Previously, GitHub gists were embedded. The gist url would be detected
in a paragraph and the page would render a script like:
<script src=""></script>
The script would then embed the gist on the page. However, gists contain
multiple files. It's technically possible to embed a single file in the
same way by appending a `file` query param:
I wanted to try and tackle proxying gists instead.
At a high level the PageConverter kicks off the work of fetching and
storing the gist content, then sends that content down to the
`ParagraphConverter`. When a paragraph comes up that contains a gist
embed, it retrieves the previously fetched content. This allows all the
necessary content to be fetched up front so the minimum number of
requests need to be made.
Fetching Gists
There is now a `GithubClient` class that gets gist content from GitHub's
ReST API. The gist API response looks something like this (non-relevant
keys removed):
"files": {
"file-one.txt": {
"filename": "file-one.txt",
"content": "..."
"file-two.txt": {
"filename": "file-two.txt",
"content": "..."
That response gets turned into a bunch of `GistFile` objects that are
then stored in a request-level `GistStore`. Crystal's JSON parsing does
not make it easy to parse json with arbitrary keys into objects. This is
because each key corresponds to an object property, like `property name
: String`. If Crystal doesn't know the keys ahead of time, there's no
way to know what methods to create.
That's a problem here because the key for each gist file is the unique
filename. Fortunately, the keys for each _file_ follows the same pattern
and are easy to parse into a `GistFile` object. To turn gist file JSON
into Crystal objects, the `GithubClient` turns the whole response into a
`JSON::Any` which is like a Hash. Then it extracts just the file data
objects and parses those into `GistFile` objects.
Those `GistFile` objects are then cached in a `GistStore` that is shared
for the page, which means one gist cache per request/article. `GistFile`
objects can be fetched out of the store by file, or if no file is
specified, it returns all files in the gist.
The GistFile is rendered as a link of the file's name to the file in
the gist on GitHub, and then a code block of the contents of the file.
In summary, the `PageConverter`:
* Scans the paragraphs for GitHub gists using `GistScanner`
* Requests their data from GitHub using the `GithubClient`
* Parses the response into `GistFile`s and populates the `GistStore`
* Passes that `GistStore` to the `ParagraphConverter` to use when
constructing the page nodes
GitHub limits API requests to 5000/hour with a valid api token and
60/hour without. 60 is pretty tight for the usage that gets,
but 5000 is reasonable most of the time. Not every article has an
embedded gist, but some articles have multiple gists. A viral article
(of which Scribe has seen two at the time of this commit) might receive
a little over 127k hits/day, which is an average of over 5300/hour. If
that article had a gist, Scribe would reach the API limit during parts
of the day with high traffic. If it had multiple gists, it would hit it
even more. However, average traffic is around 30k visits/day which would
be well under the limit, assuming average load.
To help not hit that limit, a `GistStore` holds all the `GistFile`
objects per gist. The logic in `GistScanner` is smart enough to only
return unique gist URLs so each gist is only requested once even if
multiple files from one gist exist in an article. This limits the number
of times Scribe hits the GitHub API.
If Scribe is rate-limited, instead of populating a `GistCache` the
`PageConverter` will create a `RateLimitedGistStore`. This is an object
that acts like the `GistStore` but returns `RateLimitedGistFile` objects
instead of `GistFile` objects. This allows Scribe to gracefully degrade
in the event of reaching the rate limit.
If rate-limiting becomes a regular problem, Scribe could also be
reworked to fallback to the embedded gists again.
API Credentials
API credentials are in the form of a GitHub username and a personal
access token attached to that username. To get a token, visit and create a new token. The only
permission it needs is `gist`.
This token is set via the `GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN` environment
variable. The username also needs to be set via `GITHUB_USERNAME`. When
developing locally, these can both be set in the .env file.
Authentication is probably not necessary locally, but it's there if you
want to test. If either token is missing, unauthenticated requests are
The node tree itself holds a `GithubGist` object. It has a reference to
the `GistStore` and the original gist URL. When it renders the page
requests the gist's `files`. The gist ID and optional file are detected,
and then used to request the file(s) from the `GistStore`. Gists render
as a list of each files contents and a link to the file on GitHub.
If the requests were rate limited, the store is a
`RateLimitedGistStore` and the files are `RateLimitedGistFile`s. These
rate-limited objects rendered with a link to the gist on GitHub and text
saying that Scribe has been rate-limited.
If somehow the file requested doesn't exist in the store, it displays
similarly to the rate-limited file but with "file missing" text instead
of "rate limited" text.
GitHub API docs:
Rate Limiting docs:
PostResponse::Paragraph's that are of type IFRAME have extra data in the
iframe attribute to specify what's in the iframe. Not all data is the
same, however. I've identified three types and am using the new
EmbeddedConverter class to convert them:
* EmbeddedContent, the full iframe experience
* GithubGist, because medium or github treat embeds differently for
whatever reason
* EmbeddedLink, the old style, just a link to the content. Effectively
a fallback
The size of the original iframe is also specified as an attribute. This
code resizes it. The resizing is determined by figuring out the
width/height ratio and setting the width to 800.
EmbeddedContent can be displayed if we have an url, which most
iframe response data has. GitHub gists are a notable exception. Gists
instead can be embedded simply by taking the gist URL and attaching .js
to the end. That becomes the iframe's src attribute.
The PostResponse::Paragraph's iframe attribute is nillable. Previous
code used lots of if-statements with variable bindings to work with the
possible nil values:
if foo = obj.nillable_value
# obj.nillable_value was not nil and foo contains the value
# obj.nillable_value was nil so do something else
for more info
In the EmbeddedConverter the monads library has been introduced to get
rid of at least one level of nillability. This wraps values in Maybe
which allows for a cleaner interface:
Monads::Try(Value).new(->{ obj.nillable_value })
.fmap(->(value: Value) { # do something with value })
.value_or(# value was nil, do something else)
This worked to get the iframe attribute from a Paragraph:
Monads::Try(PostResponse::IFrame).new(->{ paragraph.iframe })
.fmap(->(iframe : PostResponse::IFrame) { # iframe is not nil! })
.fmap(#and so on)
iframe only has one attribute: mediaResource which contains the iframe
data. That was used to determine one of the three types above.
Finally, Tufte.css has options for iframes. They mostly look good except
for tweets which are too small and weirdly in the center of the page
which actually looks off-center. That's for another day though.
Instead of showing only: Click to visit embedded content
An embedded link now displays with the domain it's linking to: Embedded
content at
This hopefully breaks up the links a bit so it'e easier to distinguish
between a bunch of them in a row (as long as they are on different
Instead of getting the full size image, the image can be fetched with a
width and height parameter so that only the resized data is
transferred. The url looks like this:<width>/<height>/<media-id>
I picked a max image width of 800px. If the image width is more than
that, it scales the width down to 800, then applies that ratio to the
height. If it's smaller than that, the image is displayed as the