Removed Todoist backend and migrated responses to schemas.
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

The Todoist Websocket interface is no longer working properly, and I'm
sick of reverse engineering it.

Closes: #305
This commit is contained in:
Fabio Manganiello 2023-11-18 10:16:14 +01:00
parent c2f53b7771
commit 1a777c6276
Signed by: blacklight
GPG Key ID: D90FBA7F76362774
12 changed files with 368 additions and 603 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ Backends
platypush/backend/stt.picovoice.hotword.rst platypush/backend/stt.picovoice.hotword.rst
platypush/backend/stt.picovoice.speech.rst platypush/backend/stt.picovoice.speech.rst
platypush/backend/tcp.rst platypush/backend/tcp.rst
platypush/backend/weather.buienradar.rst platypush/backend/weather.buienradar.rst
platypush/backend/weather.darksky.rst platypush/backend/weather.darksky.rst
platypush/backend/weather.openweathermap.rst platypush/backend/weather.openweathermap.rst

View File

@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ Events
platypush/events/stt.rst platypush/events/stt.rst
platypush/events/sun.rst platypush/events/sun.rst
platypush/events/tensorflow.rst platypush/events/tensorflow.rst
platypush/events/torrent.rst platypush/events/torrent.rst
platypush/events/trello.rst platypush/events/trello.rst
platypush/events/video.rst platypush/events/video.rst

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
.. automodule:: platypush.backend.todoist

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
.. automodule:: platypush.message.event.todoist

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
.. automodule:: platypush.message.response.todoist

View File

@ -17,6 +17,5 @@ Responses
platypush/responses/ssh.rst platypush/responses/ssh.rst
platypush/responses/stt.rst platypush/responses/stt.rst
platypush/responses/tensorflow.rst platypush/responses/tensorflow.rst
platypush/responses/translate.rst platypush/responses/translate.rst
platypush/responses/weather.buienradar.rst platypush/responses/weather.buienradar.rst

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
import json
import time
from platypush.backend import Backend
from platypush.context import get_plugin
from platypush.message.event.todoist import (
from platypush.plugins.todoist import TodoistPlugin
class TodoistBackend(Backend):
This backend listens for events on a Todoist account.
def __init__(self, api_token: str = None, **kwargs):
self._plugin: TodoistPlugin = get_plugin('todoist')
if not api_token:
assert (
self._plugin and self._plugin.api_token
), 'No api_token specified either on Todoist backend or plugin'
self.api_token = self._plugin.api_token
self.api_token = api_token
self.url = self._plugin.get_user().output['websocket_url']
self._ws = None
self._connected = False
self._todoist_initialized = False
self._items = {}
self._event_handled = False
def _on_msg(self):
def hndl(*args):
msg = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
msg = json.loads(msg)
if msg.get('type') == 'sync_needed':
return hndl
def _retry_hndl(self):
self._ws = None
self.logger.warning('Todoist websocket connection closed')
self._connected = False
while not self._connected:
def _on_error(self):
def hndl(*args):
error = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0]
self.logger.warning('Todoist websocket error: {}'.format(error))
return hndl
def _on_close(self):
def hndl(*_):'Todoist websocket closed')
return hndl
def _on_open(self):
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def hndl(ws):
self._connected = True'Todoist websocket connected')
if not self._todoist_initialized:
self._todoist_initialized = True
return hndl
def _connect(self):
import websocket
if not self._ws:
self._ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(
def _refresh_items(self):
new_items = {i['id']: i for i in self._plugin.get_items().output}
if self._todoist_initialized:
for id, item in new_items.items():
if id not in self._items.keys():
self._event_handled = True
for id, item in self._items.items():
if id not in new_items.keys():
self._event_handled = True
elif new_items[id] != item:
if new_items[id]['checked'] != item['checked']:
self._event_handled = True[id]))
elif new_items[id]['is_deleted'] != item['is_deleted']:
self._event_handled = True[id]))
elif new_items[id]['content'] != item['content']:
self._event_handled = True[id]))
self._event_handled = True[id]))
self._items = new_items
def _refresh_all(self):
self._event_handled = False
if not self._event_handled:
def run(self):
super().run()'Started Todoist backend')
self._ws.on_open = self._on_open()
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
platypush.message.event.todoist.CheckedItemEvent: when an item is checked.
platypush.message.event.todoist.ItemContentChangeEvent: when the content of an
item is changed.
platypush.message.event.todoist.ModifiedItemEvent: when an item is changed and
the changedoesn't fall into the categories above.
platypush.message.event.todoist.NewItemEvent: when a new item is created.
platypush.message.event.todoist.RemovedItemEvent: when an item is removed.
platypush.message.event.todoist.TodoistSyncRequiredEvent: when an update has occurred
that doesn'tfall into the categories above and a sync is required to get up-to-date.
- todoist-python
package: platypush.backend.todoist
type: backend

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
from platypush.message.event import Event
class TodoistEvent(Event):
class NewItemEvent(TodoistEvent):
Event triggered when a new item is created.
def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, item=item, **kwargs)
class RemovedItemEvent(TodoistEvent):
Event triggered when a new item is removed.
def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, item=item, **kwargs)
class ModifiedItemEvent(TodoistEvent):
Event triggered when an item is changed.
def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, item=item, **kwargs)
class CheckedItemEvent(ModifiedItemEvent):
Event triggered when an item is checked.
def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, item=item, **kwargs)
class ItemContentChangeEvent(ModifiedItemEvent):
Event triggered when the content of an item changes.
def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, item=item, **kwargs)
class TodoistSyncRequiredEvent(TodoistEvent):
Event triggered when an event occurs that doesn't fall into the categories above.
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:

View File

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
import todoist.models
import datetime
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any
from platypush.message import Mapping
from platypush.message.response import Response
class TodoistResponse(Response):
class TodoistUserResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self,
auto_reminder: Optional[int] = None,
avatar_big: Optional[str] = None,
avatar_medium: Optional[str] = None,
avatar_s640: Optional[str] = None,
avatar_small: Optional[str] = None,
business_account_id: Optional[int] = None,
daily_goal: Optional[int] = None,
date_format: Optional[str] = None,
dateist_inline_disabled: Optional[bool] = None,
dateist_lang: Optional[str] = None,
days_off: Optional[List[int]] = None,
default_reminder: Optional[str] = None,
email: Optional[str] = None,
features: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
full_name: Optional[str] = None,
id: Optional[int] = None,
image_id: Optional[str] = None,
inbox_project: Optional[int] = None,
is_biz_admin: Optional[bool] = None,
is_premium: Optional[bool] = None,
join_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
karma: Optional[float] = None,
karma_trend: Optional[str] = None,
lang: Optional[str] = None,
legacy_inbox_project: Optional[int] = None,
mobile_host: Optional[str] = None,
mobile_number: Optional[str] = None,
next_week: Optional[int] = None,
premium_until: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
share_limit: Optional[int] = None,
sort_order: Optional[int] = None,
start_day: Optional[int] = None,
start_page: Optional[str] = None,
theme: Optional[int] = None,
time_format: Optional[int] = None,
token: Optional[str] = None,
tz_info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
unique_prefix: Optional[int] = None,
websocket_url: Optional[str] = None,
weekly_goal: Optional[int] = None,
response = {
'auto_reminder': auto_reminder,
'avatar_big': avatar_big,
'avatar_medium': avatar_medium,
'avatar_s640': avatar_s640,
'avatar_small': avatar_small,
'business_account_id': business_account_id,
'daily_goal': daily_goal,
'date_format': date_format,
'dateist_inline_disabled': dateist_inline_disabled,
'dateist_lang': dateist_lang,
'days_off': days_off,
'default_reminder': default_reminder,
'email': email,
'features': features,
'full_name': full_name,
'id': id,
'image_id': image_id,
'inbox_project': inbox_project,
'is_biz_admin': is_biz_admin,
'is_premium': is_premium,
'join_date': join_date,
'karma': karma,
'karma_trend': karma_trend,
'lang': lang,
'legacy_inbox_project': legacy_inbox_project,
'mobile_host': mobile_host,
'mobile_number': mobile_number,
'next_week': next_week,
'premium_until': premium_until,
'share_limit': share_limit,
'sort_order': sort_order,
'start_day': start_day,
'start_page': start_page,
'theme': theme,
'time_format': time_format,
'token': token,
'tz_info': tz_info,
'unique_prefix': unique_prefix,
'websocket_url': websocket_url,
'weekly_goal': weekly_goal,
super().__init__(output=response, **kwargs)
class TodoistProject(Mapping):
def __init__(self,
child_order: int,
collapsed: int,
color: int,
has_more_notes: bool,
id: int,
is_archived: bool,
is_deleted: bool,
is_favorite: bool,
name: str,
shared: bool,
inbox_project: Optional[bool] = None,
legacy_id: Optional[int] = None,
parent_id: Optional[int] = None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.child_order = child_order
self.collapsed = collapsed
self.color = color
self.has_more_notes = has_more_notes = id
self.inbox_project = inbox_project
self.is_archived = bool(is_archived)
self.is_deleted = bool(is_deleted)
self.is_favorite = bool(is_favorite) = name
self.shared = shared
self.legacy_id = legacy_id
self.parent_id = parent_id
class TodoistProjectsResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, projects: List[TodoistProject], **kwargs):
self.projects = [TodoistProject(**( if isinstance(p, todoist.models.Project) else p)) for p in projects]
super().__init__(output=[p.__dict__ for p in self.projects], **kwargs)
class TodoistItem(Mapping):
def __init__(self,
content: str,
id: int,
checked: bool,
priority: int,
child_order: int,
collapsed: bool,
day_order: int,
date_added: datetime.datetime,
in_history: bool,
is_deleted: bool,
user_id: int,
has_more_notes: bool = False,
project_id: Optional[int] = None,
parent_id: Optional[int] = None,
responsible_uid: Optional[int] = None,
date_completed: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
assigned_by_uid: Optional[int] = None,
due: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
legacy_project_id: Optional[int] = None,
section_id: Optional[int] = None,
sync_id: Optional[int] = None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.content = content = id
self.checked = bool(checked)
self.priority = priority
self.child_order = child_order
self.collapsed = bool(collapsed)
self.day_order = day_order
self.date_added = date_added
self.has_more_notes = bool(has_more_notes)
self.in_history = bool(in_history)
self.is_deleted = bool(is_deleted)
self.user_id = user_id
self.project_id = project_id
self.parent_id = parent_id
self.responsible_uid = responsible_uid
self.date_completed = date_completed
self.assigned_by_uid = assigned_by_uid
self.due = due
self.labels = labels
self.legacy_project_id = legacy_project_id
self.section_id = section_id
self.sync_id = sync_id
class TodoistItemsResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, items: List[TodoistItem], **kwargs):
self.items = [TodoistItem(**( if isinstance(i, todoist.models.Item) else i.__dict__)) for i in items]
super().__init__(output=[i.__dict__ for i in self.items], **kwargs)
class TodoistFilter(Mapping):
def __init__(self,
color: int,
id: int,
is_deleted: bool,
is_favorite: bool,
item_order: int,
name: str,
query: str,
legacy_id: Optional[int] = None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.color = color = id
self.is_deleted = is_deleted
self.is_favorite = is_favorite
self.item_order = item_order = name
self.query = query
self.legacy_id = legacy_id
class TodoistFiltersResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, filters: List[TodoistFilter], **kwargs):
self.filters = [TodoistFilter(**( if isinstance(f, todoist.models.Filter) else f.__dict__))
for f in filters]
super().__init__(output=[f.__dict__ for f in self.filters], **kwargs)
class TodoistLiveNotification(Mapping):
def __init__(self,
id: int,
is_deleted: bool,
created: str,
is_unread: bool,
notification_key: str,
notification_type: str,
completed_last_month: Optional[int] = None,
karma_level: Optional[int] = None,
promo_img: Optional[str] = None,
completed_tasks: Optional[int] = None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = id
self.is_deleted = bool(is_deleted)
self.completed_last_month = completed_last_month
self.completed_tasks = completed_tasks
self.created = created
self.is_unread = bool(is_unread)
self.karma_level = karma_level
self.notification_key = notification_key
self.notification_type = notification_type
self.promo_img = promo_img
class TodoistLiveNotificationsResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, notifications: List[TodoistLiveNotification], **kwargs):
self.notifications = [TodoistLiveNotification(**( if isinstance(n, todoist.models.LiveNotification)
else n.__dict__)) for n in notifications]
super().__init__(output=[n.__dict__ for n in self.notifications], **kwargs)
class TodoistCollaborator(Mapping):
def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for k, v in data.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
class TodoistCollaboratorsResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, collaborators: List[TodoistCollaborator], **kwargs):
self.collaborators = [TodoistCollaborator( if isinstance(c, todoist.models.Collaborator) else c.__dict__)
for c in collaborators]
super().__init__(output=[c.__dict__ for c in self.collaborators], **kwargs)
class TodoistNote(Mapping):
def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for k, v in data.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
class TodoistNotesResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, notes: List[TodoistCollaborator], **kwargs):
self.notes = [TodoistCollaborator( if isinstance(n, todoist.models.Note) else n.__dict__)
for n in notes]
super().__init__(output=[n.__dict__ for n in self.notes], **kwargs)
class TodoistProjectNote(Mapping):
def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for k, v in data.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
class TodoistProjectNotesResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, notes: List[TodoistCollaborator], **kwargs):
self.notes = [TodoistCollaborator( if isinstance(n, todoist.models.ProjectNote) else n.__dict__)
for n in notes]
super().__init__(output=[n.__dict__ for n in self.notes], **kwargs)
class TodoistReminder(Mapping):
def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for k, v in data.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
class TodoistRemindersResponse(TodoistResponse):
def __init__(self, reminders: List[TodoistReminder], **kwargs):
self.reminders = [TodoistReminder( if isinstance(n, todoist.models.Reminder) else n.__dict__)
for n in reminders]
super().__init__(output=[r.__dict__ for r in self.reminders], **kwargs)
# vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:

View File

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
import time import time
from typing import Optional from typing import Optional
import todoist import todoist
import todoist.managers.items import todoist.managers.items # type: ignore
import websocket
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
from platypush.message.response.todoist import ( from platypush.schemas.todoist import (
TodoistUserResponse, TodoistCollaboratorSchema,
TodoistProjectsResponse, TodoistFilterSchema,
TodoistItemsResponse, TodoistItemSchema,
TodoistFiltersResponse, TodoistLiveNotificationSchema,
TodoistLiveNotificationsResponse, TodoistNoteSchema,
TodoistCollaboratorsResponse, TodoistProjectNoteSchema,
TodoistNotesResponse, TodoistProjectSchema,
TodoistProjectNotesResponse, TodoistUserSchema,
) )
@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ class TodoistPlugin(Plugin):
""" """
Todoist integration. Todoist integration.
You'll also need a Todoist token. You can get it `here <>`. You'll also need a Todoist token. You can get it `here
""" """
_sync_timeout = 60.0 _sync_timeout = 60.0
def __init__(self, api_token: str, **kwargs): def __init__(self, api_token: str, **kwargs):
""" """
:param api_token: Todoist API token. You can get it `here <>`. :param api_token: Todoist API token. You can get it `here
""" """
super().__init__(**kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs)
@ -37,9 +39,17 @@ class TodoistPlugin(Plugin):
self._api = None self._api = None
self._last_sync_time = None self._last_sync_time = None
def _get_api(self) -> todoist.TodoistAPI: self._ws_url: Optional[str] = None
self._ws: Optional[websocket.WebSocketApp] = None
self._connected = False
self._todoist_initialized = False
self._items = {}
self._event_handled = False
def _get_api(self) -> todoist.TodoistAPI: # type: ignore
if not self._api: if not self._api:
self._api = todoist.TodoistAPI(self.api_token) self._api = todoist.TodoistAPI(self.api_token) # type: ignore
if ( if (
not self._last_sync_time not self._last_sync_time
@ -50,68 +60,82 @@ class TodoistPlugin(Plugin):
return self._api return self._api
@action @action
def get_user(self) -> TodoistUserResponse: def get_user(self):
""" """
Get logged user info. Get logged user info.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistUserSchema
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistUserSchema().dump(self._get_api().state['user'])
return TodoistUserResponse(**api.state['user'])
@action @action
def get_projects(self) -> TodoistProjectsResponse: def get_projects(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist projects. Get list of Todoist projects.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistProjectSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistProjectSchema().dump(self._get_api().state['projects'], many=True)
return TodoistProjectsResponse(api.state['projects'])
@action @action
def get_items(self) -> TodoistItemsResponse: def get_items(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist projects. Get list of Todoist projects.
:return .. schema:: todoist.TodoistItemSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistItemSchema().dump(self._get_api().state['items'], many=True)
return TodoistItemsResponse(api.state['items'])
@action @action
def get_filters(self) -> TodoistFiltersResponse: def get_filters(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist filters. Get list of Todoist filters.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistFilterSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistFilterSchema().dump(self._get_api().state['filters'], many=True)
return TodoistFiltersResponse(api.state['filters'])
@action @action
def get_live_notifications(self) -> TodoistLiveNotificationsResponse: def get_live_notifications(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist live notifications. Get list of Todoist live notifications.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistLiveNotificationSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistLiveNotificationSchema().dump(
return TodoistLiveNotificationsResponse(api.state['live_notifications']) self._get_api().state['live_notifications'], many=True
@action @action
def get_collaborators(self) -> TodoistCollaboratorsResponse: def get_collaborators(self):
""" """
Get list of collaborators. Get list of collaborators.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistCollaboratorSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistCollaboratorSchema().dump(
return TodoistCollaboratorsResponse(api.state['collaborators']) self._get_api().state['collaborators'], many=True
@action @action
def get_notes(self) -> TodoistNotesResponse: def get_notes(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist notes. Get list of Todoist notes.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistNoteSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistNoteSchema().dump(self._get_api().state['notes'], many=True)
return TodoistNotesResponse(api.state['notes'])
@action @action
def get_project_notes(self) -> TodoistProjectNotesResponse: def get_project_notes(self):
""" """
Get list of Todoist project notes. Get list of Todoist project notes.
:return: .. schema:: todoist.TodoistProjectNoteSchema(many=True)
""" """
api = self._get_api() return TodoistProjectNoteSchema().dump(
return TodoistProjectNotesResponse(api.state['project_notes']) self._get_api().state['project_notes'], many=True
@action @action
def add_item(self, content: str, project_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): def add_item(self, content: str, project_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, fields
from marshmallow.schema import Schema
from platypush.schemas import DateTime
class TodoistUserSchema(Schema):
Todoist user schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
auto_reminder = fields.Int()
avatar_big = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_medium = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_s640 = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
avatar_small = fields.Url(
"description": "The user's avatar URL.",
"example": "",
business_account_id = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's business account ID.",
"example": 123456,
daily_goal = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's daily goal.",
"example": 100,
date_format = fields.String(
"description": "The user's date format.",
"example": "dd-mm-yyyy",
dateist_inline_disabled = fields.Bool()
dateist_lang = fields.String(
"description": "The user's dateist language.",
"example": "en",
days_off = fields.List(
"description": "The user's days off.",
"example": [0, 6],
default_reminder = fields.String()
email = fields.Email(
"description": "The user's email.",
"example": "",
features = fields.Dict()
full_name = fields.String(
"description": "The user's full name.",
"example": "John Doe",
id = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's unique identifier.",
"example": 123456,
image_id = fields.String()
inbox_project = fields.Int(
"description": "The user's inbox project ID.",
"example": 123456,
is_biz_admin = fields.Bool()
is_premium = fields.Bool()
join_date = DateTime()
karma = fields.Float()
karma_trend = fields.String()
lang = fields.String(
"description": "The user's language.",
"example": "en",
legacy_inbox_project = fields.Int()
mobile_host = fields.String()
mobile_number = fields.String()
next_week = fields.Int()
premium_until = DateTime()
share_limit = fields.Int()
sort_order = fields.Int()
start_day = fields.Int()
start_page = fields.String()
theme = fields.Int()
time_format = fields.String(
"description": "The user's time format.",
"example": "24h",
token = fields.String()
tz_info = fields.Dict()
unique_prefix = fields.Int()
websocket_url = fields.Url()
weekly_goal = fields.Int()
class TodoistProjectSchema(Schema):
Todoist project schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
child_order = fields.Int()
collapsed = fields.Bool()
color = fields.Int()
has_more_notes = fields.Bool()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
is_archived = fields.Bool()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
is_favorite = fields.Bool()
name = fields.String(required=True)
shared = fields.Bool()
inbox_project = fields.Bool()
legacy_id = fields.Int()
parent_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistItemSchema(Schema):
Todoist item schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
assigned_by_uid = fields.Int()
checked = fields.Bool()
child_order = fields.Int()
collapsed = fields.Bool()
content = fields.String()
date_added = DateTime()
date_completed = DateTime()
day_order = fields.Int()
due = fields.Dict()
has_more_notes = fields.Bool()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
in_history = fields.Bool()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
labels = fields.List(fields.String())
legacy_project_id = fields.Int()
parent_id = fields.Int()
priority = fields.Int()
project_id = fields.Int()
responsible_uid = fields.Int()
section_id = fields.Int()
sync_id = fields.Int()
user_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistFilterSchema(Schema):
Todoist filter schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
color = fields.Int()
id = fields.Int(required=True)
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
item_order = fields.Int()
name = fields.String()
query = fields.String()
user_id = fields.Int()
class TodoistLiveNotificationSchema(Schema):
Todoist live notifications schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
id = fields.Int(required=True)
notification_key = fields.String()
notification_type = fields.String()
project_id = fields.Int()
user_id = fields.Int()
is_deleted = fields.Bool()
is_unread = fields.Bool()
completed_last_month = fields.Bool()
karma_level = fields.Int()
promo_img = fields.Url()
completed_tasks = fields.Int()
created = fields.String()
class TodoistCollaboratorSchema(Schema):
Todoist collaborator schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()
class TodoistNoteSchema(Schema):
Todoist note schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()
class TodoistProjectNoteSchema(Schema):
Todoist project note schema.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Meta class.
unknown = EXCLUDE
data = fields.Dict()