2010-12-29 21:32:43 +01:00

192 lines
5.8 KiB

"name" : "passwd",
"info" : {
"syntax" : "passwd",
"brief" : "Change the user password",
"keyOldPassword" : function ( e )
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
var oldpassword = document.getElementsByName ( "oldpassword" )[0];
var password = document.getElementsByName ( "password" )[0];
var passwordText = document.getElementById ( "passwordText" );
if ( key == 13 && oldpassword.value.length > 0 )
{ = 'visible'; = 'visible';
"keyPassword" : function ( e )
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
var password = document.getElementsByName ( "password" )[0];
var repeatPassword = document.getElementsByName ( "repeatPassword" )[0];
var repeatPasswordText = document.getElementById ( "repeatPasswordText" );
if ( key == 13 && password.value.length > 0 )
{ = 'visible'; = 'visible';
"keyRepeatPassword" : function ( e )
var evt = ( window.event ) ? window.event : e;
var key = ( evt.charCode ) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode;
var oldpassword = document.getElementsByName ( "oldpassword" )[0];
var password = document.getElementsByName ( "password" )[0];
var repeatPassword = document.getElementsByName ( "repeatPassword" )[0];
var repeatPasswordText = document.getElementById ( "repeatPasswordText" );
if ( key == 13 && password.value.length > 0 )
if ( password.value != repeatPassword.value )
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = 'The passwords do not match';
} else {
var users_php = window.location.href;
users_php = users_php.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/modules/users/users.php' );
params = 'action=changepwd&user=' + escape ( shell.newuser ) + '&newpass=' + md5 ( password.value );
if ( shell.curUser != 'root' )
params += '&oldpass=' + md5 ( oldpassword.value );
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "POST", users_php, true );
http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
http.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200 )
if ( http.responseText.length > 0 )
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = http.responseText;
} else {
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = '';
shell.refreshPrompt ( false, false );
http.send ( params );
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = '';
shell.auto_prompt_focus = true;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = true;
shell.refreshPrompt ( false, false );
"action" : function ( arg )
var out = '';
if ( !shell.has_users )
return "Users module not enabled<br/>\n";
shell.auto_prompt_focus = false;
shell.auto_prompt_refresh = false;
shell.newuser = arg;
shell.keyOldPassword = this.keyOldPassword;
shell.keyPassword = this.keyPassword;
shell.keyRepeatPassword = this.keyRepeatPassword;
var users_php = window.location.href;
users_php = users_php.replace ( /\/([a-zA-Z\.]+)$/, '/modules/users/users.php' );
params = 'action=getuser';
var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); ( "POST", users_php, true );
http.setRequestHeader( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
http.setRequestHeader( "Content-length", params.length );
http.setRequestHeader( "Connection", "close" );
http.onreadystatechange = function ()
if ( http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200 )
if ( shell.__first_cmd )
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = '<br/>';
shell.__first_cmd = false;
} else {
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = '';
shell.curUser = http.responseText;
if ( !arg || arg.length == 0 )
shell.newuser = http.responseText;
if ( http.responseText == 'root' )
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML += 'New password: <input type="password" ' +
'name="password" class="password" ' +
'onkeyup="shell.keyPassword ( event )"><br/>' +
'<span id="repeatPasswordText" style="visibility: hidden">' +
'Repeat new password: </span><input type="password" ' +
'name="repeatPassword" class="password" style="visibility: hidden" ' +
'onkeyup="shell.keyRepeatPassword ( event )"><br/>';
document.getElementsByName ( 'password' )[0].focus();
} else {
if ( shell.newuser.length > 0 && shell.newuser != http.responseText )
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = "You cannot change the password for user '" +
shell.newuser + "'";
shell.refreshPrompt ( false, false );
return 1;
} else if ( http.responseText == shell.json.user ) {
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = "You cannot change the password for the " +
"guest user";
shell.refreshPrompt ( false, false );
return 1;
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML += 'Old password: <input type="password" ' +
'name="oldpassword" class="password" ' +
'onkeyup="shell.keyOldPassword ( event )"><br/>' +
'<span id="passwordText" style="visibility: hidden">' +
'New password: </span><input type="password" ' +
'name="password" class="password" ' +
'onkeyup="shell.keyPassword ( event )"><br/>' +
'<span id="repeatPasswordText" style="visibility: hidden">' +
'Repeat new password: </span><input type="password" ' +
'name="repeatPassword" class="password" style="visibility: hidden" ' +
'onkeyup="shell.keyRepeatPassword ( event )"><br/>';
document.getElementsByName ( 'oldpassword' )[0].focus();
http.send ( params );
shell.cmdOut.innerHTML = '';
return out;