2011-01-07 11:42:38 +01:00

441 lines
11 KiB

"name" : "nano",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "nano <file name>",
"brief" : "Edit the content of a new or existing file",
"action" : function ( arg )
var file = null;
var parent_dir = null;
var newfile = false;
if ( !arg || arg.length == 0 )
return "nano: Parameter expected<br/>\n";
arg = shell.expandPath ( arg );
if (!( parent_dir = shell.getParentDirectory ( arg )))
return "nano: Parent directory not found<br/>\n";
if ( !( file = shell.getFile ( arg )))
newfile = true;
if ( !newfile )
if ( file['type'] == 'directory' )
arg = arg.replace ( /</g, '&lt;' );
arg = arg.replace ( />/g, '&gt;' );
return "nano: Cannot edit '" + arg + "': Is a directory<br/>\n";
var users_php = window.location.href;
users_php = users_php.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/modules/users/users.php' );
params = 'action=getperms&resource=' +
( newfile ? escape ( parent_dir['path'] ) : escape ( arg ));
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "POST", users_php, true );
http.setRequestHeader ("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
http.setRequestHeader ("Content-length", params.length);
http.setRequestHeader ("Connection", "close");
http.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200 )
if ( http.responseText.length > 0 )
shell.perms = eval ( '(' + http.responseText + ')' );
http.send ( params );
fname = arg.replace ( /</g, '&lt;' );
fname = fname.replace ( />/g, '&gt;' );
shell.fname = arg;
shell.editorkeypressed = this.editorkeypressed;
shell.confirmkey = this.confirmkey;
shell.bufferSave = this.bufferSave;
shell.firstKey = true; // Set when no key has been pressed yet
shell.default_editor_status = "[<b>^X</b> Exit] [<b>^O</b> WriteOut] [<b>^F</b> Where Is]";
if ( shell.perms )
if ( shell.perms.write == false )
shell.default_editor_status += ' [read-only]';
shell.default_editor_head = "<table class=\"editor_head\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>" +
"<td align=\"left\">blash nano</td><td align=\"right\">File: " + fname + "</td></tr></table>";
shell.auto_prompt_focus = false;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = false;
shell.window.removeChild ( shell.prompt );
shell.window.removeChild ( shell.cmdOut );
shell.window.innerHTML = '';
var container = document.createElement ( 'div' );
container.setAttribute ( 'class', 'editor_container' );
container.setAttribute ( 'id', 'editor_container' );
shell.window.appendChild ( container );
shell.editor_container = container;
var head = document.createElement ( 'span' );
head.setAttribute ( 'class', 'editor_head' );
head.setAttribute ( 'id', 'editor_head' );
head.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_head;
container.appendChild ( head );
shell.editor_head = document.getElementById ( 'editor_head' );
var editor = document.createElement ( 'textarea' );
editor.setAttribute ( 'class', 'editor_window' );
editor.setAttribute ( 'id', 'editor_window' );
editor.setAttribute ( 'onkeypress', 'shell.editorkeypressed ( event )' );
has_content = false;
if ( file )
if ( file.content )
if ( file.content.length > 0 )
var content = file.content.replace ( /<br\/?>/g, "\n" );
content = content.replace ( /&lt;/g, '<' );
content = content.replace ( /&gt;/g, '>' );
editor.value = content;
has_content = true;
if ( !has_content )
editor.value = '';
shell.originalContent = '';
} else {
shell.originalContent = file.content;
container.appendChild ( editor );
shell.file_changed = false;
shell.editor_window = document.getElementById ( 'editor_window' );
var status = document.createElement ( 'span' );
status.setAttribute ( 'class', 'editor_status' );
status.setAttribute ( 'id', 'editor_status' );
status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status;
container.appendChild ( status );
shell.editor_status = document.getElementById ( 'editor_status' );
return '';
"editorkeypressed" : function ( e )
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
if ( shell.firstKey && key == 13 )
shell.firstKey = false;
return false;
key = String.fromCharCode ( key );
if (( key == 'x' || key == 'X' ) && evt.ctrlKey )
if ( shell.file_changed )
var can_write = false;
if ( shell.perms )
if ( shell.perms.write == true )
can_write = true;
if ( can_write )
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = 'Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? ' +
'(Yes/No/Cancel) ';
} else {
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = 'You modified a read-only file. If you exit, the changes will ' +
'be lost. Are you sure you cant to exit? (Yes/No) ';
shell.editor_status.innerHTML += '<input type="text" class="editor_status_input" id="editor_status_input" '+
'onkeydown="shell.confirmkey ( event )"/>';
document.getElementById ( 'editor_status_input' ).focus();
} else {
shell.auto_prompt_focus = true;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = true;
shell.refreshPrompt ( true );
return false;
} else if (( key == 'o' || key == 'O' ) && evt.ctrlKey ) {
if ( shell.file_changed )
var can_write = false;
if ( shell.perms )
if ( shell.perms.write == true )
can_write = true;
if ( can_write )
shell.file_changed = false;
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status;
return false;
} else if (( key == 'f' || key == 'F' ) && evt.ctrlKey ) {
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = 'Text or regex to search: ' +
'<input type="text" class="editor_status_input" id="editor_status_input" '+
'onkeydown="shell.confirmkey ( event, ' + "'find'" + ' )"/>';
document.getElementById ( 'editor_status_input' ).focus();
return false;
if ( !shell.file_changed )
if ( shell.originalContent != shell.editor_window.value )
if ( shell.perms )
if ( shell.perms.write == false )
shell.default_editor_status += ' [read-only]';
shell.editor_status.innerHTML += ' [read-only]';
shell.editor_status.innerHTML += ' [modified]';
shell.file_changed = true;
"confirmkey" : function ( e, arg )
var can_write = false;
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
if ( arg )
if ( arg == "find" )
var input = document.getElementById ( 'editor_status_input' );
var idx = -1;
if ( key == 13 )
shell.firstKey = true;
if ( input.value.length > 0 )
var matches = shell.editor_window.value.match ( new RegExp ( input.value ));
if ( matches )
idx = shell.editor_window.value.indexOf ( matches[0] );
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status;
if ( idx > -1 )
if ( shell.editor_window.setSelectionRange )
shell.editor_window.setSelectionRange ( idx, idx + input.value.length );
} else {
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = 'No matches found';
setTimeout ( 'shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status', 1500 );
return false;
return false;
key = String.fromCharCode ( key );
if ( shell.perms )
if ( shell.perms.write == true )
can_write = true;
if ( can_write )
switch ( key )
case 'c':
case 'C':
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status + ' [modified]';
case 'y':
case 'Y':
case 'n':
case 'N':
shell.firstKey = true;
shell.auto_prompt_focus = true;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = true;
shell.refreshPrompt ( true );
default :
document.getElementById ( 'editor_status_input' ).value = '';
} else {
switch ( key )
case 'n':
case 'N':
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status + ' [modified]';
case 'y':
case 'Y':
shell.firstKey = true;
shell.auto_prompt_focus = true;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = true;
shell.refreshPrompt ( true );
default :
document.getElementById ( 'editor_status_input' ).value = '';
"bufferSave" : function ()
var users_php = window.location.href;
users_php = users_php.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/modules/users/users.php' );
params = 'action=set_content&file=' + escape ( shell.fname ) + '&content=' + escape ( document.getElementById ( 'editor_window' ).value );
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "POST", users_php, true );
http.setRequestHeader ("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
http.setRequestHeader ("Content-length", params.length);
http.setRequestHeader ("Connection", "close");
http.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200 )
if ( http.responseText.length > 0 )
shell.editor_status.innerHTML = http.responseText;
setTimeout ( 'shell.editor_status.innerHTML = shell.default_editor_status', 1500 );
var files_config = window.location.href;
files_config = files_config.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/modules/users/files.php' );
var http2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "GET", files_config, true );
http2.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http2.readyState == 4 && http2.status == 200 )
shell.files = eval ( '(' + http2.responseText + ')' );
// Remove duplicates
var tmp = new Array();
for ( var i in shell.files )
var contains = false;
for ( var j=0; j < tmp.length && !contains; j++ )
if ( shell.files[i].path == tmp[j].path )
contains = true;
if ( !contains )
tmp.push ( shell.files[i] );
shell.files = tmp;
http2.send ( null );
http.send ( params );
shell.originalContent = shell.editor_window.value;
shell.file_changed = false;