[`torrent`] Updated plugin.

- The default PopcornTime API host has changed, as popcorn-time.ga is no
  longer available.

- The iMDb API now requires a paid tier even for a basic query. The
  official iMDb API layer (and the API key requirement) has thus been
  replaced with a dear ol' scraping of the frontend endpoint.

- Pass of Black/LINT.
This commit is contained in:
Fabio Manganiello 2023-11-03 21:53:33 +01:00
parent 35571b8d13
commit 4c5366849d
1 changed files with 84 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import os
import queue
import random
from typing import List, Optional
import requests
import threading
import time
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union
import requests
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ from platypush.message.event.torrent import (
from platypush.utils import get_default_downloads_dir
class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
@ -27,57 +29,36 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
Plugin to search and download torrents.
_http_timeout = 20
# Wait time in seconds between two torrent transfer checks
default_torrent_ports = [6881, 6891]
categories = {
'movies': None,
'tv': None,
default_torrent_ports = (6881, 6891)
torrent_state = {}
transfers = {}
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
default_popcorn_base_url = 'http://popcorn-time.ga'
default_popcorn_base_url = 'https://shows.cf'
def __init__(
download_dir: Optional[str] = None,
torrent_ports: Iterable[int] = default_torrent_ports,
popcorn_base_url: str = default_popcorn_base_url,
:param download_dir: Directory where the videos/torrents will be downloaded (default: none)
:type download_dir: str
:param download_dir: Directory where the videos/torrents will be
downloaded (default: ``~/Downloads``).
:param torrent_ports: Torrent ports to listen on (default: 6881 and 6891)
:type torrent_ports: list[int]
:param imdb_key: The IMDb API (https://imdb-api.com/) is used to search for movies and series. Insert your
IMDb API key if you want support for content search.
:type imdb_key: str
:param popcorn_base_url: Custom base URL to use for the PopcornTime API.
:type popcorn_base_url: str
if torrent_ports is None:
torrent_ports = []
for category in self.categories.keys():
self.categories[category] = getattr(self, 'search_' + category)
self.imdb_key = imdb_key
self.imdb_urls = {}
self.torrent_ports = (
torrent_ports if torrent_ports else self.default_torrent_ports
self.torrent_ports = torrent_ports
self.download_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.expanduser(download_dir or get_default_downloads_dir())
self.download_dir = None
self._sessions = {}
self._lt_session = None
self.popcorn_base_url = popcorn_base_url
@ -86,48 +67,38 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
'tv': f'{popcorn_base_url}/show/{{}}',
if imdb_key:
self.imdb_urls = {
'movies': f'https://imdb-api.com/API/SearchMovie/{self.imdb_key}/{{}}',
'tv': f'https://imdb-api.com/API/SearchSeries/{self.imdb_key}/{{}}',
if download_dir:
self.download_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(download_dir))
def search(self, query, category=None, language=None, *args, **kwargs):
def search(
query: str,
category: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None,
language: Optional[str] = None,
Perform a search of video torrents.
:param query: Query string, video name or partial name
:type query: str
:param category: Category to search. Supported types: "movies", "tv".
Default: None (search all categories)
:type category: str or list
:param language: Language code for the results - example: "en" (default: None, no filter)
:type language: str
assert self.imdb_key, 'No imdb_key specified'
results = []
if isinstance(category, str):
category = [category]
# noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
def worker(cat):
if cat not in self.categories:
raise RuntimeError(
'Unsupported category {}. Supported category: {}'.format(
cat, self.categories.keys()
f'Unsupported category {cat}. Supported categories: '
self.logger.info('Searching {} torrents for "{}"'.format(cat, query))
self.logger.info('Searching %s torrents for "%s"', cat, query)
self.categories[cat](query, *args, language=language, **kwargs)
self.categories[cat](self, query, *args, language=language, **kwargs)
workers = [
@ -135,29 +106,40 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
for category in (category or self.categories.keys())
for worker in workers:
for worker in workers:
for wrk in workers:
for wrk in workers:
return results
def _imdb_query(self, query: str, category: str):
assert self.imdb_key, 'No imdb_key specified'
imdb_url = self.imdb_urls.get(category)
if not query:
return []
assert imdb_url, f'No such category: {category}'
imdb_url = imdb_url.format(query)
response = requests.get(imdb_url).json()
if category == 'movies':
imdb_category = 'movie'
elif category == 'tv':
imdb_category = 'tvSeries'
raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported category: {category}')
imdb_url = f'https://v3.sg.media-imdb.com/suggestion/x/{quote_plus(query)}.json?includeVideos=1'
response = requests.get(imdb_url, timeout=self._http_timeout)
response = response.json()
assert not response.get('errorMessage'), response['errorMessage']
return response.get('results', [])
return [
item for item in response.get('d', []) if item.get('qid') == imdb_category
def _torrent_search_worker(self, imdb_id: str, category: str, q: queue.Queue):
base_url = self.torrent_base_urls.get(category)
assert base_url, f'No such category: {category}'
results = requests.get(base_url.format(imdb_id)).json()
results = requests.get(
base_url.format(imdb_id), timeout=self._http_timeout
except Exception as e:
@ -192,7 +174,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
if errors:
self.logger.warning(f'Torrent search errors: {[str(e) for e in errors]}')
self.logger.warning('Torrent search errors: %s', [str(e) for e in errors])
return results
@ -206,8 +188,9 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
'imdb_id': result.get('imdb_id'),
'type': 'movies',
'file': item.get('file'),
'title': '{title} [movies][{language}][{quality}]'.format(
title=result.get('title'), language=lang, quality=quality
'title': (
result.get('title', '[No Title]')
+ f' [movies][{lang}][{quality}]'
'duration': int(result.get('runtime') or 0),
'year': int(result.get('year') or 0),
@ -244,12 +227,10 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
'type': 'tv',
'file': item.get('file'),
'series': result.get('title'),
'title': '{series} [S{season:02d}E{episode:02d}] {title} [tv][{quality}]'.format(
'title': (
result.get('title', '[No Title]')
+ f'[S{episode.get("season", 0):02d}E{episode.get("episode", 0):02d}] '
+ f'{episode.get("title", "[No Title]")} [tv][{quality}]'
'duration': int(result.get('runtime') or 0),
'year': int(result.get('year') or 0),
@ -275,11 +256,15 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
for quality, item in (episode.get('torrents', {}) or {}).items()
if quality != '0'
key=lambda item: '{series}.{quality}.{season:02d}.{episode:02d}'.format(
key=lambda item: (
item.get('series', ''),
item.get('quality', ''),
str(item.get('season', 0)).zfill(2),
str(item.get('episode', 0)).zfill(2),
@ -299,7 +284,6 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
info = {}
file_info = {}
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
if torrent.startswith('magnet:?'):
magnet = torrent
magnet_info = lt.parse_magnet_uri(magnet)
@ -320,7 +304,9 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
'save_path': download_dir,
elif torrent.startswith('http://') or torrent.startswith('https://'):
response = requests.get(torrent, allow_redirects=True)
response = requests.get(
torrent, timeout=self._http_timeout, allow_redirects=True
torrent_file = os.path.join(download_dir, self._generate_rand_filename())
with open(torrent_file, 'wb') as f:
@ -328,13 +314,10 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
torrent_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(torrent))
if not os.path.isfile(torrent_file):
raise RuntimeError(
'{} is not a valid torrent file'.format(torrent_file)
raise RuntimeError(f'{torrent_file} is not a valid torrent file')
if torrent_file:
file_info = lt.torrent_info(torrent_file)
# noinspection PyArgumentList
info = {
'name': file_info.name(),
'url': torrent,
@ -352,7 +335,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
if event_hndl:
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning('Exception in torrent event handler: {}'.format(str(e)))
self.logger.warning('Exception in torrent event handler: %s', e)
def _torrent_monitor(self, torrent, transfer, download_dir, event_hndl, is_media):
@ -364,9 +347,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
while not transfer.is_finished():
if torrent not in self.transfers:
'Torrent {} has been stopped and removed'.format(torrent)
self.logger.info('Torrent %s has been stopped and removed', torrent)
self._fire_event(TorrentDownloadStopEvent(url=torrent), event_hndl)
@ -383,7 +364,6 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
if is_media:
from platypush.plugins.media import MediaPlugin
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
files = [f for f in files if MediaPlugin.is_video_file(f)]
self.torrent_state[torrent]['download_rate'] = status.download_rate
@ -458,7 +438,6 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
import libtorrent as lt
# noinspection PyArgumentList
self._lt_session = lt.session()
return self._lt_session
@ -512,9 +491,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
if torrent in self._sessions:
'A torrent session is already running for {}'.format(torrent)
self.logger.info('A torrent session is already running for %s', torrent)
return self.torrent_state.get(torrent, {})
session = self._get_session()
@ -543,9 +520,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
self._fire_event(TorrentQueuedEvent(url=torrent), event_hndl)
'Downloading "{}" to "{}" from [{}]'.format(
info['name'], download_dir, torrent
'Downloading "%s" to "%s" from [%s]', info['name'], download_dir, torrent
monitor_thread = self._torrent_monitor(
@ -587,7 +562,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
if torrent not in self.transfers:
return None, "No transfer in progress for {}".format(torrent)
return None, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}"
if self.torrent_state[torrent].get('paused', False):
@ -605,9 +580,7 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
:type torrent: str
if torrent not in self.transfers:
return None, "No transfer in progress for {}".format(torrent)
assert torrent in self.transfers, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}"
@ -619,13 +592,11 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
:type torrent: str
if torrent not in self.transfers:
return None, "No transfer in progress for {}".format(torrent)
assert torrent in self.transfers, f"No transfer in progress for {torrent}"
del self.torrent_state[torrent]
del self.transfers[torrent]
if torrent in self._sessions:
del self._sessions[torrent]
@ -645,5 +616,10 @@ class TorrentPlugin(Plugin):
name += hex(random.randint(0, 15))[2:].upper()
return name + '.torrent'
categories = {
'movies': search_movies,
'tv': search_tv,
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