
99 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from logging import getLogger
from queue import Full, Queue
from threading import Thread
from time import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional
from ._mix import Mix
class AudioGenerator(Thread):
The ``AudioGenerator`` class is a thread that generates synthetic raw audio
waves and dispatches them to a queue that can be consumed by other players,
streamers and converters.
def __init__(
audio_queue: Queue, # Queue[NDArray[np.number]],
mix: Mix,
blocksize: int,
sample_rate: int,
queue_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
should_stop: Callable[[], bool] = lambda: False,
wait_running: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None,
on_stop: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None,
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._audio_queue = audio_queue
self._t_start: float = 0
self._blocksize: int = blocksize
self._sample_rate: int = sample_rate
self._blocktime = self._blocksize / self._sample_rate
self._should_stop = should_stop
self._queue_timeout = queue_timeout
self._wait_running = wait_running
self._on_stop = on_stop
self.mix = mix
self.logger = getLogger(__name__)
def _next_t(self, t: float) -> float:
Calculates the next starting time for the wave function.
return (
min(t + self._blocktime, self._duration)
if self._duration is not None
else t + self._blocktime
def should_stop(self) -> bool:
Stops if the upstream dependencies have signalled to stop or if the
duration is set and we have reached it.
return self._should_stop() or (
self._duration is not None and time() - self._t_start >= self._duration
def _duration(self) -> Optional[float]:
Proxy to the mix object's duration.
return self.mix.duration()
def run(self):
self._t_start = time()
t = 0
while not self.should_stop():
if self.should_stop():
next_t = self._next_t(t)
data = self.mix.get_wave(
t_start=t, t_end=next_t, sample_rate=self._sample_rate
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning('Could not generate the audio wave: %s', e)
self._audio_queue.put(data, timeout=self._queue_timeout)
t = next_t
except Full:
'The processing queue is full: either the audio consumer is stuck, '
'or you may want to increase queue_size'