Support for nested/partial event hook filters #252

blacklight merged 1 commit from 251-nested-filters-on-event-hooks into master 2023-04-26 01:55:28 +02:00

Closes: #251

  • Support for nested attributes on event hook conditions. Things like these are now possible:
from platypush.event.hook import hook
from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityUpdateEvent

@hook(EntityUpdateEvent, entity={"external_id": "system:cpu"})
def on_cpu_update_event(event: EntityUpdateEvent, **_):
  • The scoring/regex extraction/partial string match logic in _matches_argument is actually only needed for SpeechRecognizedEvent. Other events don't need these features, and event hooks may be actually triggered unexpectedly in case of partial matches. Therefore, the "complex" _matches_argument has been moved as an override only for SpeechRecognizedEvent, and all the other events will perform simple key-value matching.
Closes: #251 - Support for nested attributes on event hook conditions. Things like these are now possible: ```python from platypush.event.hook import hook from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityUpdateEvent @hook(EntityUpdateEvent, entity={"external_id": "system:cpu"}) def on_cpu_update_event(event: EntityUpdateEvent, **_): print(event.args["entity"]["percent"]) ``` - The scoring/regex extraction/partial string match logic in `_matches_argument` is actually only needed for `SpeechRecognizedEvent`. Other events don't need these features, and event hooks may be actually triggered unexpectedly in case of partial matches. Therefore, the "complex" `_matches_argument` has been moved as an override only for `SpeechRecognizedEvent`, and all the other events will perform simple key-value matching.
blacklight added 1 commit 2023-04-26 01:54:18 +02:00
- Support for nested attributes on event hook conditions. Things like
  these are now possible:

from platypush.event.hook import hook
from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityUpdateEvent

@hook(EntityUpdateEvent, entity={"external_id": "system:cpu"})
def on_cpu_update_event(event: EntityUpdateEvent, **_):

- The scoring/regex extraction/partial string match logic in
  `_matches_argument` is actually only needed for
  `SpeechRecognizedEvent`. Other events don't need these features, and
  event hooks may be actually triggered unexpectedly in case of partial
  matches. Therefore, the "complex" `_matches_argument` has been moved
  as an override only for `SpeechRecognizedEvent`, and all the other
  events will perform simple key-value matching.
blacklight merged commit 339786b123 into master 2023-04-26 01:55:28 +02:00
blacklight deleted branch 251-nested-filters-on-event-hooks 2023-04-26 01:56:31 +02:00
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