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1306 lines
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1306 lines
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* =====================================================================================
* Filename: spp_ai.c
* Description: Main file for the spp_ai Snort preprocessor module
* Version: 0.1
* Created: 26/07/2010 11:00:41
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: BlackLight (http://0x00.ath.cx), <blacklight@autistici.org>
* Licence: GNU GPL v.3
* =====================================================================================
#include "spp_ai.h"
#include "sfPolicyUserData.h"
#include "sf_preproc_info.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/** \defgroup spp_ai Main file for spp_ai module
* @{ */
AI_snort_alert* (*get_alerts)(void);
AI_config *config = NULL;
tSfPolicyUserContextId ex_config = NULL;
static void* (*alertparser_thread)(void*) = NULL;
tSfPolicyUserContextId ex_swap_config = NULL;
static void AI_init(char *);
static void AI_process(void *, void *);
static AI_config * AI_parse(char *);
static void AI_reload(char *);
static int AI_reloadSwapPolicyFree(tSfPolicyUserContextId, tSfPolicyId, void *);
static void * AI_reloadSwap(void);
static void AI_reloadSwapFree(void *);
* \brief Function called when the module experiences a fatal error
* \param msg Error message
* \param file File where the error occurred
* \param line Line number where the error occurred
AI_fatal_err ( const char *msg, const char *file, const int line )
_dpd.fatalMsg ( "%s: %s at %s:%d (%s)\n",
PREPROC_NAME, msg, file, line,
((errno != 0) ? strerror(errno) : ""));
} /* ----- end of function AI_fatal_err ----- */
* \brief Set up the preprocessor module
void AI_setup(void)
_dpd.registerPreproc("ai", AI_init);
_dpd.registerPreproc("ai", AI_init, AI_reload,
AI_reloadSwap, AI_reloadSwapFree);
DEBUG_WRAP(_dpd.debugMsg(DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Preprocessor: AI is setup\n"););
} /* ----- end of function AI_setup ----- */
* \brief Initialize the preprocessor module
* \param args Configuration arguments passed to the module
static void AI_init(char *args)
pthread_t cleanup_thread,
tSfPolicyId policy_id = _dpd.getParserPolicy();
_dpd.logMsg("AI dynamic preprocessor configuration\n");
if (ex_config == NULL)
ex_config = sfPolicyConfigCreate();
if (ex_config == NULL)
AI_fatal_err ("Could not allocate configuration struct", __FILE__, __LINE__);
config = AI_parse(args);
sfPolicyUserPolicySet(ex_config, policy_id);
sfPolicyUserDataSetCurrent(ex_config, config);
/* If the hash_cleanup_interval or stream_expire_interval options are set to zero,
* no cleanup will be made on the streams */
if ( config->hashCleanupInterval != 0 && config->streamExpireInterval != 0 )
if ( pthread_create ( &cleanup_thread, NULL, AI_hashcleanup_thread, config ) != 0 )
AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the hash cleanup thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
/* If the correlation_graph_interval option is set to zero, no correlation
* algorithm will be run over the alerts */
if ( config->correlationGraphInterval != 0 )
if ( pthread_create ( &correlation_thread, NULL, AI_alert_correlation_thread, config ) != 0 )
AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the alert correlation thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
if ( strlen ( config->alertfile ) > 0 )
if ( pthread_create ( &logparse_thread, NULL, alertparser_thread, config ) != 0 )
AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the alert parser thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
/* If webserv_port is != 0, start the web server */
if ( config->webserv_port != 0 )
if ( pthread_create ( &webserv_thread, NULL, AI_webserv_thread, NULL ) != 0 )
AI_fatal_err ( "Failed to create the web server thread", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
/* Register the preprocessor function, Transport layer, ID 10000 */
_dpd.addPreproc(AI_process, PRIORITY_TRANSPORT, 10000, PROTO_BIT__TCP | PROTO_BIT__UDP);
DEBUG_WRAP(_dpd.debugMsg(DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Preprocessor: AI is initialized\n"););
} /* ----- end of function AI_init ----- */
* \brief Parse the arguments passed to the module saving them to a valid configuration struct
* \param args Arguments passed to the module
* \return Pointer to AI_config keeping the configuration for the module
static AI_config * AI_parse(char *args)
char *arg;
char *match;
char alertfile[1024] = { 0 },
clusterfile[1024] = { 0 },
corr_rules_dir[1024] = { 0 },
corr_alerts_dir[1024] = { 0 },
alert_history_file[1024] = { 0 },
webserv_dir[1024] = { 0 },
webserv_banner[1024] = { 0 };
char **matches = NULL;
int nmatches = 0;
int i;
int offset;
int len;
double corr_threshold_coefficient = DEFAULT_CORR_THRESHOLD;
uint32_t netmask;
int min_val;
int max_val;
char label[256];
cluster_type type;
hierarchy_node **hierarchy_nodes = NULL;
int n_hierarchy_nodes = 0;
unsigned short webserv_port = 0;
unsigned long cleanup_interval = 0,
stream_expire_interval = 0,
alertfile_len = 0,
alert_history_file_len = 0,
alert_serialization_interval = 0,
alert_bufsize = 0,
bayesian_correlation_interval = 0,
bayesian_correlation_cache_validity = 0,
clusterfile_len = 0,
cluster_max_alert_interval = 0,
corr_rules_dir_len = 0,
corr_alerts_dir_len = 0,
webserv_dir_len = 0,
webserv_banner_len = 0,
alert_clustering_interval = 0,
database_parsing_interval = 0,
correlation_graph_interval = 0;
BOOL has_cleanup_interval = false,
has_stream_expire_interval = false,
has_correlation_interval = false,
has_corr_alerts_dir = false,
has_database_interval = false,
has_webserv_dir = false,
has_webserv_banner = false,
has_alertfile = false,
has_clusterfile = false,
has_corr_rules_dir = false,
has_clustering = false,
has_database_log = false,
has_database_output = false,
has_alert_history_file = false;
if ( !( config = ( AI_config* ) malloc ( sizeof( AI_config )) ))
AI_fatal_err( "Could not allocate configuration struct", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
memset ( config, 0, sizeof ( AI_config ));
/* Parsing the hashtable_cleanup_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "hashtable_cleanup_interval" ) ))
has_cleanup_interval = true;
for ( arg += strlen("hashtable_cleanup_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "Hashtable_cleanup_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
cleanup_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->hashCleanupInterval = cleanup_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" Hash table cleanup interval: %d\n", config->hashCleanupInterval);
/* Parsing the tcp_stream_expire_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "tcp_stream_expire_interval" ) ))
has_stream_expire_interval = true;
for ( arg += strlen("tcp_stream_expire_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err( "tcp_stream_expire_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
stream_expire_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->streamExpireInterval = stream_expire_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" TCP stream expire interval: %d\n", config->streamExpireInterval);
/* Parsing the alert_clustering_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "alert_clustering_interval" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("alert_clustering_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "alert_clustering_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
alert_clustering_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->alertClusteringInterval = alert_clustering_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" Alert clustering interval: %d\n", config->alertClusteringInterval);
/* Parsing the database_parsing_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "database_parsing_interval" ) ))
has_database_interval = true;
for ( arg += strlen("database_parsing_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "database_parsing_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
database_parsing_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->databaseParsingInterval = database_parsing_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" Database parsing interval: %d\n", config->databaseParsingInterval);
/* Parsing the correlation_graph_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "correlation_graph_interval" ) ))
has_correlation_interval = true;
for ( arg += strlen("correlation_graph_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "correlation_graph_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
correlation_graph_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->correlationGraphInterval = correlation_graph_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" Correlation graph thread interval: %d\n", config->correlationGraphInterval);
/* Parsing the alert_serialization_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "alert_serialization_interval" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("alert_serialization_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "alert_serialization_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
alert_serialization_interval = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->alertSerializationInterval = alert_serialization_interval;
_dpd.logMsg(" Alert serialization thread interval: %d\n", config->correlationGraphInterval);
/* Parsing the alert_bufsize option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "alert_bufsize" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("alert_bufsize");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err( "alert_bufsize option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
alert_bufsize = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->alert_bufsize= alert_bufsize;
_dpd.logMsg(" Alert buffer size: %d\n", config->alert_bufsize );
/* Parsing the webserv_port option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "webserv_port" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("webserv_port");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err( "webserv_port option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
webserv_port = (unsigned short) strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
config->webserv_port= webserv_port;
} else {
config->webserv_port = DEFAULT_WEBSERV_PORT;
_dpd.logMsg(" Web server port: %d\n", config->webserv_port );
/* Parsing the correlation_threshold_coefficient option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "correlation_threshold_coefficient" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("correlation_threshold_coefficient");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err( "correlation_threshold_coefficient option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
corr_threshold_coefficient = strtod ( arg, NULL );
config->correlationThresholdCoefficient = corr_threshold_coefficient;
_dpd.logMsg( " Correlation threshold coefficient: %f\n", corr_threshold_coefficient );
/* Parsing the bayesian_correlation_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "bayesian_correlation_interval" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("bayesian_correlation_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "bayesian_correlation_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
bayesian_correlation_interval = strtoul ( arg, NULL, 10 );
config->bayesianCorrelationInterval = bayesian_correlation_interval;
} else {
bayesian_correlation_interval = DEFAULT_BAYESIAN_CORRELATION_INTERVAL;
config->bayesianCorrelationInterval = bayesian_correlation_interval;
_dpd.logMsg( " Bayesian correlation interval: %u\n", config->bayesianCorrelationInterval );
/* Parsing the bayesian_correlation_cache_validity option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "bayesian_correlation_cache_validity" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("bayesian_correlation_cache_validity");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "bayesian_correlation_cache_validity option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
bayesian_correlation_cache_validity = strtoul ( arg, NULL, 10 );
config->bayesianCorrelationCacheValidity = bayesian_correlation_cache_validity;
} else {
bayesian_correlation_cache_validity = DEFAULT_BAYESIAN_CORRELATION_CACHE_VALIDITY;
config->bayesianCorrelationCacheValidity = bayesian_correlation_cache_validity;
_dpd.logMsg( " Bayesian cache validity interval: %u\n", config->bayesianCorrelationCacheValidity );
/* Parsing the cluster_max_alert_interval option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "cluster_max_alert_interval" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("cluster_max_alert_interval");
*arg && (*arg < '0' || *arg > '9');
arg++ );
if ( !(*arg) )
AI_fatal_err ( "cluster_max_alert_interval option used but "
"no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
cluster_max_alert_interval = strtoul ( arg, NULL, 10 );
} else {
cluster_max_alert_interval = DEFAULT_CLUSTER_MAX_ALERT_INTERVAL;
config->clusterMaxAlertInterval = cluster_max_alert_interval;
_dpd.logMsg( " Cluster alert max interval: %u\n", config->clusterMaxAlertInterval );
/* Parsing the alertfile option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "alertfile" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("alertfile");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "alertfile option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( alertfile[ (++alertfile_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && alertfile_len < 1024;
arg++, alertfile[ (++alertfile_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( alertfile[0] == 0 || alertfile_len <= 1 ) {
has_alertfile = false;
} else {
if ( alertfile_len >= 1024 ) {
AI_fatal_err ( "alertfile path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( alertfile ) == 0 ) {
has_alertfile = false;
} else {
has_alertfile = true;
alertparser_thread = AI_file_alertparser_thread;
alertfile[ alertfile_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->alertfile, alertfile, alertfile_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" alertfile path: %s\n", config->alertfile);
/* Parsing the alert_history_file option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "alert_history_file" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("alert_history_file");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "alert_history_file option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( alert_history_file[ (++alert_history_file_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && alert_history_file_len < 1024;
arg++, alert_history_file[ (++alert_history_file_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( alert_history_file[0] == 0 || alert_history_file_len <= 1 ) {
has_alert_history_file = false;
} else {
if ( alert_history_file_len >= 1024 ) {
AI_fatal_err ( "alert_history_file path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( alert_history_file ) == 0 ) {
has_alert_history_file = false;
} else {
has_alert_history_file = true;
alert_history_file [ alert_history_file_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->alert_history_file, alert_history_file, alert_history_file_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" alert_history_file path: %s\n", config->alert_history_file);
/* Parsing the clusterfile option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "clusterfile" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("clusterfile");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "clusterfile option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( clusterfile[ (++clusterfile_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && clusterfile_len < 1024;
arg++, clusterfile[ (++clusterfile_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( clusterfile[0] == 0 || clusterfile_len <= 1 ) {
has_clusterfile = false;
} else {
if ( clusterfile_len >= 1024 ) {
AI_fatal_err ( "clusterfile path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( clusterfile ) == 0 ) {
has_clusterfile = false;
} else {
has_clusterfile = true;
clusterfile[ clusterfile_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->clusterfile, clusterfile, clusterfile_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" clusterfile path: %s\n", config->clusterfile);
/* Parsing the correlation_rules_dir option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "correlation_rules_dir" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("correlation_rules_dir");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "correlation_rules_dir option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( corr_rules_dir[ (++corr_rules_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && corr_rules_dir_len < 1024;
arg++, corr_rules_dir[ (++corr_rules_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( corr_rules_dir[0] == 0 || corr_rules_dir_len <= 1 ) {
has_corr_rules_dir = false;
} else {
if ( corr_rules_dir_len >= 1024 ) {
AI_fatal_err ( "corr_rules_dir path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( corr_rules_dir ) == 0 ) {
has_corr_rules_dir = false;
} else {
has_corr_rules_dir = true;
corr_rules_dir[ corr_rules_dir_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->corr_rules_dir, corr_rules_dir, corr_rules_dir_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" corr_rules_dir path: %s\n", config->corr_rules_dir);
/* Parsing the correlated_alerts_dir option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "correlated_alerts_dir" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("correlated_alerts_dir");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "correlated_alerts_dir option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( corr_alerts_dir[ (++corr_alerts_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && corr_alerts_dir_len < 1024;
arg++, corr_alerts_dir[ (++corr_alerts_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( corr_alerts_dir[0] == 0 || corr_alerts_dir_len <= 1 ) {
has_corr_alerts_dir = false;
} else {
if ( corr_alerts_dir_len >= 1024 ) {
AI_fatal_err ( "correlated_alerts_dir path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( corr_alerts_dir ) == 0 ) {
has_corr_alerts_dir = false;
} else {
has_corr_alerts_dir = true;
corr_alerts_dir[ corr_alerts_dir_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->corr_alerts_dir, corr_alerts_dir, corr_alerts_dir_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" correlated_alerts_dir: %s\n", config->corr_alerts_dir);
/* Parsing the webserv_dir option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "webserv_dir" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("webserv_dir");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "webserv_dir option used but no filename specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( webserv_dir[ (++webserv_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && webserv_dir_len < sizeof ( webserv_dir );
arg++, webserv_dir[ (++webserv_dir_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( webserv_dir[0] == 0 || webserv_dir_len <= 1 ) {
has_webserv_dir = false;
} else {
if ( webserv_dir_len >= sizeof ( webserv_dir )) {
AI_fatal_err ( "webserv_dir path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( webserv_dir ) == 0 ) {
has_webserv_dir = false;
} else {
has_webserv_dir = true;
webserv_dir[ webserv_dir_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->webserv_dir, webserv_dir, webserv_dir_len );
if ( ! has_webserv_dir )
AI_fatal_err ( "Unable to read PREFIX from config.h", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
snprintf ( config->webserv_dir, sizeof ( config->webserv_dir ), "%s/share/snort_ai_preprocessor/htdocs", PREFIX );
/* Remove unnecessary '/' at the end of the web server directory */
for ( i = strlen ( config->webserv_dir ) - 1; i >= 0 && config->webserv_dir[i] == '/'; i-- )
config->webserv_dir[i] = 0;
_dpd.logMsg(" webserv_dir: %s\n", config->webserv_dir);
/* Parsing the webserv_banner option */
if (( arg = (char*) strcasestr( args, "webserv_banner" ) ))
for ( arg += strlen("webserv_banner");
*arg && *arg != '"';
arg++ );
if ( !(*(arg++)) )
AI_fatal_err ( "webserv_banner option used but no value specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( webserv_banner[ (++webserv_banner_len)-1 ] = *arg;
*arg && *arg != '"' && webserv_banner_len < sizeof ( webserv_banner );
arg++, webserv_banner[ (++webserv_banner_len)-1 ] = *arg );
if ( webserv_banner[0] == 0 || webserv_banner_len <= 1 ) {
has_webserv_banner = false;
} else {
if ( webserv_banner_len >= sizeof ( webserv_banner )) {
AI_fatal_err ( "webserv_banner path too long ( >= 1024 )", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( strlen( webserv_banner ) == 0 ) {
has_webserv_banner = false;
} else {
has_webserv_banner = true;
webserv_banner[ webserv_banner_len-1 ] = 0;
strncpy ( config->webserv_banner, webserv_banner, webserv_banner_len );
if ( ! has_webserv_banner )
strncpy ( config->webserv_banner, DEFAULT_WEBSERV_BANNER, webserv_banner_len );
_dpd.logMsg(" webserv_banner: %s\n", config->webserv_banner);
/* Parsing database option */
if ( preg_match ( "\\s+database\\s*\\(\\s*([^\\)]+)\\)", args, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( ! has_database_log )
has_database_log = true;
match = strdup ( matches[0] );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "type\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( strcasecmp ( matches[0], "mysql" ) && strcasecmp ( matches[0], "postgresql" ))
AI_fatal_err ( "Not supported database type in configuration (supported types: mysql, postgresql)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "name\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->dbname, matches[0], sizeof ( config->dbname ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "user\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->dbuser, matches[0], sizeof ( config->dbuser ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "password\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->dbpass, matches[0], sizeof ( config->dbpass ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "host\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->dbhost, matches[0], sizeof ( config->dbhost ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
free ( match );
if ( !strlen ( config->dbname ))
AI_fatal_err ( "Database option used in config, but missing configuration option (at least 'type' and 'name' options must be used)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
_dpd.logMsg(" Reading alerts from the database %s\n", config->dbname );
/* Parsing output_database option */
config->outdbtype = outdb_none;
if ( preg_match ( "\\s*output_database\\s*\\(\\s*([^\\)]+)\\)", args, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( ! has_database_output )
has_database_output = true;
match = strdup ( matches[0] );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "type\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "mysql" ))
AI_fatal_err ( "mysql output set in 'output_database' option but the module was not compiled through --with-mysql option", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
config->outdbtype = outdb_mysql;
} else if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "postgresql" )) {
#ifndef HAVE_LIBPQ
AI_fatal_err ( "postgresql output set in 'output_database' option but the module was not compiled through --with-postgresql option", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
config->outdbtype = outdb_postgresql;
} else {
AI_fatal_err ( "Not supported database in configuration (supported types: mysql, postgresql)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "name\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->outdbname, matches[0], sizeof ( config->outdbname ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "user\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->outdbuser, matches[0], sizeof ( config->outdbuser ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "password\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->outdbpass, matches[0], sizeof ( config->outdbpass ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "host\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
strncpy ( config->outdbhost, matches[0], sizeof ( config->outdbhost ));
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
free ( match );
if ( !strlen ( config->outdbname ))
AI_fatal_err ( "Output database option used in config, but missing configuration option (at least 'type' and 'name' options must be used)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
_dpd.logMsg(" Saving output alerts to the database %s\n", config->outdbname );
/* Parsing cluster options */
while ( preg_match ( "\\s*(cluster\\s*\\(\\s*)([^\\)]+)\\)", args, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( ! has_clustering )
has_clustering = true;
memset ( label, 0, sizeof(label) );
min_val = -1;
max_val = -1;
type = none;
match = strdup ( matches[1] );
offset = (int) strcasestr ( args, matches[0] ) - (int) args;
len = strlen ( matches[0] );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "class\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "src_port" ))
type = src_port;
else if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "dst_port" ))
type = dst_port;
else if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "src_addr" ))
type = src_addr;
else if ( !strcasecmp ( matches[0], "dst_addr" ))
type = dst_addr;
AI_fatal_err ( "Unknown class type in configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "name\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if ( strlen( matches[0] ) > sizeof(label) )
AI_fatal_err ( "Label name too long in configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
strncpy ( label, matches[0], sizeof(label) );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( preg_match ( "range\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", match, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
arg = strdup ( matches[0] );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
switch ( type )
case src_port:
case dst_port:
if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$", arg, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
min_val = strtoul ( matches[0], NULL, 10 );
max_val = strtoul ( matches[1], NULL, 10 );
if ( min_val > max_val )
AI_fatal_err ( "Parse error in configuration: minval > maxval", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
} else if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]+)$", arg, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 ) {
min_val = strtoul ( matches[0], NULL, 10 );
max_val = min_val;
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
} else {
AI_fatal_err ( "Unallowed format for a port range in configuration file", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
case src_addr:
case dst_addr:
if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})/([0-9]{1,2})$", arg, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 )
if (( min_val = inet_addr ( matches[0] )) == INADDR_NONE )
AI_fatal_err ( "Unallowed IPv4 format in configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
netmask = strtoul ( matches[1], NULL, 10 );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( netmask > 32 )
AI_fatal_err ( "The netmask number of bits should be in [0,32] in configuration file", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
netmask = 1 << (( 8*sizeof ( uint32_t )) - netmask );
min_val = ntohl ( min_val ) & (~(netmask - 1));
max_val = min_val | (netmask - 1);
} else if ( preg_match ( "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})$", arg, &matches, &nmatches ) > 0 ) {
if (( min_val = inet_addr ( matches[0] )) == INADDR_NONE )
AI_fatal_err ( "Unallowed IPv4 format in configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
min_val = ntohl ( min_val );
max_val = min_val;
} else {
AI_fatal_err ( "Invalid value for an IP address or a subnet in configuration", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
/* TODO Manage ranges and clusters for timestamps (and more?) here */
if ( matches )
for ( i=0; i < nmatches; i++ )
free ( matches[i] );
free ( matches );
matches = NULL;
if ( arg )
free ( arg );
arg = NULL;
for ( i=offset; i <= strlen(args); i++ )
args[i] = args[ i+len ];
if ( min_val == -1 || max_val == -1 || type == none || strlen ( label ) == 0 )
AI_fatal_err ( "Invalid cluster in configuration\nAll of the following fields are required: class, range, name", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
free ( match );
match = NULL;
if ( !( hierarchy_nodes = ( hierarchy_node** ) realloc ( hierarchy_nodes, (++n_hierarchy_nodes) * sizeof(hierarchy_node) )) )
AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
free ( match );
match = NULL;
if ( !( hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ] = ( hierarchy_node* ) malloc ( sizeof(hierarchy_node) ) ))
AI_fatal_err ( "Fatal dynamic memory allocation failure", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
free ( match );
match = NULL;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->type = type;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->min_val = min_val;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->max_val = max_val;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->nchildren = 0;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->children = NULL;
hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->parent = NULL;
strncpy ( hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->label,
sizeof ( hierarchy_nodes[ n_hierarchy_nodes - 1 ]->label ));
free ( match );
match = NULL;
if ( ! has_cleanup_interval )
config->hashCleanupInterval = DEFAULT_HASH_CLEANUP_INTERVAL;
if ( ! has_stream_expire_interval )
config->streamExpireInterval = DEFAULT_STREAM_EXPIRE_INTERVAL;
if ( ! has_correlation_interval )
config->correlationGraphInterval = DEFAULT_ALERT_CORRELATION_INTERVAL;
if ( !has_database_interval && has_database_log )
config->databaseParsingInterval = DEFAULT_DATABASE_INTERVAL;
if ( !has_alertfile && !has_database_log )
strncpy ( config->alertfile, DEFAULT_ALERT_LOG_FILE, sizeof ( config->alertfile ));
has_alertfile = true;
alertparser_thread = AI_file_alertparser_thread;
} else if ( has_database_log ) {
has_alertfile = false;
#ifdef HAVE_DB
alertparser_thread = AI_db_alertparser_thread;
AI_fatal_err ( "Database logging enabled in config file, but the module was not compiled "
"with database support (recompile, i.e., with ./configure --with-mysql or --with-postgresql)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else if ( has_alertfile ) {
alertparser_thread = AI_file_alertparser_thread;
if ( !has_alert_history_file )
strncpy ( config->alert_history_file, DEFAULT_ALERT_HISTORY_FILE, sizeof ( config->alert_history_file ));
has_alert_history_file = true;
if ( has_clustering )
if ( ! hierarchy_nodes )
AI_fatal_err ( "Cluster file specified in the configuration but no clusters were specified", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
if ( ! has_clusterfile )
strncpy ( config->clusterfile, DEFAULT_CLUSTER_LOG_FILE, sizeof ( config->clusterfile ));
if ( ! alert_clustering_interval )
config->alertClusteringInterval = DEFAULT_ALERT_CLUSTERING_INTERVAL;
AI_hierarchies_build ( hierarchy_nodes, n_hierarchy_nodes );
if ( ! has_corr_rules_dir )
AI_fatal_err ( "Unable to read PREFIX from config.h", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
if ( !strcmp ( PREFIX, "/usr" ) || !strcmp ( PREFIX, "/usr/" ))
strncpy ( config->corr_rules_dir, DEFAULT_CORR_RULES_DIR, sizeof ( DEFAULT_CORR_RULES_DIR ));
} else {
snprintf ( config->corr_rules_dir, sizeof ( config->corr_rules_dir ), "%s/etc/corr_rules", PREFIX );
_dpd.logMsg ( " Using correlation rules from directory %s\n", config->corr_rules_dir );
if ( ! has_corr_alerts_dir )
strncpy ( config->corr_alerts_dir, DEFAULT_CORR_ALERTS_DIR, sizeof ( DEFAULT_CORR_ALERTS_DIR ));
if ( ! alert_serialization_interval )
config->alertSerializationInterval = DEFAULT_ALERT_SERIALIZATION_INTERVAL;
if ( ! alert_bufsize )
config->alert_bufsize = DEFAULT_ALERT_BUFSIZE;
_dpd.logMsg ( " Saving correlated alerts information in %s\n", config->corr_alerts_dir );
if ( has_database_log )
#ifdef HAVE_DB
get_alerts = AI_db_get_alerts;
AI_fatal_err ( "Using database alert log, but the module was not compiled with database support", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
} else {
get_alerts = AI_get_alerts;
return config;
} /* ----- end of function AI_config ----- */
* \brief Function executed every time the module receives a packet to be processed
* \param pkt void* pointer to the packet data
* \param context void* pointer to the context
void AI_process(void *pkt, void *context)
SFSnortPacket *p = (SFSnortPacket *) pkt;
AI_config *_config;
sfPolicyUserPolicySet(ex_config, _dpd.getRuntimePolicy());
_config = (AI_config * ) sfPolicyUserDataGetCurrent (ex_config);
if (_config == NULL)
if (!p->ip4_header || p->ip4_header->proto != IPPROTO_TCP || !p->tcp_header)
/* Not for me, return */
AI_pkt_enqueue ( pkt );
} /* ----- end of function AI_process ----- */
static void AI_reload(char *args)
/* AI_config *config; */
tSfPolicyId policy_id = _dpd.getParserPolicy();
_dpd.logMsg("AI dynamic preprocessor configuration\n");
if (ex_swap_config == NULL)
ex_swap_config = sfPolicyConfigCreate();
if (ex_swap_config == NULL)
AI_fatal_err ( "Could not allocate configuration struct", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
config = AI_parse(args);
sfPolicyUserPolicySet(ex_swap_config, policy_id);
sfPolicyUserDataSetCurrent(ex_swap_config, config);
/* Register the preprocessor function, Transport layer, ID 10000 */
_dpd.addPreproc(AI_process, PRIORITY_TRANSPORT, 10000, PROTO_BIT__TCP | PROTO_BIT__UDP);
DEBUG_WRAP(_dpd.debugMsg(DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Preprocessor: AI is initialized\n"););
static int AI_reloadSwapPolicyFree(tSfPolicyUserContextId config, tSfPolicyId policyId, void *data)
AI_config *policy_config = (AI_config *)data;
sfPolicyUserDataClear(config, policyId);
return 0;
static void * AI_reloadSwap(void)
tSfPolicyUserContextId old_config = ex_config;
if (ex_swap_config == NULL)
return NULL;
ex_config = ex_swap_config;
ex_swap_config = NULL;
return (void *)old_config;
static void AI_reloadSwapFree(void *data)
tSfPolicyUserContextId config = (tSfPolicyUserContextId)data;
if (data == NULL)
sfPolicyUserDataIterate(config, AI_reloadSwapPolicyFree);
/** @} */