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2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
$sudo_cmd = false;
function getUser ()
include 'userlist.php';
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE['username'] ) && isset ( $_COOKIE['auth'] ))
if ( !( $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlcontent )))
return "Unable to open the users XML file\n";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $xml->user ); $i++ )
if ( !strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['name'], $_COOKIE['username'] ))
$auth = md5 ( $xml->user[$i]['name'] . $xml->user[$i]['pass'] );
if ( !strcasecmp ( $auth, $_COOKIE['auth'] ))
return $xml->user[$i]['name'];
} else {
return "guest";
return "guest";
return "guest";
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
function getHome ()
include 'userlist.php';
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE['username'] ) && isset ( $_COOKIE['auth'] ))
if ( !( $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xmlcontent )))
return "Unable to open the users XML file\n";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $xml->user ); $i++ )
if ( !strcasecmp ( $xml->user[$i]['name'], $_COOKIE['username'] ))
$auth = md5 ( $xml->user[$i]['name'] . $xml->user[$i]['pass'] );
if ( !strcasecmp ( $auth, $_COOKIE['auth'] ))
return $xml->user[$i]['home'];
} else {
return '/';
return '/';
return '/';
function getPerms ( $resource )
include "../../system/files_json.php";
if ( !$files_json || strlen ( $files_json ) == 0 )
return '{ "message": "Empty JSON file container" }';
$user = getUser();
$resource = str_replace ( '"', '\"', $resource );
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
if ( $user == 'root' || $GLOBALS['sudo_cmd'] )
return '{ "resource" : "'.$resource.'", "read" : true, "write" : true }'."\n";
if ( preg_match ( '@/[^/]+/+$@', $resource ))
$resource = preg_replace ( '@/+$@', '', $resource );
$json = json_decode ( $files_json, true );
$dir = $resource;
$response = "{ \"resource\": \"$dir\"\n";
$read_perm_found = false; // Have we found information about the read permissions of this resource?
$write_perm_found = false; // Have we found information about the write permissions of this resource?
$res_found = false; // Have we found the resource?
$can_read = false;
$can_write = false;
if ( !$json || count ( $json ) == 0 )
return '{ "message": "Empty JSON file" }';
for ( $i=0; $i < count ( $json ); $i++ )
if ( !strcmp ( $json[$i]['path'], $dir ))
$res_found = true;
if ( !$read_perm_found )
if ( isset ( $json[$i]['can_read'] ))
$read_perm_found = true;
$read = $json[$i]['can_read'];
if ( preg_match ( '/[\s,]*'.$user.'[\s,]*/', $read ))
$response .= ", \"read\": true\n";
$can_read = true;
} else if ( preg_match_all ( "/[\s,]?@([^\s,]+)[\s,]?/", $read, $matches )) {
for ( $j=1; $j < count ( $matches ); $j++ )
if ( !strcasecmp ( $matches[$j][0], "all" ))
$response .= ", \"read\": true\n";
$can_read = true;
} else if ( !strcasecmp ( $matches[$j], "registered" ) && $user != 'guest' ) {
$response .= ", \"read\": true\n";
$can_read = true;
} else {
if ( isset ( $json['groups'] ))
for ( $k=0; $k < count ( $json['groups'] ); $k++ )
if ( $json['groups'][$k]['name'] == $matches[$k] )
if ( isset ( $json['groups'][$k]['users'] ))
if ( preg_match ( '/[\s,]*'.$user.'[\s,]*/', $json['groups'][$k]['users'] ))
$can_read = true;
if ( !$can_read )
$response .= ", \"read\": false\n";
if ( !$write_perm_found )
if ( isset ( $json[$i]['can_write'] ))
$write_perm_found = true;
$write = $json[$i]['can_write'];
if ( preg_match ( '/[\s,]*'.$user.'[\s,]*/', $write ))
$response .= ", \"write\": true\n";
$can_write = true;
} else if ( preg_match_all ( "/[\s,'\"]?@([^\s,'\"]+)[\s,'\"]/", $write, $matches )) {
for ( $j=1; $j < count ( $matches ); $j++ )
if ( !strcasecmp ( $matches[$j], "all" ))
$response .= ", \"write\": true\n";
$can_write = true;
} else if ( !strcasecmp ( $matches[$j], "registered" ) && $user != 'guest' ) {
$response .= ", \"write\": true\n";
$can_write = true;
} else {
if ( isset ( $json['groups'] ))
for ( $k=0; $k < count ( $json['groups'] ); $k++ )
if ( $json['groups'][$k]['name'] == $matches[$k] )
if ( isset ( $json['groups'][$k]['users'] ))
if ( preg_match ( '/[\s,]*'.$user.'[\s,]*/', $json['groups'][$k]['users'] ))
$can_write = true;
if ( !$can_write )
$response .= ", \"write\": false\n";
if ( !$res_found )
return '{ "message": "Resource not found" }';
if ( $read_perm_found && $write_perm_found )
if ( preg_match ( '@/[^/]+/@', $dir ))
$dir = preg_replace ( '@/[^/]+$@', '', $dir );
} else if ( preg_match ( '@^/[^/]+$@', $dir )) {
$dir = '/';
} else if ( $dir == '/' ) {
$dir = '';
} while ( strlen ( $dir ) > 0 );
$response .= "}\n";
return $response;
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
function __json_encode( $data ) {
if ( is_array ($data) || is_object ($data) ) {
$islist = is_array ($data) && ( empty ($data) || array_keys ($data) === range (0,count($data)-1) );
if ( $islist ) {
$json = '['."\n" . implode(', ', array_map('__json_encode', $data) ) . ']'."\n";
} else {
$items = Array();
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$items[] = __json_encode("$key") . ': ' . __json_encode($value);
$json = '{' . implode(', ', $items) . '}'."\n";
} elseif ( is_string ( $data )) {
# Escape non-printable or Non-ASCII characters.
# I also put the \\ character first, as suggested in comments on the 'addclashes' page.
#$string = '"' . addcslashes($data, "\\\"\n\r\t/" . chr(8) . chr(12)) . '"';
$string = '"' . $data . '"';
$json = '';
$len = strlen ($string);
# Convert UTF-8 to Hexadecimal Codepoints.
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$char = $string[$i];
$c1 = ord($char);
# Single byte;
if( $c1 <128 ) {
$json .= ($c1 > 31) ? $char : sprintf("\\u%04x", $c1);
# Double byte
$c2 = ord($string[++$i]);
if ( ($c1 & 32) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", ($c1 - 192) * 64 + $c2 - 128);
# Triple
$c3 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 16) === 0 ) {
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x", (($c1 - 224) <<12) + (($c2 - 128) << 6) + ($c3 - 128));
# Quadruple
$c4 = ord($string[++$i]);
if( ($c1 & 8 ) === 0 ) {
$u = (($c1 & 15) << 2) + (($c2>>4) & 3) - 1;
$w1 = (54<<10) + ($u<<6) + (($c2 & 15) << 2) + (($c3>>4) & 3);
$w2 = (55<<10) + (($c3 & 15)<<6) + ($c4-128);
$json .= sprintf("\\u%04x\\u%04x", $w1, $w2);
} else {
# int, floats, bools, null
$json = strtolower(var_export( $data, true ));
return $json;
function __mkdir ( $dir, $own_perms )
include "../../system/files_json.php";
if ( !$files_json || strlen ( $files_json ) == 0 )
return 'mkdir: Error: Empty JSON file container';
if ( preg_match ( "@[^0-9a-zA-Z_\./\ ]@", $dir ))
return "mkdir: Invalid character(s) for a directory name out of range '[0-9a-zA-Z_./ ]'\n";
$has_perms = false;
if ( $own_perms )
if ( is_array ( $own_perms ))
$has_perms = true;
$user = getUser();
$json = json_decode ( $files_json, true );
$parent_dir = preg_replace ( '@/[^/]+$@', '', $dir );
$parent_dir_found = false;
if ( preg_match ( "/^\s*$/", $parent_dir ))
$parent_dir = '/';
for ( $i=0; $i < count ( $json ); $i++ )
$path = $json[$i]['path'];
if ( !$path || strlen ( $path ) == 0 )
if ( $path == $parent_dir )
$parent_dir_found = true;
$perms = getPerms ( $parent_dir );
$perms = json_decode ( $perms, true );
if ( $perms['write'] == false )
$dir = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $dir );
$dir = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $dir );
return "mkdir: Could not create directory $dir: Permission denied\n";
if ( $path == $dir )
$dir = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $dir );
$dir = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $dir );
return "mkdir: Could not create directory $dir: The file already exists\n";
if ( !$parent_dir_found )
$dir = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $dir );
$dir = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $dir );
return "mkdir: Could not create directory $dir: Parent directory not found\n";
$newdir = array();
$newdir['path'] = "$dir";
$newdir['type'] = 'directory';
$newdir['owner'] = ($has_perms) ? $own_perms['owner'] : "$user";
$newdir['can_read'] = ($has_perms) ? $own_perms['can_read'] : '@all';
$newdir['can_write'] = ($has_perms) ? $own_perms['can_write'] : "$user";
array_push ( $json, $newdir );
if ( !( $fp = fopen ( "../../system/files_json.php", "w" )))
return "mkdir: Unable to write on directories file\n";
fwrite ( $fp, "<?php\n\n\$files_json = <<<JSON\n".__json_encode ( $json )."\nJSON;\n\n?>");
fclose ( $fp );
return "";
function __rmdir ( $dir )
include "../../system/files_json.php";
if ( !$files_json || strlen ( $files_json ) == 0 )
return 'mkdir: Error: Empty JSON file container';
$user = getUser();
$json = json_decode ( $files_json, true );
$dir_found = false;
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
for ( $i=0; $i < count ( $json ); $i++ )
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
$path = $json[$i]['path'];
if ( !$path || strlen ( $path ) == 0 )
if ( $path == $dir )
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
if ( $json[$i]['type'] != 'directory' )
$dir = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $dir );
$dir = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $dir );
return "rmdir: Could not remove directory $dir: It is not a directory\n";
if ( preg_match ( "@^".$dir."(/+.*)?@", $path ))
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
$dir_found = true;
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
$perms = getPerms ( $path );
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
$perms = json_decode ( $perms, true );
if ( $perms['write'] == false )
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
$path = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $path );
$path = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $path );
return "rmdir: Could not remove directory $path Permission denied\n";
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
} else {
array_splice ( $json, $i, 1 );
2010-12-31 03:00:35 +01:00
2010-12-30 23:05:42 +01:00
if ( !$dir_found )
$dir = str_replace ( '<', '&lt;', $dir );
$dir = str_replace ( '>', '&gt;', $dir );
return "mkdir: Could not remove directory $dir: File not found\n";
if ( !( $fp = fopen ( "../../system/files_json.php", "w" )))
return "mkdir: Unable to write on directories file\n";
fwrite ( $fp, "<?php\n\n\$files_json = <<<JSON\n".__json_encode ( $json )."\nJSON;\n\n?>");
fclose ( $fp );
return "";