
96 lines
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from logging import getLogger
from threading import Thread, Event
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.entities import Entity
from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityUpdateEvent
from platypush.utils import set_thread_name
from platypush.entities._base import EntitySavedCallback
from platypush.entities._engine.queue import EntitiesQueue
from platypush.entities._engine.repo import EntitiesRepository
class EntitiesEngine(Thread):
This thread runs the "brain" of the entities data persistence logic.
Its purpose is to:
1. Consume entities from a queue (synchronized with the upstream
integrations that produce/handle them). The producer/consumer model
ensure that only this thread writes to the database, packs events
together (preventing excessive writes and throttling events), and
prevents race conditions when SQLite is used.
2. Merge any existing entities with their newer representations.
3. Update the entities taxonomy.
4. Persist the new state to the entities database.
5. Trigger events for the updated entities.
def __init__(self) -> None:
obj_name = self.__class__.__name__
self.logger = getLogger(name=obj_name)
self._should_stop = Event()
""" Event used to synchronize stop events downstream."""
self._queue = EntitiesQueue(stop_event=self._should_stop)
""" Queue where all entity upsert requests are received."""
self._repo = EntitiesRepository()
""" The repository of the processed entities. """
self._callbacks: Dict[Tuple[str, str], EntitySavedCallback] = {}
""" (external_id, plugin) -> callback mapping"""
def post(self, *entities: Entity, callback: Optional[EntitySavedCallback] = None):
if callback:
for entity in entities:
self._callbacks[entity.entity_key] = callback
def should_stop(self) -> bool:
return self._should_stop.is_set()
def stop(self):
def notify(self, *entities: Entity):
Trigger an EntityUpdateEvent if the entity has been persisted, or queue
it to the list of entities whose notifications will be flushed when the
session is committed. It will also invoke any registered callbacks.
for entity in entities:
callback = self._callbacks.pop(entity.entity_key, None)
if callback:
def run(self):
set_thread_name('entities')'Started entities engine')
while not self.should_stop:
# Get a batch of entity updates forwarded by other integrations
entities = self._queue.get()
if not entities or self.should_stop:
# Store the batch of entities
entities =*entities)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('Error while processing entity updates: %s', e)
# Trigger EntityUpdateEvent events
self.notify(*entities)'Stopped entities engine')