
587 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

** Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 1998-2013 Sourcefire, Inc.
** Adam Keeton
** Kevin Liu <>
** $ID: $
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as
** published by the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or
** distribute this program under any other version of the GNU General
** Public License.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Adam Keeton
* sf_ip.h
* 11/17/06
#ifndef SF_IP_H
#define SF_IP_H
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include "snort_debug.h" /* for inline definition */
/* define SFIP_ROBUST to check pointers passed into the sfip libs.
* Robustification should not be enabled if the client code is trustworthy.
* Namely, if pointers are checked once in the client, or are pointers to
* data allocated on the stack, there's no need to check them again here.
* The intention is to prevent the same stack-allocated variable from being
* checked a dozen different times. */
#define ARG_CHECK1(a, z) if(!a) return z;
#define ARG_CHECK2(a, b, z) if(!a || !b) return z;
#define ARG_CHECK3(a, b, c, z) if(!a || !b || !c) return z;
#elif defined(DEBUG)
#define ARG_CHECK1(a, z) assert(a);
#define ARG_CHECK2(a, b, z) assert(a); assert(b);
#define ARG_CHECK3(a, b, c, z) assert(a); assert(b); assert(c);
#define ARG_CHECK1(a, z)
#define ARG_CHECK2(a, b, z)
#define ARG_CHECK3(a, b, c, z)
#ifndef WIN32
#if !defined(s6_addr8)
#define s6_addr8 __u6_addr.__u6_addr8
#if !defined(s6_addr16)
#define s6_addr16 __u6_addr.__u6_addr16
#if !defined(s6_addr32)
#define s6_addr32 __u6_addr.__u6_addr32
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct _sfaddr
struct in6_addr ip;
uint16_t family;
# define ia8 ip.s6_addr
# define ia16 ip.s6_addr16
# define ia32 ip.s6_addr32
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma pack(pop)
} __attribute__((__packed__));
typedef struct _sfaddr sfaddr_t;
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct _ip {
sfaddr_t addr;
uint16_t bits;
# define ip8 addr.ip.s6_addr
# define ip16 addr.ip.s6_addr16
# define ip32 addr.ip.s6_addr32
# define ip_family
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma pack(pop)
} __attribute__((__packed__));
typedef struct _ip sfcidr_t;
#else // WIN32 Build
#if !defined(s6_addr8)
#define s6_addr8 u.u6_addr8
#if !defined(s6_addr16)
#define s6_addr16 u.u6_addr16
#if !defined(s6_addr32)
#define s6_addr32 u.u6_addr32
struct sf_in6_addr {
union {
uint8_t u6_addr8[16];
uint16_t u6_addr16[8];
uint32_t u6_addr32[4];
} in6_u;
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct _sfaddr {
struct in6_addr ip;
uint16_t family;
# define ia8 ip.s6_addr
# define ia16 ip.s6_addr16
# define ia32 ip.s6_addr32
typedef struct _sfaddr sfaddr_t;
struct _ip {
sfaddr_t addr;
uint16_t bits;
# define ip8 addr.ip.s6_addr
# define ip16 addr.ip.s6_addr16
# define ip32 addr.ip.s6_addr32
# define ip_family
typedef struct _ip sfcidr_t;
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // WIN32
typedef enum _return_values {
SFIP_DUPLICATE, /* Tried to add a duplicate variable name to table */
SFIP_LOOKUP_FAILURE, /* Failed to lookup a variable from the table */
SFIP_UNMATCHED_BRACKET, /* IP lists that are missing a closing bracket */
SFIP_NOT_ANY, /* For !any */
SFIP_CONFLICT, /* For IP conflicts in IP lists */
SFIP_INVALID_VAR /* variable definition is invalid */
/* IP allocations and setting ******************************************/
/* Parses "src" and stores results in "dst" */
/* If the conversion is invalid, returns SFIP_FAILURE */
SFIP_RET sfaddr_pton(const char *src, sfaddr_t *dst);
SFIP_RET sfip_pton(const char *src, sfcidr_t *dst);
/* Allocate IP address from a character array describing the IP */
sfcidr_t *sfip_alloc(const char *ip, SFIP_RET *status);
/* Frees an sfcidr_t */
void sfip_free(sfcidr_t *ip);
/* Allocate IP address from a character array describing the IP */
sfaddr_t *sfaddr_alloc(const char *ip, SFIP_RET *status);
/* Frees an sfaddr_t */
void sfaddr_free(sfaddr_t *ip);
/* Allocate IP address from an array of integers. The array better be
* long enough for the given family! */
sfaddr_t *sfip_alloc_raw(void *ip, int family, SFIP_RET *status);
/* Sets existing IP, "dst", to a raw source IP (4 or 16 bytes,
* according to family) */
SFIP_RET sfip_set_raw(sfaddr_t *dst, const void *src, int src_family);
/* Sets existing IP, "dst", to be source IP, "src" */
#define sfip_set_ip(dst, src) *(dst) = *(src)
/* Obfuscates an IP */
void sfip_obfuscate(sfcidr_t *ob, sfaddr_t *ip);
/* Member-access *******************************************************/
#define sfip_get_ip4_value(x) ((x)->ip32[3])
#define sfaddr_get_ip4_value(x) ((x)->ia32[3])
#define sfip_get_ip4_ptr(x) (&(x)->ip32[3])
#define sfip_get_ip6_ptr(x) ((x)->ip32)
#define sfip_get_ptr(x) (((x)->ip_family == AF_INET) ? &(x)->ip32[3] : (x)->ip32)
#define sfaddr_get_ip4_ptr(x) (&(x)->ia32[3])
#define sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(x) ((x)->ia32)
#define sfaddr_get_ptr(x) (((x)->family == AF_INET) ? &(x)->ia32[3] : (x)->ia32)
/* Returns the family of "ip", either AF_INET or AF_INET6 */
/* XXX This is a performance critical function,
* need to determine if it's safe to not check these pointers */
/* ARG_CHECK1(ip, 0); */
#define sfaddr_family(x) ((x)->family)
#define sfip_family(x) ((x)->ip_family)
/* Returns the number of bits used for masking "ip" */
static inline unsigned char sfip_bits(const sfcidr_t *ip) {
ARG_CHECK1(ip, 0);
return (unsigned char)ip->bits;
static inline void sfip_set_bits(sfcidr_t *p, int bits) {
if(bits < 0 || bits > 128) return;
p->bits = bits;
/* Returns the raw IP address as an in6_addr */
/*inline struct in6_addr sfip_to_raw(sfcidr_t *); */
/* IP Comparisons ******************************************************/
/* Check if ip is contained within the network specified by net */
/* Returns SFIP_EQUAL if so */
SFIP_RET sfip_contains(const sfcidr_t *net, const sfaddr_t *ip);
/* Returns 1 if the IP is non-zero. 0 otherwise */
/* XXX This is a performance critical function, \
* need to determine if it's safe to not check these pointers */\
static inline int sfraw_is_set(const struct in6_addr *addr) {
/* ARG_CHECK1(ip, -1); */
return (addr->s6_addr32[3] || addr->s6_addr32[0] || addr->s6_addr32[1] || addr->s6_addr16[4] ||
(addr->s6_addr16[5] && addr->s6_addr16[5] != 0xFFFF)) ? 1 : 0;
static inline int sfaddr_is_set(const sfaddr_t *addr) {
/* ARG_CHECK1(ip, -1); */
return ((addr->family == AF_INET && addr->ia32[3]) ||
(addr->family == AF_INET6 &&
(addr->ia32[0] || addr->ia32[1] || addr->ia32[3] || addr->ia16[4] ||
(addr->ia16[5] && addr->ia16[5] != 0xFFFF)))) ? 1 : 0;
static inline int sfip_is_set(const sfcidr_t *ip) {
/* ARG_CHECK1(ip, -1); */
return (sfaddr_is_set(&ip->addr) ||
((ip->ip_family == AF_INET || ip->ip_family == AF_INET6) &&
ip->bits != 128)) ? 1 : 0;
/* Return 1 if the IP is a loopback IP */
int sfip_is_loopback(const sfaddr_t *ip);
/* Returns 1 if the IPv6 address appears mapped. 0 otherwise. */
static inline int sfip_ismapped(const sfaddr_t *ip) {
ARG_CHECK1(ip, 0);
return (ip->ia32[0] || ip->ia32[1] || ip->ia16[4] || (ip->ia16[5] != 0xffff && ip->ia16[5])) ? 0 : 1;
/* Support function for sfip_compare */
static inline SFIP_RET _ip4_cmp(u_int32_t ip1, u_int32_t ip2) {
u_int32_t hip1 = htonl(ip1);
u_int32_t hip2 = htonl(ip2);
if(hip1 < hip2) return SFIP_LESSER;
if(hip1 > hip2) return SFIP_GREATER;
return SFIP_EQUAL;
/* Support function for sfip_compare */
static inline SFIP_RET _ip6_cmp(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
const uint32_t *p1, *p2;
/* XXX
* Argument are assumed trusted!
* This function is presently only called by sfip_compare
* on validated pointers.
* XXX */
p1 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip1);
p2 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip2);
if( (ret = _ip4_cmp(p1[0], p2[0])) != SFIP_EQUAL) return ret;
if( (ret = _ip4_cmp(p1[1], p2[1])) != SFIP_EQUAL) return ret;
if( (ret = _ip4_cmp(p1[2], p2[2])) != SFIP_EQUAL) return ret;
if( (ret = _ip4_cmp(p1[3], p2[3])) != SFIP_EQUAL) return ret;
return ret;
/* Compares two IPs
* Returns SFIP_LESSER, SFIP_EQUAL, SFIP_GREATER, if ip1 is less than, equal to,
* or greater than ip2 In the case of mismatched families, the IPv4 address
* is converted to an IPv6 representation. */
/* XXX-IPv6 Should add version of sfip_compare that just tests equality */
static inline SFIP_RET sfip_compare(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
int f1,f2;
/* This is being done because at some points in the existing Snort code,
* an unset IP is considered to match anything. Thus, if either IP is not
* set here, it's considered equal. */
if(!sfaddr_is_set(ip1) || !sfaddr_is_set(ip2)) return SFIP_EQUAL;
f1 = sfaddr_family(ip1);
f2 = sfaddr_family(ip2);
if(f1 == AF_INET && f2 == AF_INET) {
return _ip4_cmp(sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip1), sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2));
return _ip6_cmp(ip1, ip2);
/* Compares two IPs
* Returns SFIP_LESSER, SFIP_EQUAL, SFIP_GREATER, if ip1 is less than, equal to,
* or greater than ip2 In the case of mismatched families, the IPv4 address
* is converted to an IPv6 representation. */
/* XXX-IPv6 Should add version of sfip_compare that just tests equality */
static inline SFIP_RET sfip_compare_unset(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
int f1,f2;
/* This is to handle the special case when one of the values being
* unset is considered to match nothing. This is the opposite of
* sfip_compare(), defined above. Thus, if either IP is not
* set here, it's considered not equal. */
if(!sfaddr_is_set(ip1) || !sfaddr_is_set(ip2)) return SFIP_FAILURE;
f1 = sfaddr_family(ip1);
f2 = sfaddr_family(ip2);
if(f1 == AF_INET && f2 == AF_INET) {
return _ip4_cmp(sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip1), sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2));
return _ip6_cmp(ip1, ip2);
static inline int sfip_fast_lt4(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
return sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip1) < sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2);
static inline int sfip_fast_gt4(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
return sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip1) > sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2);
static inline int sfip_fast_eq4(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
return sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip1) == sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2);
static inline int sfip_fast_lt6(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
const uint32_t *p1, *p2;
p1 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip1);
p2 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip2);
if(*p1 < *p2) return 1;
else if(*p1 > *p2) return 0;
if(p1[1] < p2[1]) return 1;
else if(p1[1] > p2[1]) return 0;
if(p1[2] < p2[2]) return 1;
else if(p1[2] > p2[2]) return 0;
if(p1[3] < p2[3]) return 1;
else if(p1[3] > p2[3]) return 0;
return 0;
static inline int sfip_fast_gt6(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
const uint32_t *p1, *p2;
p1 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip1);
p2 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip2);
if(*p1 > *p2) return 1;
else if(*p1 < *p2) return 0;
if(p1[1] > p2[1]) return 1;
else if(p1[1] < p2[1]) return 0;
if(p1[2] > p2[2]) return 1;
else if(p1[2] < p2[2]) return 0;
if(p1[3] > p2[3]) return 1;
else if(p1[3] < p2[3]) return 0;
return 0;
static inline int sfip_fast_eq6(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
const uint32_t *p1, *p2;
p1 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip1);
p2 = sfaddr_get_ip6_ptr(ip2);
if(*p1 != *p2) return 0;
if(p1[1] != p2[1]) return 0;
if(p1[2] != p2[2]) return 0;
if(p1[3] != p2[3]) return 0;
return 1;
/* Checks if ip2 is equal to ip1 or contained within the CIDR ip1 */
static inline int sfip_fast_cont4(const sfcidr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
uint32_t shift = 128 - sfip_bits(ip1);
uint32_t ip = ntohl(sfaddr_get_ip4_value(ip2));
uint32_t ip3 = ntohl(sfip_get_ip4_value(ip1));
ip >>= shift;
ip <<= shift;
if(ip3 == 0)
return 1;
return (ip3 == ip);
/* Checks if ip2 is equal to ip1 or contained within the CIDR ip1 */
static inline int sfip_fast_cont6(const sfcidr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2) {
uint32_t ip;
int i, bits = sfip_bits(ip1);
int words = bits / 32;
bits = 32 - (bits % 32);
for ( i = 0; i < words; i++ ) {
if ( ip1->ip32[i] != ip2->ia32[i] )
return 0;
if ( bits == 32 ) return 1;
ip = ntohl(ip2->ia32[i]);
ip >>= bits;
ip <<= bits;
return ntohl(ip1->ip32[i]) == ip;
/* Compares two IPs
* Returns 1 for equal and 0 for not equal
static inline int sfip_fast_equals_raw(const sfaddr_t *ip1, const sfaddr_t *ip2)
int f1,f2;
ARG_CHECK2(ip1, ip2, 0);
f1 = sfaddr_family(ip1);
f2 = sfaddr_family(ip2);
if(f1 == AF_INET)
if(f2 != AF_INET)
return 0;
if (sfip_fast_eq4(ip1, ip2))
return 1;
else if(f1 == AF_INET6)
if(f2 != AF_INET6)
return 0;
if (sfip_fast_eq6(ip1, ip2))
return 1;
return 0;
* Function: sfip_is_private()
* Checks if the address is local
* Arguments:
* sfcidr_t * - IP address to check
* Returns:
* 1 if the IP is in local network
* 0 otherwise
static inline int sfip_is_private(const sfaddr_t *ip)
ARG_CHECK1(ip, 0);
/* Check the first 80 bits in an IPv6 address, and */
/* verify they're zero. If not, it's not a loopback */
if(ip->ia32[0] || ip->ia32[1] || ip->ia16[4]) return 0;
if ( ip->ia16[5] == 0xffff ) {
/* ::ffff: IPv4 mapped over IPv6 */
* - (10/8 prefix)
* - (172.16/12 prefix)
* - (192.168/16 prefix)
* */
return ( (ip->ia8[12] == 10)
||((ip->ia8[12] == 172) && ((ip->ia8[13] & 0xf0 ) == 16))
||((ip->ia8[12] == 192) && (ip->ia8[13] == 168)) );
/* Check if the 3rd 32-bit int is zero */
if ( !ip->ia16[5] ) {
/* ::ipv4 compatible ipv6 */
/* ::1 is the IPv6 loopback */
return ( (ip->ia8[12] == 10)
||((ip->ia8[12] == 172) && ((ip->ia8[13] & 0xf0 ) == 16))
||((ip->ia8[12] == 192) && (ip->ia8[13] == 168))
|| (ip->ia32[3] == htonl(0x1)) );
return 0;
static inline void sfaddr_copy_to_raw(struct in6_addr *dst, const sfaddr_t *src)
dst->s6_addr32[0] = src->ia32[0];
dst->s6_addr32[1] = src->ia32[1];
dst->s6_addr32[2] = src->ia32[2];
dst->s6_addr32[3] = src->ia32[3];
#define sfip_equals(x,y) (sfip_compare(&x, &y) == SFIP_EQUAL)
#define sfip_not_equals !sfip_equals
#define sfip_clear(x) memset(x, 0, 16)
/* Printing ************************************************************/
/* Uses a static buffer to return a string representation of the IP */
char *sfip_to_str(const sfaddr_t *ip);
#define sfip_ntoa(x) sfip_to_str(x)
void sfip_raw_ntop(int family, const void *ip_raw, char *buf, int bufsize);
void sfip_ntop(const sfaddr_t *ip, char *buf, int bufsize);
/* Conversions *********************************************************/
SFIP_RET sfip_convert_ip_text_to_binary( const int, const char *src, void *dst );
#endif /* SF_IP_H */