Edward Loveall 09995cde5c
Overlapping refactor

* Text: "strong and emphasized only"
* Markups:
  * Strong: 0..10
  * Emphasis: 7..21

First, get all the borders of the markups, including the start (0) and
end (text.size) indexes of the text in order:

[0, 7, 10, 21, 26]

Then attach markups to each range. Note that the ranges are exclusive;
they don't include the final number:

* 0...7: Strong
* 7...10: Strong, Emphasized
* 10...21: Emphasized
* 21...26: N/A

Bundle each range and it's related markups into a value object
RangeWithMarkup and return the list.

Loop through that list and recursively apply each markup to each
segment of text:

* Apply a `Strong` markup to the text "strong "
* Apply a `Strong` markup to the text "and"
  * Wrap that in an `Emphasis` markup
* Apply an `Emphasis` markup to the text " emphasized"
* Leave the text " only" as is


This has the side effect of breaking up the nodes more than they need
to be broken up. For example right now the algorithm creates this HTML:

<strong>strong </strong><em><strong>and</strong></em>

instead of:

<strong>strong <em>and</em></strong>

But that's a task for another day.
2021-08-08 15:08:43 -04:00
.. First step rendering a page 2021-07-04 16:28:03 -04:00 Overlapping refactor 2021-08-08 15:08:43 -04:00 Anchor and UserAnchor nodes can contain children 2021-08-08 14:34:40 -04:00