
87 lines
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import logging
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, make_transient
from platypush.entities import Entity
from platypush.entities._engine.repo.cache import EntitiesCache
from platypush.entities._engine.repo.db import EntitiesDb
from platypush.entities._engine.repo.merger import EntitiesMerger
logger = logging.getLogger('entities')
class EntitiesRepository:
This object is used to get and save entities, and it wraps database and
cache objects.
def __init__(self):
self._cache = EntitiesCache()
self._db = EntitiesDb()
self._merger = EntitiesMerger(self)
def _init_entities_cache(self):
Initializes the repository with the existing entities.
"""'Initializing entities cache')
with self._db.get_session() as session:
entities = session.query(Entity).all()
for entity in entities:
self._cache.update(*entities, overwrite=True)'Entities cache initialized')
def get(
self, session: Session, entities: Iterable[Entity], use_cache=True
) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Entity]:
Given a set of entity objects, it returns those that already exist
(or have the same ``entity_key``). It looks up both the cache and the
existing_entities = {}
if not use_cache:
existing_entities = self._db.fetch(session, entities)
# Fetch the entities that exist in the cache
existing_entities = {
e.entity_key: self._cache.get(e) for e in entities if self._cache.get(e)
# Retrieve from the database the entities that miss from the cache
cache_miss_entities = {
e.entity_key: e
for e in entities
if e.entity_key not in existing_entities
cache_miss_existing_entities = self._db.fetch(
session, cache_miss_entities.values()
# Update the cache
# Return the union of the cached + retrieved entities
return existing_entities
def save(self, *entities: Entity) -> Iterable[Entity]:
Perform an upsert of entities after merging duplicates and rebuilding
the taxonomies. It updates both the database and the cache.
with self._db.get_session(locked=True, autoflush=False) as session:
merged_entities = self._merger.merge(session, entities)
merged_entities = self._db.upsert(session, merged_entities)
self._cache.update(*merged_entities, overwrite=True)
return merged_entities