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import datetime
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Union, Tuple
import requests
from platypush.context import Variable
from platypush.message.event.foursquare import FoursquareCheckinEvent
from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action
class FoursquarePlugin(RunnablePlugin):
Plugin to interact with the `Foursquare Places API <>`_.
It also raises events when a new check-in occurs on the user's account.
In order to enable the Foursquare API on your account you need to:
- Create a new app on the `Foursquare developers website <>`_.
- Copy the ``client_id`` and ``client_secret``.
- Add a redirect URL. It must point to a valid IP/hostname with a web server running, even if it runs
locally. You can also use the local URL of the platypush web server - e.g.
- Open the following URL:
Replace ``CLIENT_ID`` and ``REDIRECT_URI`` with the parameters from your app.
- Allow the application. You will be redirected to the URL you provided. Copy the ``access_token`` provided in
the URL.
api_base_url = ''
_last_created_at_varname = '_foursquare_checkin_last_created_at'
_http_timeout = 10
def __init__(self, access_token: str, poll_interval: float = 120, **kwargs):
:param access_token: The access token to use to authenticate to the Foursquare API.
super().__init__(poll_interval=poll_interval, **kwargs)
self.access_token = access_token
self._last_created_at = Variable(self._last_created_at_varname)
def _get_url(self, endpoint):
return (
+ '/'
+ endpoint
+ '?oauth_token='
+ self.access_token
+ '&v='
def _get_checkins(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
url = self._get_url('users/self/checkins')
return (
requests.get(url, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('checkins', {})
.get('items', [])
def get_checkins(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Get the list of check-ins of the current user.
:return: A list of checkins, as returned by the Foursquare API.
return self._get_checkins()
def search(
latitude: Optional[float] = None,
longitude: Optional[float] = None,
altitude: Optional[float] = None,
latlng_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
altitude_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
near: Optional[str] = None,
query: Optional[str] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
url: Optional[str] = None,
categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,
radius: Optional[int] = None,
sw: Optional[Union[Tuple[float], List[float]]] = None,
ne: Optional[Union[Tuple[float], List[float]]] = None,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Search for venues.
:param latitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param longitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param near: Search near this place (e.g. "Chicago, IL" or "Amsterdam, NL"). Note either
``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param altitude: Search near this altitude in meters.
:param latlng_accuracy: Latitude/longitude accuracy in meters.
:param altitude_accuracy: Altitude accuracy in meters.
:param query: Search query (e.g. "coffee shops" or "restaurants").
:param limit: Maximum number of results.
:param url: Venue URL to search.
2020-08-24 01:14:40 +02:00
:param categories: List of `category IDs <>`_
to be searched.
:param radius: Search radius in meters.
:param sw: South/west boundary box as a ``[latitude, longitude]`` pair.
:param ne: North/east boundary box as a ``[latitude, longitude]`` pair.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
assert (
latitude and longitude
) or near, 'Specify either latitude/longitude or near'
args = {}
if latitude and longitude:
args['ll'] = ','.join([str(latitude), str(longitude)])
if near:
args['near'] = near
if altitude:
args['alt'] = altitude
if latlng_accuracy:
args['llAcc'] = latlng_accuracy
if altitude_accuracy:
args['altAcc'] = altitude_accuracy
if query:
args['query'] = query
if limit:
args['limit'] = int(limit)
if url:
args['url'] = url
if categories:
args['categoryId'] = ','.join(categories)
if radius:
args['radius'] = radius
if sw:
args['sw'] = sw
if ne:
args['ne'] = ne
return (
self._get_url('venues/search'), params=args, timeout=self._http_timeout
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
def explore(
latitude: Optional[float] = None,
longitude: Optional[float] = None,
altitude: Optional[float] = None,
latlng_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
altitude_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
section: Optional[str] = None,
near: Optional[str] = None,
query: Optional[str] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,
radius: Optional[int] = None,
open_now: bool = True,
sort_by_distance: Optional[bool] = None,
sort_by_popularity: Optional[bool] = None,
price: Optional[List[int]] = None,
saved: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Explore venues around a location.
:param latitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param longitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param near: Search near this place (e.g. "Chicago, IL" or "Amsterdam, NL"). Note either
``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param altitude: Search near this altitude in meters.
:param latlng_accuracy: Latitude/longitude accuracy in meters.
:param altitude_accuracy: Altitude accuracy in meters.
:param section: Section to search. Supported values:
- food
- drinks
- coffee
- shops
- arts
- outdoors
- sights
- trending
- nextVenues
:param query: Search query (e.g. "coffee shops" or "restaurants"). The parameter has no effect if
``section`` is specified.
:param limit: Maximum number of results.
2020-08-24 01:14:40 +02:00
:param categories: List of `category IDs <>`_
to be searched.
:param radius: Search radius in meters.
:param open_now: Filter by open/not open now.
:param sort_by_distance: Sort by distance.
:param sort_by_popularity: Sort by popularity
:param price: Price ranges, within the range ``[1,2,3,4]``.
:param saved: Filter by saved/unsaved venues.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
assert (
latitude and longitude
) or near, 'Specify either latitude/longitude or near'
args = {}
if latitude and longitude:
args['ll'] = ','.join([str(latitude), str(longitude)])
if near:
args['near'] = near
if altitude:
args['alt'] = altitude
if latlng_accuracy:
args['llAcc'] = latlng_accuracy
if altitude_accuracy:
args['altAcc'] = altitude_accuracy
if section:
args['section'] = section
if query:
args['query'] = query
if categories:
args['categoryId'] = ','.join(categories)
if limit:
args['limit'] = int(limit)
if radius:
args['radius'] = radius
if open_now is not None:
args['openNow'] = int(open_now)
if sort_by_distance is not None:
args['sortByDistance'] = int(sort_by_distance)
if sort_by_popularity is not None:
args['sortByPopularity'] = sort_by_popularity
if saved is not None:
args['saved'] = int(saved)
if price:
args['price'] = ','.join([str(p) for p in price])
url = self._get_url('venues/explore')
return (
requests.get(url, params=args, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
def trending(
latitude: Optional[float] = None,
longitude: Optional[float] = None,
near: Optional[str] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
radius: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Get the trending venues around a location.
:param latitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param longitude: Search near this latitude. Note either ``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param near: Search near this place (e.g. "Chicago, IL" or "Amsterdam, NL"). Note either
``latitude, longitude`` or ``near`` should be provided.
:param limit: Maximum number of results.
:param radius: Search radius in meters.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
assert (
latitude and longitude
) or near, 'Specify either latitude/longitude or near'
args = {}
if latitude and longitude:
args['ll'] = ','.join([str(latitude), str(longitude)])
if near:
args['near'] = near
if limit:
args['limit'] = int(limit)
if radius:
args['radius'] = radius
url = self._get_url('venues/trending')
return (
requests.get(url, params=args, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
def _parse_time(t):
if isinstance(t, (int, float)):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
if isinstance(t, str):
return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(t)
assert isinstance(
t, datetime.datetime
), f'Cannot parse object of type {type(t)} into datetime: {t}'
return t
def time_series(
venue_id: Union[str, List[str]],
start_at: Union[int, float, datetime.datetime, str],
end_at: Union[int, float, datetime.datetime, str],
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Get the visitors stats about one or multiple venues over a time range. The user must be a manager of
those venues.
:param venue_id: Venue ID or list of IDs to get the stats for.
:param start_at: Stats start time. Can be a UNIX timestamp, a datetime object or an ISO format datetime.
:param end_at: Stats end time. Can be a UNIX timestamp, a datetime object or an ISO format datetime.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
if isinstance(venue_id, list):
venue_id = ','.join(venue_id)
args = {
'venueId': venue_id,
'startAt': self._parse_time(start_at),
'endAt': self._parse_time(end_at),
url = self._get_url('venues/timeseries')
return (
requests.get(url, params=args, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
def stats(
venue_id: str,
start_at: Union[int, float, datetime.datetime, str],
end_at: Union[int, float, datetime.datetime, str],
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Get the stats about a venue over a time range. The user must be a manager of that venue.
:param venue_id: Venue ID.
:param start_at: Stats start time. Can be a UNIX timestamp, a datetime object or an ISO format datetime.
:param end_at: Stats end time. Can be a UNIX timestamp, a datetime object or an ISO format datetime.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
args = {
'startAt': self._parse_time(start_at).isoformat(),
'endAt': self._parse_time(end_at).isoformat(),
url = self._get_url(f'venues/{venue_id}/stats')
return (
requests.get(url, params=args, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
def managed(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Get the list of venues managed by the user.
:return: A list of venues, as returned by the Foursquare API.
url = self._get_url('venues/managed')
return (
requests.get(url, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('venues', [])
.get('items', [])
def checkin(
venue_id: str,
latitude: Optional[float] = None,
longitude: Optional[float] = None,
altitude: Optional[float] = None,
latlng_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
altitude_accuracy: Optional[float] = None,
shout: Optional[str] = None,
broadcast: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Create a new check-in.
:param venue_id: ID of the venue to check-in.
:param latitude: Check-in latitude.
:param longitude: Check-in longitude.
:param altitude: Check-in altitude.
:param latlng_accuracy: Latitude/longitude accuracy in meters.
:param altitude_accuracy: Altitude accuracy in meters.
:param shout: Add a custom message to the check-in.
:param broadcast: List of Visibility/share types of the check-in. Default: ``public``. Possible values are:
- ``private``
- ``public``
- ``followers``
- ``facebook``
- ``twitter``
:return: Foursquare API response.
args = {'venueId': venue_id}
if latitude and longitude:
args['ll'] = ','.join([str(latitude), str(longitude)])
if altitude:
args['alt'] = str(altitude)
if latlng_accuracy:
args['llAcc'] = str(latlng_accuracy)
if altitude_accuracy:
args['altAcc'] = str(altitude_accuracy)
if shout:
args['shout'] = shout
if broadcast:
args['broadcast'] = (
','.join(broadcast) if isinstance(broadcast, list) else broadcast
url = self._get_url('checkins/add')
return (, data=args, timeout=self._http_timeout)
.get('response', {})
.get('checkin', {})
def main(self):
while not self.should_stop():
checkins = self._get_checkins()
if not checkins:
last_checkin = checkins[0]
last_checkin_created_at = last_checkin.get('createdAt', 0)
last_created_at = float(self._last_created_at.get() or 0)
if last_created_at and last_checkin_created_at <= last_created_at:
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