Fabio Manganiello 1a777c6276
Removed Todoist backend and migrated responses to schemas.
The Todoist Websocket interface is no longer working properly, and I'm
sick of reverse engineering it.

Closes: #305
2023-11-18 10:16:48 +01:00

305 lines
6.7 KiB

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields
from marshmallow.schema import Schema
from platypush.schemas import DateTime
class TodoistUserSchema(Schema):
Todoist user schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
auto_reminder = fields.Int()
avatar_big = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_medium = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_s640 = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_small = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
business_account_id = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's business account ID.",
"example": 123456,
daily_goal = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's daily goal.",
"example": 100,
date_format = fields.String(
"description": "The user's date format.",
"example": "dd-mm-yyyy",
dateist_inline_disabled = fields.Bool()
dateist_lang = fields.String(
"description": "The user's dateist language.",
"example": "en",
days_off = fields.List(
"description": "The user's days off.",
"example": [0, 6],
default_reminder = fields.String()
email = fields.Email(
"description": "The user's email.",
"example": "",
features = fields.Dict()
full_name = fields.String(
"description": "The user's full name.",
"example": "John Doe",
id = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's unique identifier.",
"example": 123456,
image_id = fields.String()
inbox_project = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's inbox project ID.",
"example": 123456,
is_biz_admin = fields.Bool()
is_premium = fields.Bool()
join_date = DateTime()
karma = fields.Float()
karma_trend = fields.String()
lang = fields.String(
"description": "The user's language.",
"example": "en",
legacy_inbox_project = fields.Int()
mobile_host = fields.String()
mobile_number = fields.String()
next_week = fields.Int()
premium_until = DateTime()
share_limit = fields.Int()
sort_order = fields.Int()
start_day = fields.Int()
start_page = fields.String()
theme = fields.Int()
time_format = fields.String(
"description": "The user's time format.",
"example": "24h",
token = fields.String()
tz_info = fields.Dict()
unique_prefix = fields.Int()
websocket_url = fields.Url()
weekly_goal = fields.Int()
class TodoistProjectSchema(Schema):
Todoist project schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
child_order = fields.Int()
collapsed = fields.Bool()
color = fields.Int()
has_more_notes = fields.Bool()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
is_archived = fields.Bool()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
is_favorite = fields.Bool()
name = fields.String(required=True)
shared = fields.Bool()
inbox_project = fields.Bool()
legacy_id = fields.Int()
parent_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistItemSchema(Schema):
Todoist item schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
assigned_by_uid = fields.Int()
checked = fields.Bool()
child_order = fields.Int()
collapsed = fields.Bool()
content = fields.String()
date_added = DateTime()
date_completed = DateTime()
day_order = fields.Int()
due = fields.Dict()
has_more_notes = fields.Bool()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
in_history = fields.Bool()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
labels = fields.List(fields.String())
legacy_project_id = fields.Int()
parent_id = fields.Int()
priority = fields.Int()
project_id = fields.Int()
responsible_uid = fields.Int()
section_id = fields.Int()
sync_id = fields.Int()
user_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistFilterSchema(Schema):
Todoist filter schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
color = fields.Int()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
item_order = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
query = fields.String()
user_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistLiveNotificationSchema(Schema):
Todoist live notifications schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
id = fields.Int(required=True)
notification_key = fields.String()
notification_type = fields.String()
project_id = fields.Int()
user_id = fields.Int()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
is_unread = fields.Bool()
completed_last_month = fields.Bool()
karma_level = fields.Int()
promo_img = fields.Url()
completed_tasks = fields.Int()
created = fields.String()
class TodoistCollaboratorSchema(Schema):
Todoist collaborator schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()
class TodoistNoteSchema(Schema):
Todoist note schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()
class TodoistProjectNoteSchema(Schema):
Todoist project note schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()