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2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
.. moduleauthor:: Fabio Manganiello <>
import json
import math
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
import os
import queue
import tempfile
import time
from enum import Enum
from threading import Thread, Event, RLock
from .core import Sound
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
class PlaybackState(Enum):
class RecordingState(Enum):
class SoundPlugin(Plugin):
Plugin to interact with a sound device.
* **sounddevice** (``pip install sounddevice``)
* **soundfile** (``pip install soundfile``)
* **numpy** (``pip install numpy``)
def __init__(self, input_device=None, output_device=None,
playback_bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, *args, **kwargs):
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:param input_device: Index or name of the default input device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Index or name of the default output device. Use :method:`platypush.plugins.sound.query_devices` to get the available devices. Default: system default
:type output_device: int or str
:param input_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the input device. Try to increase this value if you get input overflow errors while recording. Default: 2048
:type input_blocksize: int
:param output_blocksize: Blocksize to be applied to the output device. Try to increase this value if you get output underflow errors while playing. Default: 2048
:type output_blocksize: int
:param playback_bufsize: Number of audio blocks that will be cached while playing (default: 20)
:type playback_bufsize: int
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.input_device = input_device
self.output_device = output_device
self.input_blocksize = input_blocksize
self.output_blocksize = output_blocksize
self.playback_bufsize = playback_bufsize
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
self.playback_state_lock = RLock()
self.playback_paused_changed = Event()
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED
self.recording_state_lock = RLock()
self.recording_paused_changed = Event()
self.active_streams = {}
self.completed_callback_events = {}
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def _get_default_device(self, category):
Query the default audio devices.
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output
:type category: str
import sounddevice as sd
return sd.query_hostapis()[0].get('default_' + category.lower() + '_device')
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def query_devices(self, category=None):
Query the available devices
:param category: Device category to query. Can be either input or output. Default: None (query all devices)
:type category: str
:returns: A dictionary representing the available devices. Example::
"name": "pulse",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
"name": "default",
"hostapi": 0,
"max_input_channels": 32,
"max_output_channels": 32,
"default_low_input_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_low_output_latency": 0.008684807256235827,
"default_high_input_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_high_output_latency": 0.034807256235827665,
"default_samplerate": 44100
2018-12-16 17:29:45 +01:00
import sounddevice as sd
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
devs = sd.query_devices()
if category == 'input':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_input_channels') > 0]
elif category == 'output':
devs = [d for d in devs if d.get('max_output_channels') > 0]
return devs
def _play_audio_callback(self, q, blocksize, streamtype):
import sounddevice as sd
is_raw_stream = streamtype == sd.RawOutputStream
def audio_callback(outdata, frames, time, status):
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
assert frames == blocksize
if status.output_underflow:
self.logger.warning('Output underflow: increase blocksize?')
outdata = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * len(outdata)
assert not status
data = q.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
self.logger.warning('Buffer is empty: increase buffersize?')
raise sd.CallbackAbort
if len(data) < len(outdata):
outdata[:len(data)] = data
outdata[len(data):] = (b'\x00' if is_raw_stream else 0.) * \
(len(outdata) - len(data))
outdata[:] = data
return audio_callback
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def play(self, file=None, sound=None, device=None, blocksize=None,
bufsize=Sound._DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, samplerate=None, channels=None):
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
Plays a sound file (support formats: wav, raw) or a synthetic sound.
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:param file: Sound file path. Specify this if you want to play a file
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:type file: str
:param sound: Sound to play. Specify this if you want to play
synthetic sounds. You can also create polyphonic sounds by just
calling play multple times.
:type sound: Sound. You can initialize it either from a list
of `Sound` objects or from its JSON representation, e.g.:
"midi_note": 69, # 440 Hz A
"gain": 1.0, # Maximum volume
"duration": 1.0 # 1 second or until release/pause/stop
:param device: Output device (default: default configured device or
system default audio output if not configured)
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:type device: int or str
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured
`output_blocksize` or 2048)
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:type blocksize: int
:param bufsize: Size of the audio buffer (default: 20)
:type bufsize: int
:param samplerate: Audio samplerate. Default: audio file samplerate if
in file mode, 44100 Hz if in synth mode
:type samplerate: int
:param channels: Number of audio channels. Default: number of channels
in the audio file in file mode, 1 if in synth mode
:type channels: int
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if not file and not sound:
raise RuntimeError('Please specify either a file to play or a ' +
'list of sound objects')
2018-12-16 17:29:45 +01:00
import sounddevice as sd
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
stream_index = None
q = queue.Queue(maxsize=bufsize)
f = None
t = 0.
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if device is None:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
device = self.output_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('output')
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if file:
import soundfile as sf
f = sf.SoundFile(file)
if not samplerate:
samplerate = f.samplerate if f else Sound._DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE
if not channels:
channels = f.channels if f else 1
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00'Starting playback of {} to device [{}]'.
format(file or sound, device))
if sound:
sound =
# Audio queue pre-fill loop
for _ in range(bufsize):
if f:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
q.put_nowait(data) # Pre-fill the audio queue
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
streamtype = sd.RawOutputStream if file else sd.OutputStream
completed_callback_event = Event()
stream = streamtype(samplerate=samplerate, blocksize=blocksize,
device=device, channels=channels,
q=q, blocksize=blocksize,
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream, completed_callback_event)
with stream:
# Timeout set until we expect all the buffered blocks to
# be consumed
timeout = blocksize * bufsize / samplerate
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
while True:
while self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
if f:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
data = f.buffer_read(blocksize, dtype='float32')
if not data:
blocktime = float(blocksize / samplerate)
next_t = min(t+blocktime, sound.duration) \
if sound.duration is not None else t+blocktime
data = sound.get_wave(t_start=t, t_end=next_t,
t = next_t
if sound.duration is not None and t >= sound.duration:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if self._get_playback_state() == PlaybackState.STOPPED:
raise sd.CallbackAbort
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
q.put(data, timeout=timeout)
except queue.Full as e:
if self._get_playback_state() != PlaybackState.PAUSED:
raise e
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
except queue.Full as e:
self.logger.warning('Playback timeout: audio callback failed?')
if f and not f.closed:
f = None
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def record(self, file=None, duration=None, device=None, sample_rate=None,
blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1, subtype='PCM_24'):
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
Records audio to a sound file (support formats: wav, raw)
:param file: Sound file (default: the method will create a temporary file with the recording)
:type file: str
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `input_blocksize` or 2048)
2018-12-16 16:58:33 +01:00
:type blocksize: int
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param subtype: Recording subtype - see `soundfile docs <>`_ for a list of the available subtypes (default: PCM_24)
:type subtype: str
2018-12-16 17:29:45 +01:00
import sounddevice as sd
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if file:
file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file))
file = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='platypush_recording_', suffix='.wav',
if os.path.isfile(file):'Removing existing audio file {}'.format(file))
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if device is None:
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
device = self.input_device
if device is None:
device = self._get_default_device('input')
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.input_blocksize
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
q = queue.Queue()
def audio_callback(indata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
with sf.SoundFile(file, mode='x', samplerate=sample_rate,
channels=channels, subtype=subtype) as f:
with sd.InputStream(samplerate=sample_rate, device=device,
channels=channels, callback=audio_callback,
2018-12-16 16:58:33 +01:00
latency=latency, blocksize=blocksize):
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
self.start_recording()'Started recording from device [{}] to [{}]'.
format(device, file))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
2018-12-16 16:58:33 +01:00
get_args = {
'block': True,
'timeout': max(0, duration - (time.time() -
} if duration is not None else {}
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
2018-12-16 16:58:33 +01:00
data = q.get(**get_args)
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def recordplay(self, duration=None, input_device=None, output_device=None,
sample_rate=None, blocksize=None, latency=0, channels=1,
Records audio and plays it on an output sound device (audio pass-through)
:param duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: record until stop event)
:type duration: float
:param input_device: Input device (default: default configured device or system default audio input if not configured)
:type input_device: int or str
:param output_device: Output device (default: default configured device or system default audio output if not configured)
:type output_device: int or str
:param sample_rate: Recording sample rate (default: device default rate)
:type sample_rate: int
:param blocksize: Audio block size (default: configured `output_blocksize` or 2048)
:type blocksize: int
:param latency: Device latency in seconds (default: 0)
:type latency: float
:param channels: Number of channels (default: 1)
:type channels: int
:param dtype: Data type for the recording - see `soundfile docs <>`_ for available types (default: input device default)
:type dtype: str
2018-12-16 17:29:45 +01:00
import sounddevice as sd
if input_device is None:
input_device = self.input_device
if input_device is None:
input_device = self._get_default_device('input')
if output_device is None:
output_device = self.output_device
if output_device is None:
output_device = self._get_default_device('output')
if sample_rate is None:
dev_info = sd.query_devices(input_device, 'input')
sample_rate = int(dev_info['default_samplerate'])
if blocksize is None:
blocksize = self.output_blocksize
def audio_callback(indata, outdata, frames, time, status):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
if status:
self.logger.warning('Recording callback status: {}'.format(
outdata[:] = indata
stream_index = None
import soundfile as sf
import numpy
stream = sd.Stream(samplerate=sample_rate, channels=channels,
blocksize=blocksize, latency=latency,
device=(input_device, output_device),
dtype=dtype, callback=audio_callback)
stream_index = self.start_playback(stream)'Started recording pass-through from device ' +
'[{}] to device [{}]'.
format(input_device, output_device))
recording_started_time = time.time()
while self._get_recording_state() != RecordingState.STOPPED \
and (duration is None or
time.time() - recording_started_time < duration):
while self._get_recording_state() == RecordingState.PAUSED:
except queue.Empty as e:
self.logger.warning('Recording timeout: audio callback failed?')
def get_active_streams(self):
:returns: A list of active players
return {
i: {
attr: getattr(stream, attr)
for attr in ['active', 'closed', 'stopped', 'blocksize',
'channels', 'cpu_load', 'device', 'dtype',
'latency', 'samplerate', 'samplesize']
if hasattr(stream, attr)
} for i, stream in self.active_streams.items()
def start_playback(self, stream, completed_callback_event=None):
stream_index = None
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
with self.playback_state_lock:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
stream_index = None
for i in range(len(self.active_streams)+1):
if i not in self.active_streams:
stream_index = i
self.active_streams[stream_index] = stream
self.completed_callback_events[stream_index] = \
completed_callback_event if completed_callback_event else Event()'Playback started on stream index {}'.
return stream_index
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def stop_playback(self, *streams):
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
with self.playback_state_lock:
if not streams:
streams = self.active_streams.keys()
updated_n_players = len(self.active_streams)
completed_callback_events = {}
for i in streams:
if i is None or not (i in self.active_streams):
stream = self.active_streams[i]
updated_n_players -= 1
if self.completed_callback_events[i]:
completed_callback_events[i] = self.completed_callback_events[i]
if not updated_n_players:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.STOPPED
for i, event in completed_callback_events.items():
del self.completed_callback_events[i]
del self.active_streams[i]
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00'Playback stopped')
def pause_playback(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
if self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PAUSED:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PLAYING
elif self.playback_state == PlaybackState.PLAYING:
self.playback_state = PlaybackState.PAUSED
self.playback_paused_changed.set()'Playback ' + ('paused' if self.playback_state ==
PlaybackState.PAUSED else 'playing'))
2018-12-15 01:18:45 +01:00
def start_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
def stop_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.STOPPED'Recording stopped')
def pause_recording(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
if self.recording_state == RecordingState.PAUSED:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.RECORDING
elif self.recording_state == RecordingState.RECORDING:
self.recording_state = RecordingState.PAUSED
return'Recording paused state toggled')
def _get_playback_state(self):
with self.playback_state_lock:
return self.playback_state
def _get_recording_state(self):
with self.recording_state_lock:
return self.recording_state
def get_state(self):
return {
'playback_state': self._get_playback_state().name,
'recording_state': self._get_recording_state().name,
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