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import email
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any, Tuple
from imapclient import IMAPClient
from imapclient.response_types import Address
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.mail import MailInPlugin, ServerInfo, Mail
class MailImapPlugin(MailInPlugin):
Plugin to interact with a mail server over IMAP.
* **imapclient** (``pip install imapclient``)
_default_port = 143
_default_ssl_port = 993
def __init__(self, server: str, port: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None, password_cmd: Optional[str] = None, access_token: Optional[str] = None,
oauth_mechanism: Optional[str] = 'XOAUTH2', oauth_vendor: Optional[str] = None, ssl: bool = False,
keyfile: Optional[str] = None, certfile: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = 60, **kwargs):
:param server: Server name/address.
:param port: Port (default: 143 for plain, 993 for SSL).
:param username: IMAP username.
:param password: IMAP password.
:param password_cmd: If you don't want to input your password in the configuration, run this command to fetch
or decrypt the password.
:param access_token: OAuth2 access token if the server supports OAuth authentication.
:param oauth_mechanism: OAuth2 mechanism (default: ``XOAUTH2``).
:param oauth_vendor: OAuth2 vendor (default: None).
:param ssl: Use SSL (default: False).
:param keyfile: Private key file for SSL connection if client authentication is required.
:param certfile: SSL certificate file or chain.
:param timeout: Server connect/read timeout in seconds (default: 60).
self.server_info = self._get_server_info(server=server, port=port, username=username, password=password,
password_cmd=password_cmd, ssl=ssl, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
access_token=access_token, oauth_mechanism=oauth_mechanism,
oauth_vendor=oauth_vendor, timeout=timeout)
def _get_server_info(self, server: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None, password_cmd: Optional[str] = None,
access_token: Optional[str] = None, oauth_mechanism: Optional[str] = None,
oauth_vendor: Optional[str] = None, ssl: Optional[bool] = None, keyfile: Optional[str] = None,
certfile: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> ServerInfo:
return super()._get_server_info(server=server, port=port, username=username, password=password,
password_cmd=password_cmd, ssl=ssl, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile,
default_port=self._default_port, default_ssl_port=self._default_ssl_port,
access_token=access_token, oauth_mechanism=oauth_mechanism,
oauth_vendor=oauth_vendor, timeout=timeout)
def connect(self, **connect_args) -> IMAPClient:
info = self._get_server_info(**connect_args)'Connecting to {}'.format(info.server))
context = None
if info.ssl:
import ssl
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.load_cert_chain(certfile=info.certfile, keyfile=info.keyfile)
client = IMAPClient(host=info.server, port=info.port, ssl=info.ssl, ssl_context=context)
if info.password:
client.login(info.username, info.password)
elif info.access_token:
client.oauth2_login(info.username, access_token=info.access_token, mech=info.oauth_mechanism,
return client
def _get_folders(data: List[tuple]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
folders = []
for line in data:
(flags), delimiter, mailbox_name = line
'name': mailbox_name,
'flags': [flag.decode() for flag in flags],
'delimiter': delimiter.decode(),
return folders
def get_folders(self, folder: str = '', pattern: str = '*', **connect_args) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Get the list of all the folders hosted on the server or those matching a pattern.
:param folder: Base folder (default: root).
:param pattern: Pattern to search (default: None).
:param connect_args: Arguments to pass to :meth:`._get_server_info` for server configuration override.
:return: Example:
.. code-block:: json
"name": "INBOX",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
"name": "Archive",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
"name": "Spam",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
with self.connect(**connect_args) as client:
data = client.list_folders(directory=folder, pattern=pattern)
return self._get_folders(data)
def get_sub_folders(self, folder: str = '', pattern: str = '*', **connect_args) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Get the list of all the sub-folders hosted on the server or those matching a pattern.
:param folder: Base folder (default: root).
:param pattern: Pattern to search (default: None).
:param connect_args: Arguments to pass to :meth:`._get_server_info` for server configuration override.
:return: Example:
.. code-block:: json
"name": "INBOX",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
"name": "Archive",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
"name": "Spam",
"flags": "\\Noinferiors",
"delimiter": "/"
with self.connect(**connect_args) as client:
data = client.list_sub_folders(directory=folder, pattern=pattern)
return self._get_folders(data)
def _parse_address(imap_addr: Address) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {
'name': if else None,
'route': imap_addr.route.decode() if imap_addr.route else None,
'email': '{name}@{host}'.format(name=imap_addr.mailbox.decode(),
def _parse_addresses(cls, addresses: Optional[Tuple[Address]] = None) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
ret = {}
if addresses:
for addr in addresses:
addr = cls._parse_address(addr)
ret[addr['email']] = addr
return ret
def _parse_message(cls, msg_id: int, imap_msg: Dict[bytes, Any]) -> Mail:
message = {
'id': msg_id,
'seq': imap_msg[b'SEQ'],
if imap_msg.get(b'FLAGS'):
message['flags'] = [flag.decode() for flag in imap_msg[b'FLAGS'] if flag]
if b'INTERNALDATE' in imap_msg:
message['internal_date'] = imap_msg[b'INTERNALDATE']
if b'RFC822.SIZE' in imap_msg:
message['size'] = imap_msg[b'RFC822.SIZE']
if b'ENVELOPE' in imap_msg:
envelope = imap_msg[b'ENVELOPE']
message['bcc'] = cls._parse_addresses(envelope.bcc)
message['cc'] = cls._parse_addresses(
message['date'] =
message['from'] = cls._parse_addresses(envelope.from_)
message['message_id'] = envelope.message_id.decode() if envelope.message_id else None
message['in_reply_to'] = envelope.in_reply_to.decode() if envelope.in_reply_to else None
message['reply_to'] = cls._parse_addresses(envelope.reply_to)
message['sender'] = cls._parse_addresses(envelope.sender)
message['subject'] = envelope.subject.decode() if envelope.subject else None
message['to'] = cls._parse_addresses(
return Mail(**message)
def search(self, criteria: Union[str, List[str]] = 'ALL', folder: str = 'INBOX',
attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, **connect_args) -> List[Mail]:
Search for messages on the server that fit the specified criteria.
:param criteria: It should be a sequence of one or more criteria items. Each criteria item may be either unicode
or bytes (default: ``ALL``). Example values::
['SMALLER', 500]
['TEXT', 'foo bar', 'FLAGGED', 'SUBJECT', 'baz']
['SINCE', '2020-03-14T12:13:45+00:00']
It is also possible (but not recommended) to pass the combined criteria as a single string. In this case
IMAPClient won't perform quoting, allowing lower-level specification of criteria. Examples of this style::
'TEXT "foo bar" FLAGGED SUBJECT "baz"'
'SINCE 03-Apr-2005'
To support complex search expressions, criteria lists can be nested. The following will match messages that
are both not flagged and do not have "foo" in the subject::
['NOT', ['SUBJECT', 'foo', 'FLAGGED']]
:param folder: Folder to search (default: ``INBOX``).
:param attributes: Attributes that should be retrieved, according to
`RFC 3501 <>`_
Note that ``BODY`` will be ignored if specified here for performance reasons - use :meth:`.get_message` if
you want to get the full content of a message known its ID from :meth:`.search`.
:param connect_args: Arguments to pass to :meth:`._get_server_info` for server configuration override.
:return: List of messages matching the criteria. Example:
.. code-block:: json
"id": 702,
"seq": 671,
"flags": [
"internal_date": "2020-08-30T00:31:52+00:00",
"size": 2908738,
"bcc": {},
"cc": {},
"date": "2020-08-30T00:31:52+00:00",
"from": {
"": {
"name": "A test",
"route": null,
"email": ""
"message_id": "<>",
"in_reply_to": "<>",
"reply_to": {},
"sender": {
"": {
"name": "A test",
"route": null,
"email": ""
"subject": "Test email",
"to": {
"": {
"name": null,
"route": null,
"email": ""
if not attributes:
attributes = ['ALL']
attributes = [attr.upper() for attr in attributes]
data = {}
with self.connect(**connect_args) as client:
client.select_folder(folder, readonly=True)
ids =
if len(ids):
data = client.fetch(list(ids), attributes)
messages = [
self._parse_message(msg_id, data[msg_id])
for msg_id in sorted(data.keys())
return messages
def search_unseen_messages(self, folder: str = 'INBOX', **connect_args) -> List[Mail]:
Shortcut for :meth:`.search` that returns only the unread messages.
return'UNSEEN', directory=folder, attributes=['ALL'], **connect_args)
def get_message(self, id: int, folder: str = 'INBOX', **connect_args) -> Mail:
Get the full content of a message given the ID returned by :meth:`.search`.
:param id: Message ID.
:param folder: Folder name (default: ``INBOX``).
:param connect_args: Arguments to pass to :meth:`._get_server_info` for server configuration override.
:return: A message in the same format as :meth:`.search`, with an added ``payload`` attribute containing the
with self.connect(**connect_args) as client:
client.select_folder(folder, readonly=True)
data = client.fetch(id, ['ALL', 'RFC822'])
assert id in data, 'No such message ID: {}'.format(id)
data = data[id]
ret = self._parse_message(id, data)
msg = email.message_from_bytes(data[b'RFC822'])
ret.payload = msg.get_payload()
return ret
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