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Raw Blame History

Triggering events based on the presence of people has been the dream of many geeks and DIY automation junkies for a while. Having your house to turn the lights on or off when you enter or exit your living room is an interesting application, for instance. Most of the solutions out there to solve these kinds of problems, even more high-end solutions like the Philips Hue sensors, detect motion, not actual people presence — which means that the lights will switch off once you lay on your couch like a sloth. The ability to turn off music and/or tv when you exit the room and head to your bedroom, without the hassle of switching all the buttons off, is also an interesting corollary. Detecting the presence of people in your room while youre not at home is another interesting application.

Thermal cameras coupled with deep neural networks are a much more robust strategy to actually detect the presence of people. Unlike motion sensors, they will detect the presence of people even when they arent moving. And unlike optical cameras, they detect bodies by measuring the heat that they emit in the form of infrared radiation, and are therefore much more robust — their sensitivity doesnt depend on lighting conditions, on the position of the target, or the colour. Before exploring the thermal camera solution, I tried for a while to build a model that instead relied on optical images from a traditional webcam. The differences are staggering: I trained the optical model on more than ten thousands 640x480 images taken all through a week in different lighting conditions, while I trained the thermal camera model on a dataset of 900 24x32 images taken during a single day. Even with more complex network architectures, the optical model wouldnt score above a 91% accuracy in detecting the presence of people, while the thermal model would achieve around 99% accuracy within a single training phase of a simpler neural network. Despite the high potential, theres not much out there in the market — theres been some research work on the topic (if you google “people detection thermal camera” youll mostly find research papers) and a few high-end and expensive products for professional surveillance. In lack of ready-to-go solutions for my house, I decided to take on my duty and build my own solution — making sure that it can easily be replicated by anyone.

Prepare the hardware

For this example we'll use the following hardware:

  • A RaspberryPi (cost: around $35). In theory any model should work, but its probably not a good idea to use a single-core RaspberryPi Zero for machine learning tasks — the task itself is not very expensive (well only use the Raspberry for doing predictions on a trained model, not to train the model), but it may still suffer some latency on a Zero. Plus, it may be really painful to install some of the required libraries (like Tensorflow or OpenCV) on the arm6 architecture used by the RaspberryPi Zero. Any better performing model (from RPi3 onwards) should definitely do the job.

  • A thermal camera. For this project, Ive used the MLX90640 Pimoroni breakout camera (cost: $55), as its relatively cheap, easy to install, and it provides good results. This camera comes in standard (55°) and wide-angle (110°) versions. Ive used the wide-angle model as the camera monitors a large living room, but take into account that both have the same resolution (32x24 pixels), so the wider angle comes with the cost of a lower spatial resolution. If you want to use a different thermal camera theres not much youll need to change, as long as it comes with a software interface for RaspberryPi and its compatible with Platypush.

Setting up the MLX90640 on your RaspberryPi if you have a Breakout Garden its easy as a pie. Fit the Breakout Garden on top of your RaspberryPi. Fit the camera breakout into an I2C slot. Boot the RaspberryPi. Done. Otherwise, you can also connect the device directly to the RaspberryPi I2C interface, either using the right hardware PINs or the software emulation layer.

Prepare the software

I tested my code on Raspbian, but with a few minor modifications it should be easily adaptable to any distribution installed on the RaspberryPi.

The software support for the thermal camera requires a bit of work. The MLX90640 doesnt come (yet) with a Python ready-to-use interface, but a C++ open-source driver is provided - and that's the driver that is wrapped by the Platypush integration. Instructions to install it:

# Install the dependencies
[sudo] apt-get install libi2c-dev

# Enable the I2C interface
echo dtparam=i2c_arm=on | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

# It's advised to configure the SPI bus baud rate to
# 400kHz to support the higher throughput of the sensor
echo dtparam=i2c1_baudrate=400000 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

# A reboot is required here if you didn't have the
# options above enabled in your /boot/config.txt
[sudo] reboot

# Clone the driver's codebase
git clone
cd mlx90640-library

# Compile the rawrgb example
make clean
make bcm2835
make I2C_MODE=LINUX examples/rawrgb

If it all went well you should see an executable named rawrgb under the examples directory. If you run it you should see a bunch of binary data — thats the raw binary representation of the frames captured by the camera. Remember where it is located or move it to a custom bin folder, as its the executable that platypush will use to interact with the camera module.

This post assumes that you have already installed and configured Platypush on your system. If not, head to my post on getting started with Platypush, the readthedocs page, the Gitlab page or the wiki.

Install also the Python dependencies for the HTTP server, the MLX90640 plugin and Tensorflow:

[sudo] pip install 'platypush[http,tensorflow,mlx90640]'

Heading to your computer (we'll be using it for building the model that will be used on the RaspberryPi), install OpenCV, Tensorflow and Jupyter and my utilities for handling images:

# For image manipulation
[sudo] pip install opencv

# Install Jupyter notebook to run the training code
[sudo] pip install jupyterlab
# Then follow the instructions at

# Tensorflow framework for machine learning and utilities
[sudo] pip install tensorflow numpy matplotlib

# Clone my repository with the image and training utilities
# and the Jupyter notebooks that we'll use for training.
git clone

Capturing phase

Now that youve got all the hardware and software in place, its time to start capturing frames with your camera and use them to train your model. First, configure the MLX90640 plugin in your Platypush configuration file (by default, ~/.config/platypush/config.yaml):

# Enable the webserver
  enabled: True
    fps: 16      # Frames per second
    rotate: 270  # Can be 0, 90, 180, 270
    rawrgb_path: /path/to/your/rawrgb

Restart the service, and if you haven't already create a user from the web interface at http://your-rpi:8008. You should now be able to take pictures through the API:

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
  "args": {
}' -a 'username:password' http://localhost:8008/execute

If everything went well, the thermal picture should be stored under ~/snap.png. In my case it looks like this while Im in standing front of the sensor:

Thermal camera snapshot

Notice the glow at the bottom-right corner — thats actually the heat from my RaspberryPi 4 CPU. Its there in all the images I take, and you may probably see similar results if you mounted your camera on top of the Raspberry itself, but it shouldnt be an issue for your model training purposes.

If you open the web panel (http://your-host:8008) youll also notice a new tab, represented by the sun icon, that you can use to monitor your camera from a web interface.