
319 lines
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import contextlib
import inspect
import os
import re
import textwrap as tw
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
from importlib.util import spec_from_loader, module_from_spec
from typing import Optional, Type, Union, Callable, Dict, Set
from platypush.utils import (
from platypush.utils.manifest import Manifest, ManifestType, Dependencies
from platypush.utils.reflection._parser import DocstringParser, Parameter
class Action(DocstringParser):
Represents an integration action.
class Constructor(DocstringParser):
Represents an integration constructor.
def parse(cls, obj: Union[Type, Callable]) -> "Constructor":
Parse the parameters of a class constructor or action method.
:param obj: Base type of the object.
:return: The parsed parameters.
init = getattr(obj, "__init__", None)
if init and callable(init):
return super().parse(init)
return super().parse(obj)
class IntegrationMetadata:
Represents the metadata of an integration (plugin or backend).
_class_type_re = re.compile(r"^<class '(?P<name>[\w_]+)'>$")
name: str
type: Type
doc: Optional[str] = None
constructor: Optional[Constructor] = None
actions: Dict[str, Action] = field(default_factory=dict)
_manifest: Optional[Manifest] = None
_skip_manifest: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
if not self._skip_manifest:
def _merge_params(params: Dict[str, Parameter], new_params: Dict[str, Parameter]):
Utility function to merge a new mapping of parameters into an existing one.
for param_name, param in new_params.items():
# Set the parameter if it doesn't exist
if param_name not in params:
params[param_name] = param
# Set the parameter documentation if it's not set
if param.doc and not params[param_name].doc:
params[param_name].doc = param.doc
def _merge_actions(cls, actions: Dict[str, Action], new_actions: Dict[str, Action]):
Utility function to merge a new mapping of actions into an existing one.
for action_name, action in new_actions.items():
# Set the action if it doesn't exist
if action_name not in actions:
actions[action_name] = action
# Set the action documentation if it's not set
if action.doc and not actions[action_name].doc:
actions[action_name].doc = action.doc
# Merge the parameters
cls._merge_params(actions[action_name].params, action.params)
def _merge_events(cls, events: Set[Type], new_events: Set[Type]):
Utility function to merge a new mapping of actions into an existing one.
def by_name(cls, name: str) -> "IntegrationMetadata":
:param name: Integration name.
:return: A parsed Integration class given its type.
type = (
if name.startswith("backend.")
else get_plugin_class_by_name(name)
return cls.by_type(type)
def by_type(cls, type: Type, _skip_manifest: bool = False) -> "IntegrationMetadata":
:param type: Integration type (plugin or backend).
:param _skip_manifest: Whether we should skip parsing the manifest file for this integration
(you SHOULDN'T use this flag outside of this class!).
:return: A parsed Integration class given its type.
from platypush.backend import Backend
from platypush.plugins import Plugin
assert issubclass(
type, (Plugin, Backend)
), f"Expected a Plugin or Backend class, got {type}"
name = (
if issubclass(type, Plugin)
else "backend." + get_backend_name_by_class(type)
assert name
obj = cls(
name: Action.parse(getattr(type, name))
for name in get_decorators(type, climb_class_hierarchy=True).get(
"action", []
for p_type in inspect.getmro(type)[1:]:
with contextlib.suppress(AssertionError):
p_obj = cls.by_type(p_type, _skip_manifest=True)
# Merge constructor parameters
if obj.constructor and p_obj.constructor:
cls._merge_params(obj.constructor.params, p_obj.constructor.params)
# Merge actions
cls._merge_actions(obj.actions, p_obj.actions)
# Merge events
except FileNotFoundError:
return obj
def cls(self) -> Optional[Type]:
:return: The class of an integration.
manifest_type = self.manifest.package.split(".")[1]
if manifest_type == "backend":
getter = get_backend_class_by_name
elif manifest_type == "plugins":
getter = get_plugin_class_by_name
return None
return getter(".".join(self.manifest.package.split(".")[2:]))
def from_manifest(cls, manifest_file: str) -> "IntegrationMetadata":
Create an `IntegrationMetadata` object from a manifest file.
:param manifest_file: Path of the manifest file.
:return: A parsed Integration class given its manifest file.
manifest = Manifest.from_file(manifest_file)
name = ".".join(
"backend" if manifest.manifest_type == ManifestType.BACKEND else "",
return cls.by_name(name)
def _init_manifest(self) -> Manifest:
Initialize the manifest object.
if not self._manifest:
self._manifest = Manifest.from_file(self.manifest_file)
return self._manifest
def _type_str(cls, param_type) -> str:
Utility method to pretty-print the type string of a parameter.
type_str = str(param_type).replace("typing.", "")
if m := cls._class_type_re.match(type_str):
return type_str
def manifest(self) -> Manifest:
:return: The parsed Manifest object.
return self._init_manifest()
def manifest_file(self) -> str:
:return: Path of the manifest file for the integration.
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.type)), "manifest.yaml"
def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
:return: The description of the integration.
return self.manifest.description
def events(self) -> Set[Type]:
:return: Events triggered by the integration.
return set(
def deps(self) -> Dependencies:
:return: Dependencies of the integration.
return self.manifest.install
def _indent_yaml_comment(cls, s: str) -> str:
return tw.indent(
line if line.startswith("#") else f"# {line}"
for line in s.split("\n")
" ",
def config_snippet(self) -> str:
:return: A YAML snippet with the configuration parameters of the integration.
return tw.dedent(
+ ":\n"
+ (
f' # [{"Required" if param.required else "Optional"}]\n'
+ (f"{self._indent_yaml_comment(param.doc)}" if param.doc else "")
+ "\n "
+ ("# " if not param.required else "")
+ f"{name}: "
+ (str(param.default) if param.default is not None else "")
+ (
if param.type
else ""
+ "\n"
for name, param in self.constructor.params.items()
if self.constructor and self.constructor.params
else " # No configuration required\n"
def import_file(path: str, name: Optional[str] = None):
Import a Python file as a module, even if no is
defined in the directory.
:param path: Path of the file to import.
:param name: Custom name for the imported module (default: same as the file's basename).
:return: The imported module.
name = name or re.split(r"\.py$", os.path.basename(path))[0]
loader = SourceFileLoader(name, os.path.expanduser(path))
mod_spec = spec_from_loader(name, loader)
assert mod_spec, f"Cannot create module specification for {path}"
mod = module_from_spec(mod_spec)
return mod