[#316] RPM support #328

blacklight merged 7 commits from 316/rpm-support into master 2023-09-23 16:25:35 +02:00
No description provided.
blacklight added 1 commit 2023-09-21 23:23:33 +02:00
[#316] Added RPM dependencies.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
blacklight added 4 commits 2023-09-23 16:21:29 +02:00
The RPM build process wants an absolute path.
Plus, some clean up of the variables on .drone.yaml.
Added RPM update step to Drone CI pipeline.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Closes: #316.
blacklight added 1 commit 2023-09-23 16:21:50 +02:00
Merge branch 'master' into 316/rpm-support
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
blacklight changed title from WIP: [#316] RPM support to [#316] RPM support 2023-09-23 16:23:07 +02:00
blacklight added 1 commit 2023-09-23 16:24:22 +02:00
Updated docs
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
blacklight merged commit fe5158d0ca into master 2023-09-23 16:25:35 +02:00
blacklight deleted branch 316/rpm-support 2023-09-23 16:25:35 +02:00
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