2010-09-16 17:11:46 +02:00

283 lines
8.4 KiB

* =====================================================================================
* Filename: db.c
* Description: Parse the alert log saved by Snort on a database
* Version: 0.1
* Created: 17/08/2010 17:29:36
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: BlackLight (, <>
* Licence: GNU GPL v.3
* =====================================================================================
#include "spp_ai.h"
#ifdef HAVE_DB
#include "db.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
/** \defgroup db Manage alerts on a database
* @{ */
PRIVATE AI_config *config;
PRIVATE AI_snort_alert *alerts = NULL;
PRIVATE BOOL lock_flag = false;
/** pthread mutex for accessing database data */
PRIVATE pthread_mutex_t db_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
* \brief Thread for parsing alerts from a database
* \param arg void* pointer to the module configuration
AI_db_alertparser_thread ( void *arg )
char query[1024];
int rows = 0;
int latest_cid = 0;
time_t latest_time = time ( NULL );
DB_result res, res2;
DB_row row, row2;
struct pkt_key key;
struct pkt_info *info = NULL;
AI_snort_alert *alert = NULL;
AI_snort_alert *tmp = NULL;
if ( !arg )
pthread_exit ((void*) 0 );
return (void*) 0;
config = ( AI_config* ) arg;
pthread_mutex_lock ( &db_mutex );
if ( !DB_init ( config ))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Unable to connect to the database '%s' @ '%s'\n",
config->dbname, config->dbhost );
pthread_mutex_unlock ( &db_mutex );
while ( 1 )
sleep ( config->databaseParsingInterval );
/* Set the lock flag to true until it's done with alert parsing */
lock_flag = true;
memset ( query, 0, sizeof ( query ));
snprintf ( query, sizeof (query), "select cid, unix_timestamp(timestamp), signature from event where cid > %d "
"and unix_timestamp(timestamp) > %ld order by cid", latest_cid, latest_time );
if ( !( res = (DB_result) DB_query ( query )))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal error while executing a query on the database "
"at %s:%d: '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, query );
if (( rows = DB_num_rows ( res )) < 0 )
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Could not store the query result at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( rows == 0 ) {
lock_flag = false;
while (( row = (DB_row) DB_fetch_row ( res )))
if ( !( alert = ( AI_snort_alert* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_snort_alert )) ))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
memset ( alert, 0, sizeof ( AI_snort_alert ));
latest_cid = (row[0]) ? strtol ( row[0], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->timestamp = (row[1]) ? ( time_t ) strtol ( row[1], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
/* Parsing gid, sid, rev, name, timestamp and priority */
memset ( query, 0, sizeof ( query ));
snprintf ( query, sizeof ( query ), "select sig_gid, sig_sid, sig_rev, sig_name, sig_priority from signature "
"where sig_id='%ld'", strtol ( row[2], NULL, 0 ));
if ( !( res2 = (DB_result) DB_query ( query )))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal error while executing a query on the database "
"at %s:%d: '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, query );
if (( rows = DB_num_rows ( res2 )) < 0 ) {
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Could not store the query result at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( rows > 0 ) {
if (( row2 = (DB_row) DB_fetch_row ( res2 )))
alert->gid = (row2[0]) ? strtol ( row2[0], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->sid = (row2[1]) ? strtol ( row2[1], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->rev = (row2[2]) ? strtol ( row2[2], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->desc = (row2[3]) ? strdup ( row2[3] ) : NULL;
alert->priority = (row2[4]) ? strtol ( row2[4], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
DB_free_result ( res2 );
/* Parsing IP header information */
memset ( query, 0, sizeof ( query ));
snprintf ( query, sizeof ( query ), "select ip_tos, ip_len, ip_id, ip_ttl, ip_proto, ip_src, ip_dst "
"from iphdr where cid='%d'", latest_cid);
if ( !( res2 = (DB_result) DB_query ( query )))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal error while executing a query on the database "
"at %s:%d: '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, query );
if (( rows = DB_num_rows ( res2 )) < 0 ) {
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Could not store the query result at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( rows > 0 ) {
if (( row2 = DB_fetch_row ( res2 )))
alert->ip_tos = (row2[0]) ? strtol ( row2[0], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->ip_len = (row2[1]) ? htons ( strtol ( row2[1], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->ip_id = (row2[2]) ? htons ( strtol ( row2[2], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->ip_ttl = (row2[3]) ? strtol ( row2[3], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->ip_proto = (row2[4]) ? strtol ( row2[4], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->ip_src_addr = (row2[5]) ? htonl ( strtoul ( row2[5], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->ip_dst_addr = (row2[6]) ? htonl ( strtoul ( row2[6], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
DB_free_result ( res2 );
/* Parsing TCP header information */
memset ( query, 0, sizeof ( query ));
snprintf ( query, sizeof ( query ), "select tcp_sport, tcp_dport, tcp_seq, tcp_ack, tcp_flags, tcp_win "
"from tcphdr where cid='%d'", latest_cid );
if ( !( res2 = (DB_result) DB_query ( query )))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Fatal error while executing a query on the database "
"at %s:%d: '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, query );
if (( rows = DB_num_rows ( res2 )) < 0 ) {
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "AIPreproc: Could not store the query result at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( rows > 0 ) {
if (( row2 = DB_fetch_row ( res2 )))
alert->tcp_src_port = (row2[0]) ? htons ( strtol ( row2[0], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->tcp_dst_port = (row2[1]) ? htons ( strtol ( row2[1], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->tcp_seq = (row2[2]) ? htonl ( strtoul ( row2[2], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->tcp_ack = (row2[3]) ? htonl ( strtoul ( row2[3], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
alert->tcp_flags = (row2[4]) ? strtol ( row2[4], NULL, 10 ) : 0;
alert->tcp_window = (row2[5]) ? htons ( strtol ( row2[5], NULL, 10 )) : 0;
DB_free_result ( res2 );
/* Finding the associated stream info, if any */
if ( alert->ip_proto == IPPROTO_TCP )
key.src_ip = alert->ip_src_addr;
key.dst_port = alert->tcp_dst_port;
if (( info = AI_get_stream_by_key ( key )))
AI_set_stream_observed ( key );
alert->stream = info;
/* Creating a new alert log if it doesn't exist, or appending the current alert to the log */
if ( !alerts )
alerts = alert;
alerts->next = NULL;
} else {
for ( tmp = alerts; tmp->next; tmp = tmp->next );
tmp->next = alert;
lock_flag = false;
DB_free_result ( res );
latest_time = time ( NULL );
pthread_exit ((void*) 0 );
return (void*) 0;
} /* ----- end of function AI_db_alert_parse ----- */
* \brief Create a copy of the alert log struct (this is done for leaving the alert log structure in this file as read-only)
* \param node Starting node (used for the recursion)
* \return A copy of the alert log linked list
PRIVATE AI_snort_alert*
_AI_db_copy_alerts ( AI_snort_alert *node )
AI_snort_alert *current = NULL, *next = NULL;
if ( !node )
return NULL;
if ( node->next )
next = _AI_db_copy_alerts ( node->next );
if ( !( current = ( AI_snort_alert* ) malloc ( sizeof ( AI_snort_alert )) ))
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
memcpy ( current, node, sizeof ( AI_snort_alert ));
current->next = next;
return current;
} /* ----- end of function _AI_db_copy_alerts ----- */
* \brief Return the alerts parsed so far as a linked list
* \return An AI_snort_alert pointer identifying the list of alerts
AI_db_get_alerts ()
while ( lock_flag );
return _AI_db_copy_alerts ( alerts );
} /* ----- end of function AI_db_get_alerts ----- */
/** @} */