Manage the clustering of alarms@{ Manage the clustering of alarms} }
\subsection * { Data Structures}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
struct \hyperlink { structattribute_ _ key} { attribute\_ \- key}
struct \hyperlink { structattribute_ _ value} { attribute\_ \- value}
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection * { Functions}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
PRIVATE int \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga81f5fa721719fdb281595a568eef2101} { \_ \- heuristic\_ \- func} (\hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ ae2ff3c6586aa2ab211a102abfde86640} { cluster\_ \- type} type)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Function that picks up the heuristic value for a clustering attribute in according to Julisch's heuristic (ACM, Vol.2, No.3, 09 2002, pag.124). \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga2f1a22cfea64e4669da0467620c3e3b3} { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new} (char $ \ast $ label, int min\_ \- val, int max\_ \- val)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Create a new clustering hierarchy node. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE void \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga5601a1f603d9c870ef6e2df192e30c30} { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ parent, \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ child)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Append a node to a clustering hierarchy node. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga6ddddcd505b1f763c339e81fc143e079} { \_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node} (int val, \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ root)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Get the minimum node in a hierarchy tree that matches a certain value. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dd} { BOOL} \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga0f91c8bfc37a3975f5c26b19fd6c5cba} { \_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ a1, \hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ a2)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Check if two alerts are semantically equal. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE int \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga8ce8e5a5d8954672297fa2dedb380dcd} { \_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ $ \ast $ log)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merge the alerts marked as equal in the log. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE void \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga7d151880080470b542e99643dc0426a7} { \_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ log, FILE $ \ast $ fp)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Print the clustered alerts to a log file. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE void $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga8a5eae61dc9fd0f13e0acdfa5f4478e2} { \_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread} (void $ \ast $ arg)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Thread for periodically clustering the log information. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE \hyperlink { spp_ _ ai_ 8h_ a3e5b8192e7d9ffaf3542f1210aec18dd} { BOOL} \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga29c35cd6c56f54e27b5b190c6d6c487a} { \_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ node, \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ root)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Check if a certain node's range (minimum and maximum value) are already present in a clustering hierarchy. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2010-09-11 02:12:39 +02:00
void \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga1445818b37483f78cc3fb2890155842c} { AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} (\hyperlink { structAI_ _ config} { AI\_ \- config} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ correlation_ gaad7a982b6016390e7cd1164bd7db8bca} { conf} , \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ $ \ast $ nodes, int n\_ \- nodes)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Build the clustering hierarchy trees. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
PRIVATE \hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ gab4c8ab92691e85a6f0ac4abb122712fd} { \_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} (\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ node)
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Return a copy of the clustered alerts. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga2553c678eeb83282c230d649a0e8fcd4} { AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} ()
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list. \item \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
2010-09-04 21:33:53 +02:00
\subsection * { Variables}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
PRIVATE \hyperlink { struct_ _ hierarchy_ _ node} { hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga97d35425cf5a0207fb50b64ee8cdda82} { h\_ \- root} \mbox { [} CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES\mbox { ]} = \{ NULL \}
PRIVATE \hyperlink { structAI_ _ config} { AI\_ \- config} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ ga91458e2d34595688e39fcb63ba418849} { \_ \- config} = NULL
PRIVATE \hyperlink { struct_ _ AI_ _ snort_ _ alert} { AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ \hyperlink { group_ _ cluster_ gaaf4c19f60f48741b0890c6114dcff7d9} { alert\_ \- log} = NULL
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection { Function Documentation}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga29c35cd6c56f54e27b5b190c6d6c487a} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-check\_\-duplicate}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf BOOL} \_ \- AI\_ \- check\_ \- duplicate (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$}] { node, }
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$}] { root}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga29c35cd6c56f54e27b5b190c6d6c487a}
Check if a certain node's range (minimum and maximum value) are already present in a clustering hierarchy.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em node}] Node to be checked \item [{\em root}] Clustering hierarchy \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
True if 'node' is already in 'root', false otherwise
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga8a5eae61dc9fd0f13e0acdfa5f4478e2} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-cluster\_\-thread}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE void$ \ast $ \_ \- AI\_ \- cluster\_ \- thread (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{void $\ast$}] { arg}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga8a5eae61dc9fd0f13e0acdfa5f4478e2}
Thread for periodically clustering the log information.
2010-09-11 02:12:39 +02:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ gab4c8ab92691e85a6f0ac4abb122712fd} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-copy\_\-clustered\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ \_ \- AI\_ \- copy\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$}] { node}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ gab4c8ab92691e85a6f0ac4abb122712fd}
Return a copy of the clustered alerts.
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
An AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert pointer identifying the list of clustered alerts
\end { DoxyReturn}
2010-09-04 21:33:53 +02:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga0f91c8bfc37a3975f5c26b19fd6c5cba} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-equal\_\-alarms}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf BOOL} \_ \- AI\_ \- equal\_ \- alarms (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$}] { a1, }
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$}] { a2}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga0f91c8bfc37a3975f5c26b19fd6c5cba}
Check if two alerts are semantically equal.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em a1}] First alert \item [{\em a2}] Second alert \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
True if they are equal, false otherwise
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga6ddddcd505b1f763c339e81fc143e079} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-get\_\-min\_\-hierarchy\_\-node}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ \_ \- AI\_ \- get\_ \- min\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{int}] { val, }
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$}] { root}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga6ddddcd505b1f763c339e81fc143e079}
Get the minimum node in a hierarchy tree that matches a certain value.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em val}] Value to be matched in the range \item [{\em root}] Root of the hierarchy \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
The minimum node that matches the value if any, NULL otherwise
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga8ce8e5a5d8954672297fa2dedb380dcd} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-merge\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE int \_ \- AI\_ \- merge\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$$\ast$}] { log}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga8ce8e5a5d8954672297fa2dedb380dcd}
Merge the alerts marked as equal in the log.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em log}] Alert log reference \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
The number of merged couples
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga7d151880080470b542e99643dc0426a7} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} }
\index { \_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ \_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-AI\_\-print\_\-clustered\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE void \_ \- AI\_ \- print\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-snort\_\-alert} $\ast$}] { log, }
\item [{FILE $\ast$}] { fp}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga7d151880080470b542e99643dc0426a7}
Print the clustered alerts to a log file.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em log}] Log containing the alerts \item [{\em fp}] File pointer where the alerts will be printed \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga81f5fa721719fdb281595a568eef2101} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- heuristic\_ \- func@{ \_ \- heuristic\_ \- func} }
\index { \_ \- heuristic\_ \- func@{ \_ \- heuristic\_ \- func} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-heuristic\_\-func}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE int \_ \- heuristic\_ \- func (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf cluster\_\-type}}] { type}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga81f5fa721719fdb281595a568eef2101}
Function that picks up the heuristic value for a clustering attribute in according to Julisch's heuristic (ACM, Vol.2, No.3, 09 2002, pag.124).
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em type}] Attribute type \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
The heuristic coefficient for that attribute, -\/ 1 if no clustering information is available for that attribute
\end { DoxyReturn}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga5601a1f603d9c870ef6e2df192e30c30} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append@{ \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append} }
\index { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append@{ \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-hierarchy\_\-node\_\-append}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE void \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- append (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$}] { parent, }
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$}] { child}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga5601a1f603d9c870ef6e2df192e30c30}
Append a node to a clustering hierarchy node.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em parent}] Parent node \item [{\em child}] Child node \end { DoxyParams}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga2f1a22cfea64e4669da0467620c3e3b3} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new@{ \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new} }
\index { \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new@{ \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-hierarchy\_\-node\_\-new}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ \_ \- hierarchy\_ \- node\_ \- new (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{char $\ast$}] { label, }
\item [{int}] { min\_ \- val, }
\item [{int}] { max\_ \- val}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga2f1a22cfea64e4669da0467620c3e3b3}
Create a new clustering hierarchy node.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em label}] Label for the node \item [{\em min\_\-val}] Minimum value for the range represented by the node \item [{\em max\_\-val}] Maximum value for the range represented by the node \end { DoxyParams}
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
The brand new node if the allocation was ok, otherwise abort the application
\end { DoxyReturn}
2010-09-11 02:12:39 +02:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga2553c678eeb83282c230d649a0e8fcd4} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} }
\index { AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts@{ AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-get\_\-clustered\_\-alerts}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} { \bf AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ AI\_ \- get\_ \- clustered\_ \- alerts (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{void}] { }
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga2553c678eeb83282c230d649a0e8fcd4}
Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list.
\begin { DoxyReturn} { Returns}
An AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert pointer identifying the list of clustered alerts
\end { DoxyReturn}
2010-09-04 21:33:53 +02:00
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga1445818b37483f78cc3fb2890155842c} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build@{ AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} }
\index { AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build@{ AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{AI\_\-hierarchies\_\-build}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} void AI\_ \- hierarchies\_ \- build (
\begin { DoxyParamCaption}
\item [{{\bf AI\_\-config} $\ast$}] { conf, }
\item [{{\bf hierarchy\_\-node} $\ast$$\ast$}] { nodes, }
\item [{int}] { n\_ \- nodes}
\end { DoxyParamCaption}
)} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga1445818b37483f78cc3fb2890155842c}
Build the clustering hierarchy trees.
\begin { DoxyParams} { Parameters}
\item [{\em conf}] Reference to the configuration of the module \item [{\em nodes}] Nodes containing the information about the clustering ranges \item [{\em n\_\-nodes}] Number of nodes \end { DoxyParams}
\subsection { Variable Documentation}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga91458e2d34595688e39fcb63ba418849} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !\_ \- config@{ \_ \- config} }
\index { \_ \- config@{ \_ \- config} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{\_\-config}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf AI\_ \- config} $ \ast $ { \bf \_ \- config} = NULL} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga91458e2d34595688e39fcb63ba418849}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ gaaf4c19f60f48741b0890c6114dcff7d9} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !alert\_ \- log@{ alert\_ \- log} }
\index { alert\_ \- log@{ alert\_ \- log} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{alert\_\-log}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf AI\_ \- snort\_ \- alert} $ \ast $ { \bf alert\_ \- log} = NULL} }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ gaaf4c19f60f48741b0890c6114dcff7d9}
\hypertarget { group_ _ cluster_ ga97d35425cf5a0207fb50b64ee8cdda82} {
\index { cluster@{ cluster} !h\_ \- root@{ h\_ \- root} }
\index { h\_ \- root@{ h\_ \- root} !cluster@{ cluster} }
\subsubsection [{h\_\-root}] { \setlength { \rightskip } { 0pt plus 5cm} PRIVATE { \bf hierarchy\_ \- node} $ \ast $ { \bf h\_ \- root} \mbox { [} CLUSTER\_ \- TYPES\mbox { ]} = \{ NULL \} } }
\label { group_ _ cluster_ ga97d35425cf5a0207fb50b64ee8cdda82}