First commit

This commit is contained in:
BlackLight 2010-12-21 22:47:39 +01:00
commit 853afd8c57
4 changed files with 586 additions and 0 deletions

blash.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
background-color : black;
color : #888;
font-family : Terminus, courier, monospace, fixed;
font-size : 13px;
background-color : black;
border : 0;
color : #888;
font-family : Terminus, courier, monospace, fixed;
font-size : 13px;
width : 600px;
height : 400px;
margin : auto;
padding : 10px;
border : 1px solid #888;
overflow : auto;
color : white;
color : #2553ee;
color : #4f4;
color : white;
font-weight : bold;
color : green;

blash.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
var shell = null;
function blash ()
/************ ATTRIBUTES **************/
/** Object containing the parsed JSON configuration object */
this.json = {};
/** Shell window object */
this.window = document.getElementById ( "blashWindow" );
/** Escape sequences to be parsed in the prompt text */
this.promptSequences = new Array();
/** Array containing the history of given commands */
this.history = new Array();
/** Index to the current history element */
this.history_index = -1;
/** Current path */
this.path = '/';
/** Element containing the output of the command */
this.cmdOut = document.getElementById ( "blashCmdOut" );
/** Element containing the text of the prompt */
this.promptText = document.getElementById ( "promptText" );
/** Input field used as prompt */
this.prompt = document.getElementsByName ( "blashPrompt" )[0];
/** Counter of the open <span> tags when replacing the colours in the command prompt */
this.__open_spans = 0;
var json_config = window.location.href;
json_config = json_config.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/blash.json' );
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "GET", json_config, true );
http.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200 )
shell.json = eval ( '(' + http.responseText + ')' );
shell.promptText.innerHTML = ( shell.json.promptText ) ? shell.json.promptText : "[%n@%m %W] $ ";
shell.promptText.innerHTML = shell.unescapePrompt ( promptText.innerHTML, shell.json.promptSequences );
if ( shell.json.banner.length > 0 )
var banner = document.createElement ( "span" );
banner.setAttribute ( "id", "banner" );
banner.innerHTML = shell.json.banner;
shell.window.insertBefore ( banner, shell.promptText );
http.send ( null );
this.getKey = function ( e )
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
if ( key == 13 || key == 10 )
if ( this.prompt.value.length != 0 )
this.prompt.value.match ( /^([^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/ );
var cmd = RegExp.$1;
var arg = RegExp.$2;
var cmd_found = false;
this.history.push ( this.prompt.value );
this.history_index = -1;
for ( i=0; i < this.json.commands.length && !cmd_found; i++ )
if ( this.json.commands[i].name == cmd )
cmd_found = true;
var out = this.json.commands[i].action ( arg );
if ( out.length > 0 )
this.cmdOut.innerHTML = out;
if ( !cmd_found )
this.cmdOut.innerHTML = this.json.shellName + ": command not found: " + cmd + '<br/>';
var value = this.prompt.value;
var out = this.cmdOut.innerHTML;
this.window.removeChild ( this.prompt );
this.window.removeChild ( this.cmdOut );
this.window.innerHTML += value + '<br/>' + out + this.promptText.innerHTML;
this.prompt = document.createElement ( 'input' );
this.prompt.setAttribute ( 'name', 'blashPrompt' );
this.prompt.setAttribute ( 'type', 'text' );
this.prompt.setAttribute ( 'class', 'promptInput' );
this.prompt.setAttribute ( 'autocomplete', 'off' );
this.prompt.setAttribute ( 'onkeyup', 'shell.getKey ( event )' );
this.cmdOut = document.createElement ( 'div' );
this.cmdOut.setAttribute ( 'id', 'blashCmdOut' );
this.cmdOut.setAttribute ( 'class', 'blashCmdOut' );
this.cmdOut.innerHTML = '<br/>';
this.window.appendChild ( this.prompt );
this.window.appendChild ( this.cmdOut );
} else if ( key == 38 || key == 40 ) {
if ( key == 38 )
if ( this.history_index < 0 )
this.history_index = this.history.length - 1;
this.prompt.value = this.history[ this.history_index ];
} else if ( this.history_index == 0 ) {
// We're already on the first history element
} else {
this.prompt.value = this.history[ this.history_index ];
} else if ( key == 40 ) {
if ( this.history_index < 0 )
// We're already on the last element, don't do anything
} else if ( this.history_index == this.history.length - 1 ) {
this.prompt.value = '';
} else {
this.prompt.value = this.history[ this.history_index ];
this.unescapePrompt = function ( prompt, sequences )
var re = new RegExp ( "([^\]?)#\{([0-9]+)\}" );
while ( prompt.match ( re ))
if ( this.__open_spans > 0 )
prompt = prompt.replace ( re, RegExp.$1 + "</span><span style=\"color: #" + RegExp.$2 + "\">" );
} else {
prompt = prompt.replace ( re, RegExp.$1 + "<span style=\"color: #" + RegExp.$2 + "\">" );
if ( this.__open_spans > 0 )
prompt = prompt + "</span>";
for ( i=0; i < sequences.length; i++ )
prompt = this.unescapePromptSequence ( prompt, sequences[i].sequence, sequences[i].text(), sequences[i].default_text );
return prompt;
this.unescapePromptSequence = function ( prompt, sequence, text, default_text )
var re = new RegExp ( "([^\]?)" + sequence, "g" );
if ( prompt.match ( re ))
prompt = prompt.replace ( re, (( text ) ? RegExp.$1 + text : RegExp.$1 + default_text ));
return prompt;

blash.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
"banner" : "blash version 0.1<br/>" +
"Copyright (C) 2010 BlackLight &lt;;" +
"<br/>Licence GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later " +
"&lt;<a class=\"bannerLink\" href=\"\">" +
"</a>&gt;<br/><br/>" +
"This is free software; you are free to change and " +
"redistribuite it.<br/>There is NO WARRANTY, to the " +
"extent permitted by law.<br/>" +
"Type '<span class=\"brief\">man blash</span>' for help on usage and available commands<br/><br/>",
"user" : "blacklight",
"machine" : "localhost",
"shellName" : "blash",
"basepath" : "/",
"promptText" : "[#{800}%n#{888}@#{800}%m#{888} %W] $ ",
"promptSequences" : [
"sequence" : "%n",
"default_text" : "blacklight",
"text" : function () {
return shell.json.user;
"sequence" : "%m",
"default_text" : "localhost",
"text" : function () {
return shell.json.machine;
"sequence" : "%W",
"default_text" : "~",
"text" : function () {
return shell.json.basepath;
"directories" : [
"path" : "/",
"type" : "directory",
"path" : "/home",
"type" : "directory",
"path" : "/home/blacklight",
"type" : "directory",
"path" : "/etc",
"type" : "directory",
"path" : "/initrd",
"type" : "file",
"href" : "",
"commands" : [
"name" : "pwd",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "pwd",
"brief" : "Print name of current/working directory",
"action" : function ( arg ) {
if ( arg )
if ( arg.length > 0 )
return + ": Too many arguments<br/>";
} else {
return shell.path + '<br/>';
} else {
return shell.path + '<br/>';
"name" : "clear",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "clear",
"brief" : "Clear the terminal screen",
"action" : function ( arg ) {
var out = '';
shell.window.innerHTML =
'<span id="promptText" class="promptText"></span>' +
'<input type="text" class="promptInput" name="blashPrompt" autocomplete="off" onkeyup="shell.getKey ( event )"/>' +
'<span id="blashCmdOut" class="blashCmdOut"/></span>';
return out;
"name" : "man",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "man &lt;page&gt;",
"brief" : "Display the manual page for the command 'page'",
"action" : function ( arg ) {
var out = '';
if ( arg == undefined || arg.length == 0 )
return "What manual page do you want?<br/>\n";
var cmd = shell.json.commands;
if ( arg == 'blash' )
var commands = new Array();
out = '<span class="brief">Type "<span class="syntax">man &lt;command&gt;</span>" for a more detailed help on these commands</span><br/><br/>';
for ( var i=0; i < cmd.length; i++ )
commands.push ( cmd[i].info.syntax );
for ( var i in commands )
out += '<span class="syntax">' + commands[i] + '</span><br/>';
return out;
var found = false;
for ( var i=0; i < cmd.length && !found; i++ )
if ( arg == cmd[i].name )
if ( cmd[i].info.syntax.length > 0 && cmd[i].info.brief.length > 0 )
found = true;
out =
'<span class="syntax">' + cmd[i].info.syntax + '</span><br/><br/>' +
'<span class="brief">' + cmd[i].info.brief + '</span><br/>';
if ( !found )
return "No manual entry for " + arg + "<br/>\n";
return out;
"name" : "ls",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "ls [path]",
"brief" : "List directory contents",
"action" : function ( arg )
var dirs = new Array();
var out = '';
var exists = false;
if ( !arg || arg.length == 0 )
var re = new RegExp ( '^' + shell.path + '[^/]+$' );
} else if ( arg && arg.length > 0 ) {
var re = null;
if ( arg.match ( /^\// ))
re = new RegExp ( '^' + arg + '/[^/]+$' );
} else {
re = new RegExp ( '^' + shell.path +
(( shell.path == '/' ) ? '' : '/' ) +
arg + '/[^/]+$' );
for ( var i=0; i < shell.json.directories.length; i++ )
var dir = shell.json.directories[i];
if ( dir.path.match ( re ))
exists = true;
dir.path.match ( /\/([^\/]+)$/ );
dirs.push ({
"path" : RegExp.$1,
"type" : dir.type,
"href" : dir.href,
if ( dirs.length > 0 )
var ordered = false;
// Directories go first
while ( !ordered )
ordered = true;
for ( var i=0; i < dirs.length-1; i++ )
for ( var j=i+1; j < dirs.length; j++ )
if ( dirs[i].type == 'file' && dirs[j].type == 'directory' )
var tmp = dirs[i];
dirs[i] = dirs[j];
dirs[j] = tmp;
ordered = false;
ordered = false;
// Sort the names
while ( !ordered )
ordered = true;
for ( var i=0; i < dirs.length-1; i++ )
for ( var j=i+1; j < dirs.length; j++ )
if ( dirs[i].type == dirs[j].type && dirs[i].path > dirs[j].path )
var tmp = dirs[i];
dirs[i] = dirs[j];
dirs[j] = tmp;
ordered = false;
for ( var i in dirs )
if ( dirs[i] )
if ( dirs[i].path.length > 0 )
if ( dirs[i].type == 'directory' )
out += '<span class="directory">' + dirs[i].path + '</span>/<br/>';
} else {
if ( dirs[i].href && dirs[i].href.length > 0 )
out += '<a href="' + dirs[i].href + '" class="file" target="_new">' + dirs[i].path + '</a>*<br/>';
} else {
out += '<span class="file">' + dirs[i].path + '</span><br/>';
if ( !exists )
var re = null;
if ( arg.match ( /^\// ))
re = new RegExp ( '^' + arg );
} else {
re = new RegExp ( '^' + shell.path +
(( shell.path == '/' ) ? '' : '/' ) + arg );
for ( var i=0; i < shell.json.directories.length; i++ )
var dir = shell.json.directories[i];
if ( dir.path.match ( re ))
exists = true;
if ( !exists )
out = + ": cannot access " + arg +
": No such file or directory<br/>";
} else {
out = '';
return out;

index.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<title>Blash - An AJAX interactive shell emulator for web browsing</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="blash.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="blash.css" type="text/css">
<body onload="shell = new blash()">
<div id="blashWindow" onmouseup="shell.prompt.focus()">
<span id="promptText" class="promptText"></span>
<input type="text" class="promptInput" name="blashPrompt" autocomplete="off" onkeyup="shell.getKey ( event )"/>
<span id="blashCmdOut" class="blashCmdOut"/></span>