Fabio Manganiello 77ff88360b should add the resource at the beginning of the
current tracklist and play it, not clear the whole tracklist.
2020-01-01 21:16:27 +01:00

766 lines
21 KiB

import re
import threading
import time
from platypush.plugins import action
from import MusicPlugin
class MusicMpdPlugin(MusicPlugin):
This plugin allows you to interact with an MPD/Mopidy music server. MPD
( is a flexible server-side protocol/application
for handling music collections and playing music, mostly aimed to manage
local libraries. Mopidy ( is an evolution of MPD,
compatible with the original protocol and with support for multiple music
sources through plugins (e.g. Spotify, TuneIn, Soundcloud, local files
* **python-mpd2** (``pip install python-mpd2``)
_client_lock = threading.RLock()
def __init__(self, host, port=6600):
:param host: MPD IP/hostname
:type host: str
:param port: MPD port (default: 6600)
:type port: int
super().__init__() = host
self.port = port
self.client = None
def _connect(self, n_tries=2):
import mpd
with self._client_lock:
if self.client:
error = None
while n_tries > 0:
n_tries -= 1
self.client = mpd.MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
self.client.connect(, self.port)
return self.client
except Exception as e:
error = e
self.logger.warning('Connection exception: {}{}'.
format(str(e), (': Retrying' if n_tries > 0 else '')))
self.client = None
raise error
def _exec(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
error = None
n_tries = int(kwargs.pop('n_tries')) if 'n_tries' in kwargs else 2
return_status = kwargs.pop('return_status') \
if 'return_status' in kwargs else True
while n_tries > 0:
n_tries -= 1
with self._client_lock:
response = getattr(self.client, method)(*args, **kwargs)
if return_status:
return self.status().output
return response
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)
self.logger.warning('Exception while executing MPD method {}: {}'.
format(method, error))
self.client = None
return None, error
def play(self, resource=None):
Play a resource by path/URI
:param resource: Resource path/URI
:type resource: str
if resource:
self.add(resource, position=0)
return self.play_pos(0)
return self._exec('play')
def play_pos(self, pos):
Play a track in the current playlist by position number
:param pos: Position number
:type resource: int
return self._exec('play', pos)
def pause(self):
""" Pause playback """
status = self.status().output['state']
if status == 'play': return self._exec('pause')
else: return self._exec('play')
def pause_if_playing(self):
""" Pause playback only if it's playing """
status = self.status().output['state']
if status == 'play':
return self._exec('pause')
def play_if_paused(self):
""" Play only if it's paused (resume) """
status = self.status().output['state']
if status == 'pause':
return self._exec('play')
def play_if_paused_or_stopped(self):
""" Play only if it's paused or stopped """
status = self.status().output['state']
if status == 'pause' or status == 'stop':
return self._exec('play')
def stop(self):
""" Stop playback """
return self._exec('stop')
def play_or_stop(self):
""" Play or stop (play state toggle) """
status = self.status().output['state']
if status == 'play':
return self._exec('stop')
return self._exec('play')
def playid(self, track_id):
Play a track by ID
:param track_id: Track ID
:type track_id: str
return self._exec('playid', track_id)
def next(self):
""" Play the next track """
return self._exec('next')
def previous(self):
""" Play the previous track """
return self._exec('previous')
def setvol(self, vol):
Set the volume
:param vol: Volume value (range: 0-100)
:type vol: int
return self._exec('setvol', vol)
def volup(self, delta=10):
Turn up the volume
:param delta: Volume up delta (default: +10%)
:type delta: int
volume = int(self.status().output['volume'])
new_volume = min(volume+delta, 100)
return self.setvol(str(new_volume))
def voldown(self, delta=10):
Turn down the volume
:param delta: Volume down delta (default: -10%)
:type delta: int
volume = int(self.status().output['volume'])
new_volume = max(volume-delta, 0)
return self.setvol(str(new_volume))
def random(self, value=None):
Set random mode
:param value: If set, set the random state this value (true/false). Default: None (toggle current state)
:type value: bool
if value is None:
value = int(self.status().output['random'])
value = 1 if value == 0 else 0
return self._exec('random', value)
def consume(self, value=None):
Set consume mode
:param value: If set, set the consume state this value (true/false). Default: None (toggle current state)
:type value: bool
if value is None:
value = int(self.status().output['consume'])
value = 1 if value == 0 else 0
return self._exec('consume', value)
def single(self, value=None):
Set single mode
:param value: If set, set the consume state this value (true/false). Default: None (toggle current state)
:type value: bool
if value is None:
value = int(self.status().output['single'])
value = 1 if value == 0 else 0
return self._exec('single', value)
def repeat(self, value=None):
Set repeat mode
:param value: If set, set the repeat state this value (true/false). Default: None (toggle current state)
:type value: bool
if value is None:
value = int(self.status().output['repeat'])
value = 1 if value == 0 else 0
return self._exec('repeat', value)
def shuffle(self):
Shuffles the current playlist
return self._exec('shuffle')
def save(self, name):
Save the current tracklist to a new playlist with the specified name
:param name: Name of the playlist
:type name: str
return self._exec('save', name)
def add(self, resource, position=None):
Add a resource (track, album, artist, folder etc.) to the current playlist
:param resource: Resource path or URI
:type resource: str
:param position: Position where the track(s) will be inserted (default: end of the playlist)
:type position: int
if isinstance(resource, list):
for r in resource:
r = self._parse_resource(r)
if position is None:
self._exec('add', r)
self._exec('addid', r, position)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning('Could not add {}: {}'.format(r, e))
return self.status().output
r = self._parse_resource(resource)
if position is None:
return self._exec('add', r)
return self._exec('addid', r, position)
def delete(self, positions):
Delete the playlist item(s) in the specified position(s).
:param positions: Positions of the tracks to be removed
:type positions: list[int]
:return: The modified playlist
for pos in sorted(positions, key=int, reverse=True):
self._exec('delete', pos)
return self.playlistinfo()
def rm(self, playlist):
Permanently remove playlist(s) by name
:param playlist: Name or list of playlist names to remove
:type playlist: str or list[str]
if isinstance(playlist, str):
playlist = [playlist]
elif not isinstance(playlist, list):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid type for playlist: {}'.format(type(playlist)))
for p in playlist:
self._exec('rm', p)
def move(self, from_pos, to_pos):
Move the playlist item in position <from_pos> to position <to_pos>
:param from_pos: Track current position
:type from_pos: int
:param to_pos: Track new position
:type to_pos: int
return self._exec('move', from_pos, to_pos)
def _parse_resource(cls, resource):
if not resource:
m ='^[^?]+)', resource)
if m: resource = 'spotify:{}'.format('/', ':'))
if resource.startswith('spotify:'):
resource = resource.split('?')[0]
m = re.match('spotify:playlist:(.*)', resource)
if m:
# Old Spotify URI format, convert it to new
resource = 'spotify:user:spotify:playlist:' +
return resource
def load(self, playlist, play=True):
Load and play a playlist by name
:param playlist: Playlist name
:type playlist: str
:param play: Start playback after loading the playlist (default: True)
:type play: bool
ret = self._exec('load', playlist)
if play:
return ret
def clear(self):
""" Clear the current playlist """
return self._exec('clear')
def seekcur(self, value):
Seek to the specified position
:param value: Seek position in seconds, or delta string (e.g. '+15' or '-15') to indicate a seek relative to the current position
:type value: int
return self._exec('seekcur', value)
def forward(self):
""" Go forward by 15 seconds """
return self._exec('seekcur', '+15')
def back(self):
""" Go backward by 15 seconds """
return self._exec('seekcur', '-15')
def status(self):
:returns: The current state.
Example response::
output = {
"volume": "9",
"repeat": "0",
"random": "0",
"single": "0",
"consume": "0",
"playlist": "52",
"playlistlength": "14",
"xfade": "0",
"state": "play",
"song": "9",
"songid": "3061",
"nextsong": "10",
"nextsongid": "3062",
"time": "161:255",
"elapsed": "161.967",
"bitrate": "320"
n_tries = 2
error = None
while n_tries > 0:
n_tries -= 1
return self.client.status()
except Exception as e:
error = e
self.logger.warning('Exception while getting MPD status: {}'.
self.client = None
return None, error
def currentsong(self):
:returns: The currently played track.
Example response::
output = {
"file": "spotify:track:7CO5ADlDN3DcR2pwlnB14P",
"time": "255",
"artist": "Elbow",
"album": "Little Fictions",
"title": "Kindling",
"date": "2017",
"track": "10",
"pos": "9",
"id": "3061",
"albumartist": "Elbow",
"x-albumuri": "spotify:album:6q5KhDhf9BZkoob7uAnq19"
track = self._exec('currentsong', return_status=False)
if 'title' in track and ('artist' not in track
or not track['artist']
or'^https?://', track['file'])
or'^tunein:', track['file'])):
m = re.match('^\s*(.+?)\s+-\s+(.*)\s*$', track['title'])
if m and and
track['artist'] =
track['title'] =
return track
def playlistinfo(self):
:returns: The tracks in the current playlist as a list of dicts.
Example output::
output = [
"file": "spotify:track:79VtgIoznishPUDWO7Kafu",
"time": "355",
"artist": "Elbow",
"album": "Little Fictions",
"title": "Trust the Sun",
"date": "2017",
"track": "3",
"pos": "10",
"id": "3062",
"albumartist": "Elbow",
"x-albumuri": "spotify:album:6q5KhDhf9BZkoob7uAnq19"
"file": "spotify:track:3EzTre0pxmoMYRuhJKMHj6",
"time": "219",
"artist": "Elbow",
"album": "Little Fictions",
"title": "Gentle Storm",
"date": "2017",
"track": "2",
"pos": "11",
"id": "3063",
"albumartist": "Elbow",
"x-albumuri": "spotify:album:6q5KhDhf9BZkoob7uAnq19"
return self._exec('playlistinfo', return_status=False)
def listplaylists(self):
:returns: The playlists available on the server as a list of dicts.
Example response::
output = [
"playlist": "Rock",
"last-modified": "2018-06-25T21:28:19Z"
"playlist": "Jazz",
"last-modified": "2018-06-24T22:28:29Z"
# ...
return sorted(self._exec('listplaylists', return_status=False),
key=lambda p: p['playlist'])
def listplaylist(self, name):
List the items in the specified playlist (without metadata)
:param name: Name of the playlist
:type name: str
return self._exec('listplaylist', name, return_status=False)
def listplaylistinfo(self, name):
List the items in the specified playlist (with metadata)
:param name: Name of the playlist
:type name: str
return self._exec('listplaylistinfo', name, return_status=False)
def playlistadd(self, name, uri):
Add one or multiple resources to a playlist.
:param name: Playlist name
:type name: str
:param uri: URI or path of the resource(s) to be added
:type uri: str or list[str]
if isinstance(uri, str):
uri = [uri]
for res in uri:
self._exec('playlistadd', name, res)
def playlistdelete(self, name, pos):
Remove one or multiple tracks from a playlist.
:param name: Playlist name
:type name: str
:param pos: Position or list of positions to remove
:type pos: int or list[int]
if isinstance(pos, str):
pos = int(pos)
if isinstance(pos, int):
pos = [pos]
for p in pos:
self._exec('playlistdelete', name, p)
def playlistmove(self, name, from_pos, to_pos):
Change the position of a track in the specified playlist
:param name: Playlist name
:type name: str
:param from_pos: Original track position
:type from_pos: int
:param to_pos: New track position
:type to_pos: int
self._exec('playlistmove', name, from_pos, to_pos)
def playlistclear(self, name):
Clears all the elements from the specified playlist
:param name: Playlist name
:type name: str
self._exec('playlistclear', name)
def rename(self, name, new_name):
Rename a playlist
:param name: Original playlist name
:type name: str
:param new_name: New playlist name
:type name: str
self._exec('rename', name, new_name)
def lsinfo(self, uri=None):
Returns the list of playlists and directories on the server
return self._exec('lsinfo', uri, return_status=False) \
if uri else self._exec('lsinfo', return_status=False)
def plchanges(self, version):
Show what has changed on the current playlist since a specified playlist
version number.
:param version: Version number
:type version: int
:returns: A list of dicts representing the songs being added since the specified version
return self._exec('plchanges', version, return_status=False)
def searchaddplaylist(self, name):
Search and add a playlist by (partial or full) name
:param name: Playlist name, can be partial
:type name: str
playlists = list(map(lambda _: _['playlist'],
filter(lambda playlist:
name.lower() in playlist['playlist'].lower(),
self._exec('listplaylists', return_status=False))))
if len(playlists):
self._exec('load', playlists[0])
return {'playlist': playlists[0]}
def find(self, filter, *args, **kwargs):
Find in the database/library by filter.
:param filter: Search filter. MPD treats it as a key-valued list (e.g. ``["artist", "Led Zeppelin", "album", "IV"]``)
:type filter: list[str]
:returns: list[dict]
return self._exec('find', *filter, *args, return_status=False, **kwargs)
def findadd(self, filter, *args, **kwargs):
Find in the database/library by filter and add to the current playlist.
:param filter: Search filter. MPD treats it as a key-valued list (e.g. ``["artist", "Led Zeppelin", "album", "IV"]``)
:type filter: list[str]
:returns: list[dict]
return self._exec('findadd', *filter, *args, return_status=False, **kwargs)
def search(self, filter, *args, **kwargs):
Free search by filter.
:param filter: Search filter. MPD treats it as a key-valued list (e.g. ``["artist", "Led Zeppelin", "album", "IV"]``)
:type filter: list[str]
:returns: list[dict]
items = self._exec('search', *filter, *args, return_status=False, **kwargs)
# Spotify results first
items = sorted(items, key=lambda item:
0 if item['file'].startswith('spotify:') else 1)
return items
def searchadd(self, filter, *args, **kwargs):
Free search by filter and add the results to the current playlist.
:param filter: Search filter. MPD treats it as a key-valued list (e.g. ``["artist", "Led Zeppelin", "album", "IV"]``)
:type filter: list[str]
:returns: list[dict]
return self._exec('searchadd', *filter, *args, return_status=False, **kwargs)
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